A hidden gem

a hidden gem

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the hidden gem

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Rutger fucking Hauer motherfucker

It wasnt that good

For me? It's Wedlock.

Sean Connery with a shotty.

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That film played out like a parody, Rutger character had all the clichés of the washed out police officer

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Not really

The monsters ruins all. A lot of tropes but nice crafted, all wasted for a cheesy monster hunt.
Not so hidden, the sequel is.
Beside Connery, it's forgettable.
Now we are talking.

Actual trash

How did they pump films out at this quality back then on a fairly limited budget ?

This should have had a sequel

What gauge? What caliber?

The monster is what holds it all together. Besides without the monster, Marvel would have never invented Venom and you wouldn't have your little gay capeshit movie to jerk off to.

Faith of the /trek/

I like this movie.

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There were still some actual humans in the business at that point.

why did he stick chocolates on walls?

It takes heart

he can hear its heart beat

to keep them off the floor

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Holy kino. Nothing says a good time like a well-walled white pixie girl saying “alex-san” over and over. Probably my favorite b-movie.

Stars: Gary Frank; Ray Parker Jr; Jan-Michael Vincent; Tony Todd.

Plot: An insurance salesman inadvertently gets trapped after dark in an apartment building that is terrorized by a street gang called "The Vampires."

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i'm searching from and old movie about a space bounty hunter? searching for 4 android? women, the ending is one of the android girls dressed as a nun with a homeless

Mobsters and vampires. Le Femme Nikita butt ass naked in the first 5 mins. Robert Loggia chewing up the scenery. All dem cameos. Certified kino.

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Could be fun, gonna check it out

Looks pretty good.

Just finished this. It was great. Kinda surprised I've not seen it ever pop up on any of the movie shows I watch.

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The plot is only half intelligible,
Some of the acting is fucking atrocious,
The main star may not speak fluent english,
But Holy Shit this movie is watchable from beginning to end.

>The plot is only half intelligible,
>machine want to take over world
>machine with some humanity left will save it
it's really not that complicated

it's imperfect, I think the final fight is kinda lame but Hauer and his partner make it a good time. the scene where they grab all the guns from the armory and the partner starts smoking is awesome

this movie goes so hard

This whole series kinda devolved into the directors fetish of a female body builder destroying robots.

>bad movies I found on my Prime cause I’m poor and I’m trying to meme them, but they still suck

i was indulging on the gimp when i watched it

what if the gimp is actually a demon

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movie is mediocre but more enjoyable than a lot of "good" movies

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This movie also has half the cast from Sopranos. The chick playing the vampire is fucking horrendous though. Acting is not in her vocabulary.

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I heard there's a new one coming out soon.

Hidden Gem thread?

You're on the money OP, its a fantastic film. Check out pic related

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Watched it as a kid the fireworks scene left a scar
And the fog hunt scene
And the baseball bat trunk scene

and you go in pieces asshole :D

>pounds on his dick with a stick
>fucks a bag of dry rice
>has toughest penis in the world
>uses his super penis to fuck confessions and intel out of bitches

Top that.

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they cared

When you absolutely, positively have to make every woman in the room anhero. Accept no substitutes.

fucking spoilers. all of the spoilers.

>be post-wall bitter drunk roastie
>husband is sick of your shit because you are post-wall bitter drunk roastie
>husband is scientist researching ageing
>one day negress claiming to be 152yrs old former slave comes to barter magic nigger powder for airfare back to her tribe in Africa
>husband sees chance to get rich and reclaim cunny for all time
>husband makes up with you and pretends to like your old ass again to get you to Africa
>get to tribe and have old negress tell you how worthless old women are and how awesome it is to be an old distinguished man
>watch old negress kill a man and use his vital bodily fluids + nigger powder + grape drank to become sweet bunda ready for snu snu again
>kill husband
>be young again
>run off with african(white) guide who stole the nigger powder and other items for ritual
>immediately spread your legs for the guide
>ju ju wears off
>kill guide and get hot again
>go home pretend to be your niece
>immediately try to fuck your engaged lawyer after he and his fiancee bring you from the airport
>get old before you can milk his prostate with your big toe and kick him out
>his fiancee is already sick as fuck of your shit
>kill some other guy you didn't try to fuck and get young again
>invite lawyer over for coitus resumptus
>fiancee finds out and beats him over to your place
>pulls a gun on you to make you leave town
>kill fiancee, drain her vital bodily fluids for later and stuff her in a closet
>try to fuck lawyer with his dead fiancee in the closet
>cops show up because your dumb roastie ass left your calling card at the murder of the guy you didn't try to fuck
>get old while they are all there
>lose your shit and run to your room to suck the fiancee's juice
>it doesn't work
>anhero out window looking like a mummy

wew lads.

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Just saw the trailer, this is 100% kino

Not many people had his presence on the screen and he was an autistic color blind weirdo just like us.

why did he turn his appartment into a dumpster

>Some of the acting is fucking atrocious,
>The main star may not speak fluent english
You say that like it's a bad thing

Saw this a few months ago, pure kino.

This film has everything to be considered a bad film, but somehow it's a good film, a miracle in filmmaking, love it.

ok, ok I'm going with this

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Stop watching RLM.

Man these pre-CGI movie covers are the fucking bomb.

I think its this. Even if the people working on the film figured it was cheap shlock they tried hard to make a good movie
its what we used to call...professionalism

that hotel sex scene is pretty hot.
my only real complaint is that I wish the mob turns into vampires happened earlier in the film. It basically happens right towards the end and then gets all wrapped up.

They had to actually try back then to make them pop out at you as you're browsing in Blockbuster.

Basically the closest thing we ever had to a live action 80s/90s era OVA (anime) right down to the nonsensical plot
You can tell it was the Adam Pyun just putting every cool thing he likes into one movie.
too bad he never made it BIG leagues I think he could have had an amazing hollywood career

Everything in this looked great considering the budget.
Really only the "zero g" stuff looked cheap.

>80s and 90s B movies
The definition of soul

I liked this one too.