Why didnt they attack at night when germans are sleeping?

why didnt they attack at night when germans are sleeping?

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its about sending a message

they didn't attack, the germans just defended into them

also the germans started it

>germans just minding their own business playing on the beach
>americans come to attack them
>americans get praised for it
what a joke

Normandy was watched 24/7. A night attack would just create more casualties because of lack of vision.

Oh no! They shot that poor innocent Czech SS volunteer!

>muh vision

Why didn’t they just use aimbots and watch walkthroughs of veteran mode on YouTube?

>ummm yeah we and the british have this huge airforce of like a thousand bombers, we're not even gonna bomb the place before we land

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the germans were all hopped up on meth candy so it would have been more of a gamble

why didnt they just airdrop all the troops BEHIND the machine gun nests?

They did for months and included artillery fire during the landings from battleships on the day of the landings.

they tried. the machine gun nests in the movie weren't actually machine gun nests, they were observation towers
real machine gun nests looked like this, they werent even pointed out to sea, they were built into hills and natural defensive postiong and were aimed along the beach to set up crossfires and protect from naval shelling

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because then they would be sleeping as well
These people are working for the government so everything was done between nine to five

They did, they mentioned it briefly in band of Brothers

They did some airdrops before the main invasion and it ended up being a total clusterfuck

They in fact did. There was a massive amount of airdrops the night before the beach invasion which really wrecked the german's supply, logistics, communications, artillery, and armor transport behind the lines, which made it easier for the beach landings.

There was definitely some confusion and poor drops, but overall the paratrooper attacks were a massive success. If you want to see a paratroop clusterfuck, ,look at Market Garden, or the movie A Bridge Too Far.

The germans invented meth , they didn't need sleep.

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Why did landing craft open at the front to allow machine gun bullets in? Why not make this simple design alteration to prevent that?

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The bombers were busy bombing germany, and towing gliders for the paratrooper assault the night before. They also didn't need to bomb the area, as they had a the biggest naval fleet ever assembled sitting offshore that was more than capable of any bombardment.

Actual historical note: the generals were all scared to wake up hitler and tell him what was happening. So this shit post has a grain of truth in it.

>Americans managed to change the public perception of their naval landing into the most important and bloody battle of the war, while 90% of the war was decided in the east
Sneaky bastards

Wouldn’t it be better if the Germans couldn’t see the Americans from their pillboxes? Since Americans would have to storm the pillboxes before they could really get shots off anyway?

Quads of restful sleep

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Why didn't they just nuke Berlin?

It was about population control, never about hitler.

They were supposed to but they showed up late and arrived at the crack of dawn instead.

Just one of many fuck ups.

They did technically. They shot paratroopers early morning in behind normandy and launched the sea assault around 6am at dawn. Rommell was told to stand down by Hitler AGAIN as in Dunkirk and Normandy was left largely undefended.

Allied bombardment was largely ineffective as they miscalculated and made the major blunder of coming out of hyperspace to close to the system

>Rommell was told to stand down by Hitler AGAIN as in Dunkirk and Normandy was left largely undefended.

Not really. Rommell wasn't even in the area, he was traveling back to Berlin to have a meeting with Hitler.

You may be thinking of the fact that there was pretty significant armored reinforcements in the area at the time, but Hitler, for some reason, has exclusive control of these units, and they were not committed to the battle until days after the landings. It may not have matters, because by the time of the beach landings, allied paratroopers already had control of most of the heavy roads and bridges in the area.

The Germans were all on so much speed they didn't bother sleeping they had to make time for bum sex

>they shot paratroopers
Why would they shoot a man before throwing him off a plane?

There is no redemption in imperialism. This film is a piece of slimy propaganda that attempts, by acknowledging the human price of war, to suggest that if you narrow the framework, you find some decency and human value. By refusing the broader context and limiting it to a numbers game or a matter of a mother's heart or the after-war efforts of one man (which we never see), it feeds the lie of American values. Even this film's attempts to question their mission comes off as propagandizing.

I am a queer, trans, working woman, a Marxist-Leninist, a breathless political zealot, and a tired old woman. I am the world's foreleast expert on trans representation in film.

My preferred kinds of films include queer and trans cinema, quiet art films, experimental feminist films, slashers, gialli, 70s exploitation stuff, bright happy movies, 90s teen angst, neon 80s stuff, melodrama, terrible romcoms, LA Rebellion films, cinema from oppressed nations, anti-imperialist films, pro-worker films, films by women, 60s musicals, Spice World, weepies, feelgood women's films, mysteries, and things that look pretty.

nice speech


Becuase Hitler thought that they were going to attack at night, so he let them sleep during the day, so when the allies attacked during the day, the only forces opposing them were demoralized Czech conscripts.

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Captain lost most of his squad.

they tried but failed (on Omaha beach), it's why the landings on the other beaches went a lot more smoothly

why didnt they just let the tanks go first and infantry use it as cover?

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Work on it. 6/10 bait but a little over the top. Might work on Twitter.

Why didn't they just shoot bratwursts so they were distracted?

why didnt they just wait till the war is over and take the beach without any resistance ?

He's going all in

The propaganda was so good that they thought their tanks could swim.

You ever see pictures and see those x looking things on the beach. Thats why. They did send some vehicles, but it was muddy and the Germans put barges to keep vehicles from moving forward. The tanks would of caused more problems than without them.

Why didn’t they bring umbrellas and beach blankets and pretend to be Italian tourists?

>heres where sixty gazillion jews were murdered by bug spray

Appreciate the feedback, user. Thanks

they did, the russians already won the war for them

they absolutely did try that and it worked on the other beaches, the majority of tanks on Omaha Beach sunk because they released them too early

meant for

Why waste the ammunition when you have millions of expendable soldiers

The word you are looking for is "balls." They knew it would be a slaughter, but proceeded anyway because they knew that if they can crack the German front, then it's basically marching to Berlin to see who gets there first.

More like herd mentality and not having a choice. Allied command were psychopaths and didn't care how many died. Bigger plans were in place beyond the outcome of the war.

They send a lot of tanks and they send people to blow up the barges, the tanks meant to land on Omaha Beach just sunk because they were released to early

Germans definitely could have shot flares for vision and prolly had some lights on the beach. I don’t think the ships would have been hidden even at night so they would have known they were out there.

It should be retroactively renamed to Obama Beach.

Ukraine = nazis
Russia = real heroes of ww2 and current operations in Donna's.
US = gay tranny

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>Ukraine = nazis

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why didnt the germans just use snipers and kill people on the ships?

Another element here is they weren't exactly able to pick and chose when they attacked. The weather in the English Chanel is brutal and unpredictable at times, and they had called off the operation multiple times, they eventually attacked when there was a small window of maybe half a day when they could get the attack in, but even that was a dice roll, they were lucky it turned out as good as it did.

Believe me. It will be eventually.

I think the main reason was you can't use air / artillery support at night