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Other urls found in this thread:

finding love, having a happy loving family and friends
being useful for your community, finding your place in general
a generally neat, but not gaudy lifestyle with your little pleasures
you know, those things that are precious but with no actual price tag and that you cannot buy, the usual sort
I believe this has been working out extensively in human literature

Good post
For me, it's making music, playing tennis, and a good whisky from time to time. Will get married next summer.

Prostate massage

Live, love, laugh.

Conan the Barbarian

to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women


The lamentation of the wimmin.

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caving in yurpoor little soft skulls

Having a small penis.
My life is terrible!

She was only 15 years old you sick fuck.

To kill people, steal all of their shit and fuck their women.

the tomacco incident

Praying to Christ that america burns and we will all be free from jewish imperialism

big fat titties

>he wrote on Yea Forums

getting (You)s

How is it fair that we're meant to live these passive lives of wage-cuckery, and neethood where nothing real ever happens, when all any man actually wants is to crush his enemies and hear some lamentations?

user, they're dead. You can't steal from an unrecognizably mutilated corpse.

>fucking tripfag
Been here since 2008 and was a skinny beta fag back then. Now have a career, have a car, popular with friends, /fit/ getting married this year and building a house next year to raise pure White children in.
We can all make it brehs.

Ice cold beer and a pack of darts


When they die, their family inherits it. So you're stealing from them.


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Bickering about television and films with strangers on the internet anonymously.

overcoming difficulties Id say
what I enjoy the most is knowing that as the minutes pass, the days pass, the years pass, Im becoming smarter, stronger physically and emotionally, leaner, smarter etc

> Pure white children
Sounds unhealthy, like they need more iron in their diet

Hilting in a woman and cumming while she is quivering from her own orgasm.

top cringe


have a (you)

John Milius Movies!!!

>Take for example the home-grown rape fantasies that populate our very own Sword-and-Sorcery genre. How many times have you opened up a copy of Savage Sword of Conan to find some barbarian forcing a lithe Kothian dancing girl back into the hay, ignoring her feeble half-hearted complaints and taking his cue from the delirious ecstatic look that the artist has drawn onto her face, showing you that she doesn't mind really. In fact, she likes this sort of treatment. Sure she does. Anyone would enjoy being sexually assaulted by an illiterate musclebound oaf who stinks of bear grease. That's most people's idea of a good night out.

>The message of this sort of story is that women enjoy rape and that they say "No" when they mean "yes". When one reads in the papers about some of the astonishing proclamations made by judges presiding over rape cases, one wonders if our entire judicial authorities were not given copies of "Conan the Rapist" to read during their formative years. The other message contained in this material is that real men are good at drinking, reducing people to dog-food with their broadswords and interfering with tavern wenches.

>Strange that Conan's creator, Robert E. Howard was in reality a rather sad and lonely figure who never managed to sever his intense emotional bond with his mother. When she died he drove out to some waste land and blew his own brains out. Conan and all his other heroes were unashamed escapist fantasies of the way he would have liked to have been.

>It is a great pity that he couldn't have diverted his undoubted energies into something a bit more positive and healthy. It's a greater pity that he has doomed the following generations of his fans to endless reruns of his hopelessly insecure dreams of brute sex, white slavery and mindless violence.

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hairy Asian pussy

To consume and get excited for next product.

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avenging your father, saving your mother, and killing Fjolnir

>In fact, she likes this sort of treatment. Sure she does. Anyone would enjoy being sexually assaulted by an illiterate musclebound oaf who stinks of bear grease. That's most people's idea of a good night out.
This but unironically, every woman I have ever been with wants to be choked or abused in some way. Women are fucking weird.

Peace of mind.

We all desire peace of mind. Power begets control, which begets security, which begets peace of mind.

Seek the inward path and divorce yourself from the society, kings never left, slavery still exists, but you can be and are free.

well he sounds based

Alan Moore, sadly, turned out to be a complete hack and retard. As expected of a burnt-out drug addict, but still. Imagine being so obsessed with rape that you make philosophically-bent historical fantasy into a rape allegory. Imagine never having read an actual Conan story before and thinking that your acid-addled delusions are truth. God I hate this cunt.

literally who

t. out of shape incels

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I genuinely believe Conan the Barbarian is the most kino film ever made

A good clean shit.

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4K remaster when?

>white slavery
Conan was a celt. Celts are some of the most abused enslaved people who are white in fucking history. Conan was an adventurer who hated slavery. He was a violent thug, yes. But he had some honor. Most women play hard to fucking get, and if you're good looking enough in most cases women don't see it as rape while if you're ugly its rape. I'm not approving rape, I'm saying that women are fickle and define what that means as it suits them. More is a fucking white knight drug hack, God I can't wait until boomers are all in their grave. And yeah, hes violent. Hes a barbarian. Thats the fucking point. You can't always have a discussion with violent savages, but mr.moore would be fine with allowing the state to blow somebodies head off if they disagreed with him or voted righwing., i bet.

Conan is a barbarian not because he's an illiterate savage rape monster (he isn't, the guy can speak a dozen languages, but Moore doesn't know this and is an anglo fucking shit), Conan is a barbarian because he does not conform to nor take part in the oppressive, weakening, and corruptive influence of civilization, which breeds slavers, bureaucrats, tyrants, and degeneracy through complacency. This was the philosophical underpinning of Howard's fiction, his men, even his staunchly Puritanical Christian Solomon Kane, were barbarians free from the social contract. A great Conan quote is him talking about philosophy, where if the world is a dream, then he too is a dream, and it's real to him, so it doesn't matter. That's the person he is. And at the end of the day, Conan is a "neutral good" character who does the right thing because it's the right thing, and he does it through force in a brutal world where strength is the language. But Moore has never read any of these stories, so he doesn't know that.


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Based solomon kane enjoyer.

This. and are also great posts. For the sake of context, Moore wrote this is 1983 - it's funny to read the whole thing with that in mind.

If anybody's interested the full article can be found here both in text and image format: It's especially tasty in current year.

Conan was a Cimmerian (though yes he's probably more based on real life Celts, than real life Cimmerians). Cimmerians are also descibed as swarthy (though so are many proto-Celtic branches), also supposedly settled in Anatolia (location of Galatia which had a huge Celtic population). So you'te probably correct anyway

Funny though that most surviving Celtic ("untouched" by too much admixture) are comically pale. Possible the paleness only evolved/expressed once into northwest Europe proper. You can still see some "throwbacks" of the original pre-celtic people today in Ireland though; short, leathery, inexplicably dark living at 54 degrees north.

The Austrian/ "southern Germanic" phenotype Arnold exemplifies is a perfect fit for Conan though.

I want a friend to see the world with.

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Tomboy fuck holes.
Medium rare steak
And gambling

Soi take
Conan hardly rapes, most of the time the women are smitten about him by the kast page of each story.


Hearing the lamentations of mobian women.

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Howard's prehistory was explicitly fictional parallels to real world cultures, he outlines world history in an essay. His Cimmerians were 100% proto-Celts, unrelated entirely to real world Cimmerians, he just borrowed the name. Atlanteans were pre-Celts, too, and likely Kull was a far flung ancestor of Conan.

Howard was a celt and obsessed with celt shit and he said that cimmerians were basically ancient celt mostly scottish in his universe

user there's a story where Conan teams up with pirates who wanted to kill him because he "would never leave a white man to die at the hand of subhumans"

To hear the sexual moans of their wimmin