Movie has an anti consumerist message

>movie has an anti consumerist message
>director, writers, producers and actors all own multiple houses, expensive cars and other things

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Um it's called subversion


You will own NOTHING and you will be happy

>we should change society somewhat

i dont respect creators because of this because they come from privilege 9/10 times and try to appear to the public as human beings

like i like the johnny depp trial but he's been distanced from reality for so long that even when he was abused by turd he has enough material comforts to not be affected

>protagonist thinks taxation shouldn't exist
>enjoys the benefits of society paid for by tax revenue literally every single minute of every single day of his life

>hey guys, we are trapped in the desert and i think its important that we all ration water carefully
>"OK, makes sense- wait a minute! YOU'RE DRINKING A FULL GALLON RIGHT NOW"
>oh so just because i participate in our society a little bit i cant want to improve it??!

Everyone else would just beat the shit out of the guy chugging all the water.

>Why yes I am a leftist who defends billionaires as long as they censor rightwing blue collar men

That's not possible. You see, he campaigned to make it illegal for the peasants to own guns, although his armed water guards still have them

Who are you quoting?

this is a very elaborate hypothetical situation that has nothing to do with tv or film

now, let's explore this whole water guard situations. I'm thinking its sort of like Dune?

>Movie is about how white privileged males are bad
>Written and directed by non-jew white privileged males

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>private company has rules
>if i get punished for not abiding by them i'm being "censored"
>it is my god given right to spam "n*gger"
>"blue collar man"
Christ you people are fucking retarded.

if society sucks so bad why not just make your own

>>enjoys the benefits of society paid for by tax revenue literally every single minute of every single day of his life
Gotta love neocon wars, nigger welfare, woke public schools, crumbling infrastructure, massive interest on a debt that will neved be paid off, and a pension system that's doomed to fail

you realize i make those posts specifically to see you dipshits have this exact same meltdown every single time, right?

>private company changes its rules and does not redefines them constatly
>He thinks I was referring to trump and not the average rightwinger
Lmao schizo leftoid cannot read

Don't care faggot, I'm making a point on my own and replying to your post was simply a good medium to do it with

>he's STILL crying because he can't comprehend the concept of being punished for not following the rules
Are you a literal child?


>if i personally disagree with the way even a single tax dollar is spent the entire enterprise of taxation is invalid
>i have literally no idea how taxation or even basic government works
You made that "point" quite efficiently, great job.


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cry more bitch boy

Nah you are and you should

this is why i watch movies for free at the movie theatre and bring my own meal prepped food so they don’t get a cent out of me

Police the billionaires first and then work your way down until society ceases to be shit. The people with the most benefit the most from this system, if the system is bad so are all the people who thrive at the top of it

>literal "no u"
i accept your complete concession kek

>Le cry more u got owned epic style

>*and then you wake up*
You will never live in your utopia. You will confine to capitalism. You will never be a woman.

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Societybros... We've been called out...

Learn to separate art from the artist.

You realize you can have capitalism and also not have robber barons worth tens to hundreds of billions of dollars running society, right? Please tell me you haven't been cucked so hard you think if we tax Musk and Bezos and their cronies more it's the literal end of capitalism..

Sounds gay, you're gay

Monarchs felt the same for generations and then one day Robespierre became relevant and now monarchy is a fringe relic of the past in the west. Who knows if I’ll live to see it, but no king rules forever and neither do the aristocrats no matter how they feel now

Cope, there will never be a revolution

Mass media makes it literally trivial for public opinions to be manipulated, in a way that was never possible in the past, even through religion. The wealthy won. You lose.

When did I say it would be the end of capitalism if we tax musk and bezos? Your initial take is absolutely delusional and will NEVER happen. I merely pointed out how foolish you are in believing such notions.

That's what I get for putting even the tiniest amount of effort into engaging with a /pol/tard, I guess.

Have you considered not assuming you know who made which posts on an anonymous image board?

Yes, but we are talking about an economic system that is ingrained heavily into many countries. You can keep dreaming of a utopia, yet realistically nothing will change. You will confine to capitalism.

get a damn room already you two.

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Writers aren't that rich, and having a home isn't fucking consumerism you baboon IQ fuck.

>You will confine to capitalism.
You keep saying this. Do you think you're making some kind of ebin point here?

