What's your opinion on reaction channels?

What's your opinion on reaction channels?

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I love the room temperature IQ black reactors. They're incredibly earnest without being s-o-y.
>Damn, nigga, dat shit was wild. He choked that nigga wit duh handcuffs...you see dem scuff marks?? Sheeeeit.

Stupid. Same with the Mukbang channels or whatever. If I wanted to watch people eat I'd sit in a restaurant and order water.


What part of drive would make you react like that?

id fug

I refuse to watch any reaction video of my own choosing.. my kid watches them.. i shall join her in watching... mostly animations... but no gey movie stuff

Popcorn In Bed is the only one that matters.

So what you are asking is, how do we react to reaction channels?

I don't know if she is a psycho or not cause she'll wince at the gore at first but then immediately laugh and joke about it.
Also there needs to be more Drive reactions.

I only watch police shooting reaction videos.

thought that was a ps1 case for a second


I like how several of them claim to be “directors” or film students but have seen fuck all movies. I get they’re just trying to get views/money but fuck off.

elevator scene
or when that one bitch gets her face blown off with a shotgun

Cassie simps need to hang

For losers, if you want someone to watch a kino, call a friend

Anyone who makes or watches reaction videos is an 80 IQ faggot trying to recreate the sensation of having friends.

Don't understand them at all. Seems insane to me that they have any appeal to anyone. I just don't get what the appeal could possibly even be, who gives a fuck what some rando thinks about a movie?

I enjoy watching cute vtuber girls react to meme compilations

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Mr Video is the best reactor on youtube for this very reason.

Niggers reacting to old rock songs can be funny.

I only ever really watch Popcorn in Bed.

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/qa/ lost

>my kid watches them
You better nip that in the bud. They should be outside making real friends.

i'm pathetic but i watched a bunch of different reaction videos to some movies i happen to care about, like the shining, no country for old men, airplane, fargo. it's interesting to see how the movie affects different people in similar ways or at the same beats.
in other words, my interest is more about how the movie works than a given youtuber's reaction.
popcorn in bed is one of the best (her reactions seem organic and she doesn't bullshit about having some deep insight into the movies she watches, like FILMMAKER), but i'm pretty sure even she is milking it for the camera.

one thing i noticed by watching several reaction videos about Airplane is that when they get to the "staying alive" dance scene, almost all the reactor girls start dancing and looking at the camera like if it was a tiktok post.

>cries at the end of rocky 5 because of how shitty it is


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I love black women so fucking much bros its unreal.

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You gotta put the nips in your bum

Thieves, every one.


Natalie Gold is a reaction channel for retard Logan Paul fans

Popcorn In Bed is kino

Why would I care what someone else thinks about a movie?

Bit rude.

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do you niggers seriously think you can't make friends and watch videos at the same time? is it because you spent time here instead of making fiends?

why do zoomer girls include burps in their videos? they edit the fuck out of every last second and leave those in. do zoomers think it's cute? i don't get it


Hate this fucking kike.

They give Mumbaicels life fuel

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bitch was crying about Rocky pushing himself on Adrian in the first Rocky


women reactors are all worthless because they are braindead and can't handle anything happening to a woman

>Yeah guys, I definitely haven't seen this movie before haha :^)

i've seen a handful of reaction videos only because i fell down a rabbit hole of watching black people react to american history x. every single one of them saying the shooting in the beginning, and some even defending the curb stomp, was amusing.

i've never seen someone cry watching joe dirt before i saw his video.

hang dong

200k subs soon for /ourgirl/

>. I just don't get what the appeal could possibly even be
viewers get enjoyment seeing other people experience things the viewer likes

>Hi guys, I'm Magy!

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if you dm larry he'll sell you any of the girls' used underwear, it's really cool, you can even specify how dirty you want it

Fellow Man of Steel appreciator.

You're not even asking the right question. It's actually interesting to see other people's opinion on movies.
The problem with reaction channel is just that, the fact that they "react", and not even genuinely, because most of the time your genuine reaction would be to just watch the film in silence. But because they're recording their reactions of course they're going to play them up, so you're not even seeing people's true thoughts and feelings about a movie.

Shan is an actual intelligent movie watcher

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For me? It's kay reacts. And now that she's had her father on, I think it's a clear sign from her that I'm okay to go ahead with the bridal kidnapping as is per tradition.

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is she going to take a dump on that?

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>filmmaker reacts first time
>to the most basic bitch movies

i think this is who i dislike the least tbqh.

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I make lots of fiends thank you bery much. This place is absolutely fiendish thanks to me.

the ones who spend years reacting to tv shows and getting

>has never made a film

fucking zoomers

>Spends the whole time talking over the dialogue about the composition of a shot

No thanks.

never watched and never will, it's twitch 2.0

ok boomer