The most realistic batman

>the most realistic batman

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Robert Pattinson is a shitty actor and I’m tired of pretending he isn’t.

>he hasn't turned into a skeleton from playing with a wall socket
are you even living life?

…. Do bones even conduct electricity?

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This scene was dumb.

This movie was such a step back. It was like the terrible 90s movies.

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I've been a Batman fan since I was like 4 years old and this movie is fucking dogshit

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That's pretty funny, I like it.

i stopped watching when catwoman went on an anti-white people rant

that was crazy they put that in the movie lmfao



What's the problem here

I was told by my friend that this part was his baptism

That's what the symbolism is yes.

glib facsimile

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The content of 90's Batman with the seriousness and grounded universe of Nolan movies, but with the look of a David Fincher film

I still don't know what to make out of this movie. I don't even know if I liked it. The flying scene was cringe and it takes you out of the movie. Same with OP's webm related. Catwoman's kicks couldn't take down a normal size high school kid in my country.

The poltard riddler was cool. And I like that Twilight Boy as Batman. But I don't know, they just missed another chance.

literally hit and miss the movie

But it wasn't grounded. It was looney toony like the 90s, but acted like it was serious.

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>the terrible 90s movies.
God no, and I actually grew up on those movies.

How was his costume still intact?

Haha what bones?
It's not like there's a skeleton INSIDE me right now or anything, right? Haha, you're scaring me user

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It had a big red "FIREPROOF" label stamped onto it.
Literal 40k orc logic.

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The black cop is like
"ayy shieeet" "waddup" "dayumn"
the whole movie as well

I've been a Batman fan since I was like 4 years old and this movie is fucking cool, but not as good as BvS, not as iconic as Batman 89 or Returns, better than Robin & Forever, but also not as good as Nolan Batman but Pattison is better than Christian Bale because I just gant take that fake gruffy voice seriously anymore. Still waiting for a Battfleck sequel.

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She said one sentence. In Gotham City and in real life the real criminals do happen to all be old white men.

Can someone post the frame with just the skeleton?

Lmao this is some Looney Tunes shit

cool it with the anti-semitism


Seriously though he really does ask a strong white man in a leather outft to buck break him in front of all his colleagues
its like everyone has some weird kink in the movie

Haha, yeah, just don’t ever check the statistics goyim. Hehehe, that would be misleading and stuff, hahaha. Please don’t look at crime rates in all white European countries, or areas where the population is white. The statistics there are racist because there are no blacks.

>year two batman
>gets in rando fights with 10 gangbangers at a time where he's beaten up for no reason to stop white-on-asian hate crimes
>AGAIN with the italian mobster plots that nobody gives a shit about
>cops and politicans are corrupt, all white
>only straight cop is black
>gets in highway chase with penguin that leaves 20-30 people dead, lets penguin go
>riddler can apparently place explosives to flood the city and also send mail-bombs to people but can't off a couple of criminals living across the street
>why even cast Colin in the role of the Penguin just to make him unrecognizable, why not just hire someone that looks the part

I appreciate the overall tone of the movie but it just sinks into being this generic corruption yarn where all the elements of it have been elaborated on millions of times before.
It's lacking spectacle.

I think that skeleton frame was just to drive home the idea that he didn't simply cut the wire but got shocked while doing so

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What bothered me the most is when Wayne talks to Alfred that one morning when he wakes up and you can see his arms are like twigs.

His face would of been blown the fuck off.

epic dood


Unironically based.

A fucking bomb just went off in his face at the very least he'd be deaf or blind.

He shielded his face with his gauntlets.
Now you're just nitpicking.

soilord redditor defending his buttbuddy Matt Reeves

I liked this part.

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You like what? getting caught?

I like the big chungus aesthetic.

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Dude a fucking bomb just went off in his face. Your hands will not stop the force of the bomb. If the suit kept him in one piece his fucking internal organs would be ruptured from the concussive force of the blast it would destroy the muscles in his heart and he would die or his brain would be shook so hard it would kill him. The guy attached to the bomb was vaporized imagine what that would of done to batman.

And his chin. And his life.

But the street criminals are all niggers in real life.

Lmao, Hollywood

Is it nigger projection time again?

His batsuit can tank bullets, yes it will stop an explosion. Even in other Batman movies shit like that happens. They should have given the suit some damage or maybe smear some ash on his face or something.

If you want to talk about retarded scenes - in TDK Batman jumps out of a skyscraper window, catches Rachel, both land on a car smashing it completely and they dont have a scratch. Very realistic.
You fags want to nitpick TB but all of these movies have shit like that because in the end they are not 100% realistic.


>bomb proof gauntlets
Fuck off


Dw he's wearing plot armor.

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why did batman turn into a skeleton?

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>He shielded his face with his gauntlets.

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Chad Wurm incoming.

lmao its even in your own clip and it was also in the longer clip that was posted in this thread
keep seething

skeletal fingers typed this

>His batsuit can tank bullets

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In that TDK scene Batman's cape slows their fall.

>wthe hallway scene with machine guns

he only shields his eyes not his chin and open mouth - his teeth should be gone from that blast

Gotta really simplify it for the tards

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