The average Northman enjoyer is even more cringe than Drive fans

The average Northman enjoyer is even more cringe than Drive fans.

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Ground beef is cooked, poser.

larpagans fail again

Thank god this realm of politicizing and slapping memes on movies only exists on the internet r-right guys haha

>roman saluting a movie made by jews

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Holy cringe, are LARPagans really like this?

>ready to go see The Northman son?

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Do polacks really collect cigarette boxes and pin them on their walls?

Neo-Nazis eat bowls of raw meat?

this nigga eating raw meat

Do Americans really nazi salute the theater screen?

>roman saluting a film about vikangz produced by jews
explain this shit

>roman saluting a movie about the norfs

Your brain on /pol/

You jest but this nigga's drip is pretty decent

I hope this isn’t real. a joke or clueless cia guy

These are the same people who as kids could have realistically been convinced a bottle of anti-freeze was a chug jug from fortnight

>part and parcel
glow harder, schlomo.

don't listen to those kikes trying to blackpill you.
this is our black panther!
show the world that we want white movies.

this is what people do in empty movie theatres?

then just watch a fucking western retard

>show the world that we want white movies.
You can do this without being cringy.

uhhhhhmmm based?

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>some dumb american virginbros think they are northmen
>nazi greeting
>cheap ass shoes and socks


>that bowl of raw ground beef

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This is why I support artists in their creative vision because otherwise we wouldn't get kino tweets like this fucking kek.

Bjork was so cool in this movie

>listen, fellow white man, i just want to remind you to-ACK

>Neo-Nazis eat bowls of raw meat?
He didn't even season it, what a chud

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Why would the vikings from a thousand years ago know or care about Adolf Hitler or 20th century Germany? And it's not like the Northman is killing nonwhites in the name of racial purity, he's killing other Whites. The vikings also cooked their meat, they had fire... I don't get it. What's their angle?

redpill me on eating raw unseasoned ground beef

>larpagans fail again

are they trying to LARP? For real? Do they think that tribal germanics lacked the ability to cook food on fires? Something that proto-humans figured out in pre-history and is essential for us to eat enough meat to nurture us?

Nazis are fucking spastics.
Yeah Vril is such a cool deus vult concept, it's totally not just some dianetics tier dumb shit invented by a victorian retard. Imagine thinking just membering some vaguely nazi associated shit is subversive.
We're long past the point where you can use "u triggered?" as a defensive for this kind of soi tier behaviour.

I've tried this, it tastes absolutely fucking terrible. The fr*nch are seriously mentally ill.

I looked at the account. It’s federal agent shit. They have a bunch of guys like this who they convince to commit crimes and fight for Ukraine

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literally me


you laughin but this nigga probably harder than 90% of this board

Is that forehead tattoo the same brand from Berserk lmao wtff


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(((cooking))) was invented by jews to prevent you from having the Chad jaw

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its stupid and cooking improves nutritional bioavailability

new meme just dropped

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no, it’s an epic and magical rune meaningful to his people

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no that's a Norse rune. the Berserk brand looks like that but upside down

You're a liar. You want to discredit this post because you're scared it will inspire us, set a fire in us, well you're too fucking late, nigger. I'm inspired, and I got a fucking fire in me that's gonna burn down this entire country. Enjoy your last days.

they think it's more masculine to eat raw meat because they conflate it with killing a wild bison, tearing open its flesh and eating it raw and bloody

Shit taste, tartar is kino

u triggered?

Eating raw chicken makes the libtards and (((them))) seethe.

lol bro

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Technically if they truly wanted to be genuine Norse pagans then they would eat horse meat. Horse meat was ritualistically important among Norse pagans. In fact, when Iceland became Christian in 1000AD, the pagans requested only two things at least be maintained, which was eating horse meat and infanticide. Although Christians refused to concede and both were banned.

>"finally a movie without stupid diversity shit"
>chuds instantly make it about nazi shit and curse us to another 10 years of cringe diversity hires
Why cant you chuds just stay quiet and allow this to become the norm again instead of inevitably causing a twitter backlash and ruining it even more?

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Hey yeah buddy!!

vgh the glorious nordic race

This. The amount of seethe ITT only confirms this. Just shit talking online only annoys them but when we show these fuckers that actions have consequences in real life, that's when they start to shit their pants.

I can't wrap my head around this
Are you saying the feds dressed up like douchebags, bought tickets to the Northman, roman saluted the screen and ate raw meat, took pictures of everything, all to make white nationalists look stupid?

Every culture war on the internet is funded by the CIA. Without subversion people would focus on actual issues.

Everyone on all sides of the political isle understand we are being turned into bug people by corporate forces.
Because we are unable to access the levers of power and make meaningful change, as a coping mechanism men are increasingly turning to aesthetic or atavistic tokens of tradition to invest their energy into.

The real effects of these tokens, minutely increasing testosterone, slowing digestion etc. have little to no practical effect in a man's life. But like an anorexic teenage girl invests energy into dieting despite it being antagonistic to the stated goal of becoming more attractive, we understand the real aim is to cope with the modern world.

infanticide?! ritual sacrifice or as a consequence of failing a rite of passage?

>they think it's more masculine to eat raw meat because they conflate it with killing a wild bison, tearing open its flesh and eating it raw and bloody

They're not mountain lions LMAO. Tons of research showing that cooking meat gave early humans the push to grow bigger brains.

Chudbros I don't feel so goo----OHHH GOD
*dies of e. coli*

Sloppy job, schlomo. I'm eating chicken, not salmon

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I came onto Yea Forums expecting it to be just like reddit, but I saw someone provocatively eating beef and it made me feel unsafe.

yes lets all eat raw meat and sieg heil in movie theatres to... uhh... own le jews??

There's no evidence of Romans ever using that salute.

It’s more like a way for them to recruit gullible people. This is a right wing trap they also go for far left people but in different ways

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No its not. The beserk tattoo is open on the top