Surely people didn't drink this much back in the 60s?
Surely people didn't drink this much back in the 60s?
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I tried a Guinness Extra Stout.. it was good.
They did, many have praised the accuracy
bit quiet lads
I tried having a bar cart in my apartment the first time I lived on my own, and my friends kept mocking me, telling me I'll never be "Mad Men"
fuck those assholes
>t. never been to Europe
Many people still do drink that much. It's only burgerland that suddenly got puritan about alcohol.
my wife wants to get one for our place, it seems pretty kino, but I did ask why it needed to be on wheels given it will be stationary all the fucking time
>bar cart
No point because liquor doesn't last long around me.
The yanks have always been a bit leary of the odd tipple, just look at the prohibition era
They honestly probably drank like way more. People drink just as much if not more now but they can't handle it in the same way.
>Its a DRUK thread war
fuck sake
Oh OP here, excuse me. Please everyone vacate.
>it will be stationary all the fucking time
You're better off with a proper drinks cabinet then. If your carpentry skills are decent you could even save the money and build your own.
is it? Im confident enough to show up alone in public but I always thought I would be bored
I also have the desire to go eat at a restaurant alone, but too poorfag atm
DRUK stories, tell me them
Trust me, i'm this guy. Nobody really cares about you. If you just go and talk to people, they won't even ask the question "where are this guys friends?" Because frankly they don't care. Be spontanous, and sometimes you have to alone to be spontaneous.
yeah I think I'd just be on my phone all the time. I'd be awkward to intrude in other groups and if I kept failing and doing it again I'd become the weird lonely drunk at the bar
I'm going out with a girl from tinder to a bar, i don't care about getting laid i'm going to get SHITFACED.
>intrude in other groups
buy a round of shots.
Dude i work in advertising. We still drink that much plus tons of weed and coke
But user you could do both
still kinda common for office jobs
we had a stacked liquor closet at my old job
Any Night work only chads here? Getting drunk on shift is kino
This. The "martini lunch" was a thing well into the 1980s. Amerimutt middle-managers thought all this booze made them Sophisticated like yooroos, not considering that the French have a very different drinking CULTURE (not binging).
Over the 1990s GenX entered the workplace not drinking as much; the workplace also got politically-correct.
Nowadays the "office class" is a "laptop class" working from home where they drink at home. So, more consumption.
Decided to switch it up and pick up some cider instead of the usual bourbon/vodka.
So fellow DRUK bros, answer me this
>Your age?
>How much you dirnk weekly?
>Your favourite drink?
>data for most of balkans
what is this sorcery
It's always hilarious in a movie when a character goes "off the rails" because they like to get drunk on weekends and have 3 empty cans of Budd Light on their kitchen counter.
Are there any druk kinos like Leaving Las Vegas?
Sting - My One and Only Love - OST Leaving Las Vegas (best cut)
My older colleagues told me there was a guy who drank like 6-12 bears each friday at work. They all got shitfaced reguarly too. That was in the 90ies
>the French have a very different drinking CULTURE (not binging).
what started this meme that americans think europeans cant be alcoholics? imfrom midi midi-pyrénées and half of my family are fucking useless drunks, alcohol is a huge problem here
Yeah 60+ years ago men drank and smoked a lot more why do you think so many died in there 50’s and 60’s
>Talk to older guys and managers in work
>They tell me how 40 years ago when they were in their 20s like me they use to skip work on nights
>Go to a local pub and just spend all night drinking untill they shut at 6am
>then they;d all come back to work sleep for 2 hours untill day shift came in at 8am and then go home
The past was so much more kino than the present
i do that today, its just harder finding people to do that with
I always thought that was a milkshake and it looked tasty. Then I learned it was plain ol' milk and that's just gross.
How does pic related taste? It looks delicious. We don't have a lot of English ciders where I live but there's plenty of other things to get druk on.
>wanting to live past your 50's and 60's
zoomies are a very boring people. they just want to go home, play switch and smoke weed. pubs in the UK are closing as the userbase dies
This is the best druk snack companion, prove me wrong
The lawnmower scene was prime kino.
