Good space horrors?

Good space horrors?

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question. how does one see without eyes?

definitely not this


splinter it happen on earth but is something out of space

Would've been better if they kept the more graphic content in it.

critters 4

Alien is the only actually good one. It's the gold standard.

Event Horizon has a great idea and some great sets, starts off really well but is marred badly by the shit tier comedy and how the plot goes overboard at the end. Remove the funny black man and it's 10x better.

Disney's The Black Hole is a much earlier example, but only interesting as a novelty. It's not very good. The ending shot is wild though.

There's a Doctor Who 2-parter (I'm serious) that's actually pretty decent space horror. I can't stand the series but "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit" are unironically worth checking out. Keep in mind it's still cheapo BBC production value but there's some relatively spooky shit in there. The flesh vagina-tentacle slave aliens, the actual setting of a barren world somehow orbiting a black hole, some of the fuckery around the Doctor (himself an essentially cosmic being) straight being unable to come to terms with what he's seen, it's good.

that voyager episode with the flying macro viruses

Even Horizon was so lame I wrote a paper on it in college.

Was you seething about the supernatural elements?

>write dissertation on how horrible Event Horizon is
>your turn to present arrives and you go up before the entire class
>you begin by explaining the premise of the movie stemming from wormhole travel
>look around and see all the faces of your classmates and teacher scrunched in confusion
>take your carefully prepared paper and fold it in half
>hold the folded paper up for the class to see... and pick up your pen...


Underrated post and movie


didn't really like your pic related even though i heard many good things

idk that moon movie? d00m? i think red planet


none of those are horror

Technically not space horror.


Came here to post this.


Good post

Thanks for the write up, you're right on the removing the stereotypical sassy black that Hollywood was obsessed with in the 90s for some reason.

Jason X

why the fuck not?

damn your degree must be worthless

Europa Report was good but most of it takes place on Europa.

>There's a Doctor Who 2-parter (I'm serious) that's actually pretty decent space horror.

If it helps to narrow it down, which doctor is it actually? If it's from the 4th's run, then I'm pretty sure that's what you're looking for that's guaranteed to be great.

for me it's event horizon.
it was a hidden gem until i brought it up a few years ago.

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I'm sticking with Alien

ghosts of mars is something different

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They're not in space bruh

marathon event horizon, magnetic rose, and sunshine. haunted space ship kino.

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David Tennant's run, it's a two-parter called The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit

Yeah it's shit

>muh first person shooter perspective
>10/10 movie!!!!
Every faggot who think like this deserves to be hanged by the balls.

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I'm sorry but I just don't know why people like this one

But did you see? Otherwise your opinion is invalid.

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Only two reasons to watch this one

Starts and ends pretty good. The middle part is boring as shit though.

>t. shit taste

i love it for the whole sun setting
first half is great but second half falls off

Good movie but wrong genre.

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That Jason movie

uhhhuhhueueehennnnghneneh i got two good reasons to watch that movie

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>Event Horizon has a great idea and some great sets, starts off really well but is marred badly by the shit tier comedy and how the plot goes overboard at the end. Remove the funny black man and it's 10x better.
Sounds like you don't like Anderson's Roger Corman tendencies. Probably want some grimdark movie where characters don't say weird shit completely deadpan.

Event Horizon never really explores its concept to the extent that would make it great. The idea is what truly makes the movie memorable (the spaceship went to hell!), not any of the actual content. Add to that some unbelievably tonally inconsistent funny space negro quips and you have a recipe for mediocrity. Again, great atmospheric start, decent chemistry between the characters, but it falls apart as it goes on. Excess is the problem. Naked carved up Demon Sam Neil would be a god tier visual if he wasn't onscreen so much and I could see his Ken Doll crotch. Sunshine, a movie I don't particularly like, handles its psycho sun cultist captain much better and generally has the atmosphere I wish Event Horizon had. EH isn't actually a bad movie, I have a soft spot for it, it's just squandered potential.
Also Corman was a hack, go seethe.

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they look freaky and were flying around in the ship

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Prime Ben Foster kino

Thank you

Did you stick a pencil through it?

Then it's not space horror, is it, jackass?

couldn't even do the armor right lol


It's not, it's some unknown Earth thing