You are slaves grown to love the predictability of control which you believe to be far more absolute than it is. Your overlords are mere mortals presenting themselves as Oz, they can be jailed, their assets can be seized and their intelligence is vastly overrated. The heart of extreme wealth is nothing more than the same art of war strategic selfishness that it always has, selling mythos to the superstitious so they will fight your battles and call your enemies heretics

Lol newfag

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Why respond and does it matter? You and the poster I mentioned both talked about taxing the rich. My comment can really be applied to both of you.

I've already kicked your ass all up and down this thread and you're coming back for more?

>words words words words
Sorry, that's not gonna do anything. If you EVER raise your hand against your Masters, they will get their guards to splatter your brains all over the pavement. And soon you will have no guns to fight back with either. :)


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The rich aren’t magic, ask Jack Ma how untouchable he feels. Ask Gadaffi. Hell, ask those Gazprom execs getting offed by Putin. No power is absolute.

Damn these edits keep getting more retarded

It is a fact. Why do you feel personally offended to the point of making a post just about the simple but true sentence. Sometimes people get a bit too delusional and you have to remind them that they are confined to capitalism.

What rule are you talking about?

For how much you all yell about your guns, you sure don’t do anything useful with them

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>robber barons
Did nothing wrong

>Police the billionaires first
Sure, what's your plan for doing that? Seems like them putting rainbow flags on their twitter profiles placates you enough that you won't do anything.

It's OK for the elite to do some infighting. The moment you so much as twitch a finger in their direction, they will galvanize and destroy you. You will never change this in your lifespan. You lost. Your "enlightened" world of social justice is a world where the elites always win.

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He is absolutely right

He is criticizing slavery, a system that is wrong, but his entire wealth is dependent on it. If he does not uses slaves, other people will continue using, causing him to lose his business and all his wealth

He has no choice but keep the status quo for now, while treating his slaves as he would anyone he respects, and continue fighting for their rights

>Tax lord taxes himself
This picture makes no sense and you should know better.

>muh billinaires
Haha yes lets tax the most productive and competent, visionary and hard working guys in our society, so that we can give even more money to entirely corrupt professional cocksucker politians. >brainwashed into defending the state
A pity

>owning slaves is participating in society
wow very epic comic. not disingenuous at all. i'm clapping right now!!!!!!

police people on welfare breeding more than 1 or 2 kids.

World will become an Utopia over night. Watch it.

We really need a taxpayer revolution, I'm tired of you cucks paying taxes to support the 5th child of a welfare low iqfucker

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Your insistence on your own weakness and powerlessness is a self-fulfilling prophecy

>and continue fighting for their rights

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fucking tattletale faggot. bitch

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You are subservient to people who would sell the blood from your veins without thinking twice

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>movie tries to portray MC as poor and struggling but they're in a prime neighborhood in a major city
>all the neighbors are disheveled 'poor' white people too but no niggers in sight

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I doubt that raising taxes on these rich people will eliminate poverty across america and really I am not against this at all. Yet how are you going to do this?

Why do leftists think that burning down some pajeet's liquor store and some chink's black woman weave shop is going to bring down capitalism and make everyone equal? They seem pretty fucking retarded, ngl. Their own lives are shit and they are undisciplined low IQ losers, so idk why they think they have the ability or authority to "change society". Very silly little people.

Since rightoids and leftoids are both retards, why cant you agree that billionaires existing in the first place is the problem?

>defending billionaires for free while they buy your nation and neighborhood


No one's defending billionaires, we just think you are retarded and cringe, which you are. Asspained whining with no solutions offered is totally pointless and just makes things worse. Also, maybe you should stop saying shit like "White privilege" if you want people on your side.

umm sweaty, capitalism is... like... slavery m'kay?

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>Heres a (You)
Yeah I agree. Billionaires existing are crazy.... but millionaires are perfectly fine.

>defending commies for free while they destroy your nation and neighborhood

are you autistic?

You make laws and you enforce them. Repeal citizens united. Create legal limits to individual asset ownership, as well as what proportion of a company an individual can own at various scales (the dynamics of small businesses are vastly differently than those of leviathan market manipulators). Place sanctions on tax havens, re-posses assets considered ill gotten gains, could probably use civil asset forfeiture laws on books already for lower level criminals

Leftoids and rightoids both hate the same people (jewish billionaires) but they both get asspained when the other side calls them out using their own terms lmao it's comical.