>tfw intermittent binge drinker that can't stop the second he has a spirit and a mixer
I'm an Aussie nigger and I drink vodka and coke like it's water
My record is 30
Early 20s, depends, average maybe half a bottle, Whiskey Sour (but Mojitos and Gin Tonics are great too)
>0 during the week, around 25-30 drinks on Thursday, 10 on Friday, taper off over the weekend and repeat in 2 weeks.
>Johnny walker red label
Just when he got his foot in the door
>tfw love Vodka but spirits are priced like liquid gold here because of all the taxes
I'm tired of cheap wine.
Unironically surprised Mexico is the same as the US. I would've thought drinking would be huge there
Druk anthem, you must listen to it atleast once per thread
>$50-$60 for a one litre bottle of cheap vodka
Sin tax is bullshit, death to the government
Who here was around for /scdp/ days? Those threads and the Twin Peaks generals in 2017 were the peak of this board. That feeling will never be recaptured.
where are you guys? Down under?
This guy DRUKS
Excuse you sir, but THIS is the druk thread anthem
Ok, I´ll raise you one
Government can go to hell
>DRUK stories, tell me them
I've forgotten most of them since I only drink alone these days. However one sticks in my mind
>shit faced at the club
>dancing with some slags
>always kept a comically large key (like 12 inches) in my jacket
>pull it out and say "who wants the key to my castle" to the slags
>take the 2 girls to the nearby kebab shop and have to order
>exclaim that I eat more chicken than any man ever seen and order a load of fried chicken
>one of the slags starts fondling my groin
>eat our slop
>start walking back to where they're staying
>decide I want to stay at home instead of sleep with a slag
>go home and pass out
Well...I love smoking, and I ain't got cancer.
I just googled that, damn thats a lot of chicken mole
Is this the mascot of druk?
I write these and send them to people on Tinder as ice breakers
It was a dark cold night in the valley, I was out by myself on a pub Crawl at the adventurous age of 19.
I stumbled from bar to bar, requesting their most specialized cocktails available.
Everything became blurry and I had become fucked up.
My friend Jake messaged, asking to meet at the Brightside, and off I stumbled.
Into the wrong bar I went, holey moley was its name, minigolf is the game.
I ventured around but could not find him, so I retired to the bathroom, but realized I was dim.
I'd wondered why oh why was the grass so green in the toilet? And I realized it was hole 19 I was shitting on.
>ballie ballerson in London
>start kissing girl in the ballpit
>tonguing intensifies
>immediately just feel a brick hit my stomach
>try and crawl out
>puke in the pit
>kicked out, pic taken, never allowed in again
It was a warm April month, almost a year ago to the day, when the sweet song of intoxication called me to the valley as a sea nymph did cunning Odysseus.
The only place open, named for an English king, tempted me inside.
A beer or two down, I was approached by a fool, fit and good looking but clearly an idiot.
After some conversing, I ushered him off upon two women, who's role in our story became more important.
Confounded I was as the fool enticed these women to adjourn to our table, beverage in hand and stories to tell.
For Hark! They were unemployed courtesans, of club Love and Rockets.
The plague had robbed them of employment but the government of their enjoyment.
A few minutes pass, a sea shanty and story told, enjoying these two ladies company the fool and I were.
Departing for a drink, I return to find the fool and the courtesans leaving, off they were to purloin some cocaine, and invited to join them, I was.The party of the fool, the courtesans and I departed, upon our feet to a nearby carriage, and upon that carriage to the manor of pancake to purchase the use of snowy powder.
The fool was to host, the courtesans enthralled, I merely a spectator to the strangeness of them all.
A butthole sniffed, a baggie consumed, the fool could not rise to the occasion and cast out we three were.
The courtesans asked for me to accompany them, for their offer of a couch was too tempting to resist.
The carriage arrived, into the house we went, and there we discovered the room mate, playing a game of strip poker.
2 hands in and missing my pants, for what cane next I may have ruined them.
The courtesans neglected to mention their charge, a snake, had wrapped around my leg.
I cast the beast off and dolphin dived out the window, Jeans left upon the high gate hill door
wouldn't know, I'm almost youngest (28) at my workplace and everyone's old with families so only a company sanctioned pub crawl happens and that's till 10pm where I'm left alone scouring further