>x264 720p from YIFY? This isn't the stone age, pal.
X264 720p from YIFY? This isn't the stone age, pal
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swedish win
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Anonymous 05/01/22(Sun)00:42:55 No.167349504
>x264 720p from YIFY? This isn't the stone age, pal.
Anonymous 05/01/22(Sun)00:43:40 No.167349544
swedish win
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Swedish fail
>you like wojak? his early work was a little too /r9k/ for my taste. but when soijack came out in 2016, i think it really came into its own, commercially, and artistically. the whole edit has a clear, crisp, message and a new sheen of consummate memetics that gives the .jpg a big boost. he's been compared to Pepe, but I think Wojack has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '17, /pol/ released this; NPCjack, their most accomplished variant. A meme so poignant, most people probably don't find it funny. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the meme itself.
>Holy smokes the audio is crackling and there are artifacts all over the screen. Who in the name of soi encoded this??
Coalposters... I kneel
I unironically love soijacks I think they are funny and I have been here since 2006
Soot is not real. Take your meds.
I don't get wojak
i don't mind it though
>Yea Forums - Question & Answer
wow, who let the schizos out?
Learn to pronounce
an utter coward.
"come on, you poltroons!"
If you wanna watch crappy shit-ass rips be my guest, pal. Takes the attention away from actual good rippers like nikt0 or QxR
disturbing lack of creative OC from the basedteens, is it dying?
soi is over. stop it
>If you wanna watch crappy shit-ass rips be my guest, pal. Takes the attention away from actual good rippers like nikt0 or QxR
>2160p x265 AC3 from QxR? Does the job I guess.
test though??
>gadzooks - an expression of surprise or annoyance
>fandangle - a useless or purely ornamental thing
>scaramouch - a boastful but cowardly person
Yeah, I'm not gonna click that...
Nonetheless a gem though
>wow, who let the schizos out?
/qa/ lost the party lost soot lost
>Uhmmm no, YIFY is NOT controlled by Netflix to make it seem like piracy lacks behind in quality, take your med's (sic).
>/qa/ lost the party lost soot lost
For me? It’s gotta be 1080p x265 RARBG every time.
What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off
All me btw.
>What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off
>>What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off
In spite of that, notwithstanding, all the same.
>Jeez look at these black levels. Would have been MUCH better had an American ripped it.
You're not schizophrenic, you're just bored
This is the thrembo time I've seen this thread
thrembo what? weird language autocorrect? there's no such thing as thrembo in the english language
In spite of this, in any case, regardless.
are you guys nerds?
>are you guys nerds?
I unironically hate you I think you're a faggot and I have been here since 2006
we are yin and yang user
I despise cobson
An earnest question does cob come from jobe in the lawnmower man
Are we positing gems?
Perhaps we do