He’s better bambros…

He’s better bambros…

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Imagine having a kid with FAS. Everybody who looks at him for the rest of the life will know his mother was an alcoholic whore who couldn't put down a bottle for a few months for the sake of her own child. It's a permanent brand.

>we make fun of him but he still has money and a family
>his life is better than 99% of Yea Forums
Kinos for this feel?

>"he still has money and a family"
>he said, on a computer at a family house

I saw him in that treadmill marching band stunt. Did he get his 5 mil?

i was in the foster system. I'm also using the free computers at my university

in a just society mothers and fathers like that would be taken out back and executed then their prodigy given to the state

>the foster system
adoptive family
>at my university
speaks for itself

speak for yourself. Don’t lump me in amongst you rabble

>/pol/tards now think they are doctors and can diagnose every child they see with FAS

Seriously whats with retards now claiming that all celebrity children have Fetal alchohol syndrome


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whats up with trannies and expressing their desire to summarily execute anyone they don't like

so he's finally getting some poon since he got that paycheck, eh?

won't last


The eyes give it away.

his kid looks fucking retarded lmao

Have you never been to /pol/? they are always screeching about how they want to kill DA JOOZ and kill and TROONZ

the absolute state of your life

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>he doesn’t know

Where's the user from the other day who said he'll sober up and become a devout religious man? I want you to tell me what awaits me in my future




You cant even draw a swastika properly, you deficient invalids should be in institutions

you've been on here all day being a prick

good because doctors are psychopath mass murderers

i never drew a swastika in the first place?

when you think about it bam is doing 10000x times worse than the worst of us browsing that board (excluded jannies from Yea Forums of course)

I thought bam was cool when I was young but seeing what his life has become I wouldn't want to be him and rather remain an incel

go eat grass faggotron

No, he's high as fuck in that pic. You learn to spot these things when you're an addict yourself.

getting free of alcohol and other drugs takes years

>Wont trust doctors
>somehow is willing to trust a bunch of incels on an anime imageboard for medical device

i give you less than 5 years user

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Body language says everything. Kid isn't looking at anything. She's away from him. He's around the table and not making any contact with her. She has a terrible gummy smile but a nice tan.

So this is how you end up when you abuse your uncle for money (with his consent but still)?

go Trust The Science on twitter where you belong

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yeah his son has retard face

Did you mean progeny, shit breath?

no the kid literally has FAS you fucking retard, the mother was hitting the bottle and partying while pregnant and literally started dating bam BECAUSE he provided her with drugs, it's not like it's some well kept secret you stupid faggot

It's not exactly a difficult to diagnose condition. I swear, the shit people will resort to appeals to doctors over. We all have eyes.

Twitter is based again, because Elon(actor who was in iron man 3 and SNL)bought it. Didn't you get the memo?

fat drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life

imaghine being born disabled because your whore mother couldn't not be a degenerate hedonist for your sake

>will trust doctors
>won't trust own eyes or brain
>doesn't believe he's qualified to say the smallest thing about the human body or health, despite it being his entire life

he doesn't actually take control or be able to do anything for a few months, I'll make an account then

I get what you're saying, but just look at the kid. Take the L.

doesn't look it
he's still a fat fuck

meth rules - bam

His kid looks like it has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome KEK!

>didnt like kid in school
>always thought he looked weird
>eventually figure out its FAS

>see some guy get his leg cut off
>holy shit his leg got cut off!
>woow okay incel chud where did you go medical school huh thought so ahah

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bam got eyes like a dead fresh fat lard

god his kid looks fucking retarded

>Bam is stable
>Bam is sober
>Bam has healthy coping skills
>Bam is a good father
>Bam exercises regularly
>Bam eats well
>Bam is spiritually fulfilled
>Bam is in control of his impulsiveness
>Bam is humble
>Bam makes good choices
>Bam is a good husband
>Bam is a good man

..I..I love you Bam Margera

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some people are just ugly, it's not a fucking disorder every time

Post philtrum

smooth mouthed retard detected

I like ripping on Bam and I'm glad he's getting

FASIDF is really out in full force in these threads. Makes sense that the screeching incels here were raised by drunk single mother whores and have birth defects.

Wow he gets nagged 24/7 by a vapid cunt of a wife and a stupid as fuck needy kid. He sure is better off

>bam has a 4 year old that still can't speak

He looks like shit lol, he looks like a cartoon character.

Bam managed to marry and be best friends with someone more trashy and useless than himself which is pretty impressive.

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earthrocker bros...
I'm thinkin we're back

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It was from Bam’s sperm


He still dresses like that no?

Me too. Still my favorite tweet of all time.

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>You either die an earthrocker or live long enough to see yourself become the Phil

My best friend, Ryan Dunn, died in a car accident four years ago. He's dead and gone. Iceland's his favorite place. I'm gonna build him a skatepark.

You don't have be a musician to be an Earth Rocker. Andrew Shramberg is an Earth Rocker.

My other best friend, Brandon Novak, is on heroin again. He's back in rehab for his sixteenth time. Good luck with that one.

Sick of the bullshit. Sick of all this shit. I don't go out anymore, 'cause I hate every motherfucker. I don't care what they're up to. Four years I wasted, sippin' on drinks at the bar, chit-chatting with fucking nobodies. Now I stay at home, like a fucking hermit. I'm not gonna take any shit from anyone.

I know what's going on. I got set up. I got jumped. Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black eye and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth.

I live for this shit. I love it. Bring it the fuck on.