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>next week
lol more like in the next 18-24 months, maybe less if you are non-white

>he doesn't know

you need to win at the fucking lottery before having the chance to have a doctor appointment


Based. Canada is the best country in the world and Trudeau is what all leaders should aspire to be.

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more like you'll never even get the tests to find out if you have cancer until you're fucked lol

The series would be entirely different in Canada because there'd be more gangs and competition due to trying to sell meth so that they can pay for groceries and housing.

>Canada long waits XDD
none of you are from Canada, none of you know what's it like. My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer, his treatment started about 2 weeks later.

ITT:large doses of copium

>Breaking Bad UK
>You have cancer, we'll contact you soon to discuss the next steps
>*2 years later*
>*NHS letter takes up the screen, slowly lowered to show Walt's grave*
>Meanwhile Jesse is on his Xbox

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I’m from Canada and my ex gf got leukaemia. She was getting treatments within the month she got diagnosed and beat it two years later.

not funny cuz it was never about the money

More like

>wait 4 years for an appointment
>"You have cancer, but now it's too late to treat it"
>"You have cancer, treatment st- oh, wait. It says here you said naughty things about the current government. I'm afraid we can't help you. This is your fault, by the way.
>"You have cancer, treatment starts as soon as it's your turn on the waiting list. You're white, so you'll be behind everyone in the country who is nonwhite, regardless of the severity of their condition or yours. Because equality."

>none of you are from Canada

Truest part about this is that it would be boring as shit, classically Canadian.


the long wait times are for non-urgent medical procedures

Wasn't this disproven a thousand times already? He didn't need money to pay for treatment, just to leave money for his family.

Lies upon lies.


Not a lie. I’m very thankful for the healthcare system in Canada. She’s graduated college now and gets to live life without being debilitated by debt. Canada literally saved her life and gave her a chance.

canada has a cure for cancer? pretty based of them to keep it to themselves

She fucks meese.

I took her virginity so I don’t care

His family would be left with the medical debt. When he passes out in episode one he asks the ambulance driver to drop him off on a corner because he doesn’t have great insurance
Find something else to cope about this one is impossible to overcome

None of you people have ever watched Breaking Bad. White had medical insurance. What he didn't have was life insurance.

wich is good, if you have cancer just fucking die and let others inherit you fucking boomer, we aren't gona spend a milion to make you live ten more years, you aren't inmortal and you aren't that important.
In Europe we wouldve had flying cars by now if we didn't spend half the nation's money on doctor schemes

The only people who believe this image are the ones who didn't watch the first season where someone else offers to pay for Walt's cancer.

I cope by not watching overrated trash.

you two have brain cancer. thats why you're the way you are

Didnt Walt needed some special cutting edge experimental treatment treatment?

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Liver cancer, chud.

>Walter given a one in a million chance at getting his family cared for, and top of the line treatment from a company he helped found and the owner clearly still respected him as shown at the b-day party where he said the company wouldn't have been where they were today without him in the early days and wanted his friend back in his life.
>Chooses to make Meth instead because of pride, because Skylar told his old friend about his health, which was after his friend was saying Walter was brilliant still but after he was offered a job
Walter was a dumbass.

Uh, we know this and this is unrelated to this thread.

Yeah leafs are fucked in the head

More like he dies before the appointment that he learns he has cancer.

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Walt had insurance that would have given him the same free basic care that he received in Canada. They chose instead to move outside of their insurance and get the best doctor they could get and had to pay out of pocket. The exact same thing would happen in Canada. He also wanted to leave his family money whe he passed.

>treatment starts in 24-36 months, provided there are no more Chinese or Indians before or after you in the queue

It wasnt the medical bills, he could of, and did, decline treatment.

It was money to support his family after he passed, that turned into being a kingpin

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ITT: the copium continues.


>refuses handouts from a millionaire because he wants to larp as a drug dealer
Wouldn't Canadian Walter just refuse and do the same?

Walt explained numerous times he got into making meth because it gave him the power and respect he never had in his life. He didn't care because he thought he was going to die.

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based american health care pushing walt so he cn find his true passion in life.

What if Breaking Bad took place on Mars?

>it's a "walt and his family get evicted, thrown out into the street, and bank accounts frozen because walt jr didn't get the vax" episode

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Walt would get the vax

Holy shit i was on a wikipedia binge last night and found the 2020 spree killing that happened out in canada and it was nuts. Dessed up as a cop, with a decomissioned cop car he refunished to look exactly like a cop car, with an assault rifle, spent 13 hours travelling to a bunch of associates and killing them, hitting a cop car head on, shooting it out with the cops and winning, stealing the cops gun and setting fire to like 8 homes? And the police didnt even use their alert system and tweeted a fucking message that just said "uh firearms disturbance please stay inside", not fucking "a man impersonating an officer is literally goong John woo, get the fuck away"?

Why dosent anyone ever bring that up when canada shits on america crime and guns, lmao, every gun he had was either unlicensed or outright illegal.

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He'd be denied any immediate care and told to wait 6 months for an appointment because muh covid is overwhelming the sleep deprived doctor superheroes working 120 hour weeks to save dying old people.

I lived in Japan for about 5 years and I broke my arm once when hiking. The entire hospital trip cost me like 12,000 yen (around 100 USD at the time)

>You've had cancer for over a year
>We just didn't see it despite all the signs, tests we did and those 2 times we operated on you
>We can still treat it, but that treatment involves amputation

True story that happened to me, and I live in a country with free, universal healthcare.

But they did treat Walt in the show
He even got better at some point

you would be retarded to not get the vax then even if the vax puts you at a higher health risk


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>"user, you have cancer."
>"Good thing I have Medicare because I'm a NEET and Medicaid because I'm poor. Since I have both I have Medicare Advantage which covers absolutely everything and even gives me a $750 allowance for wigs while I'm bald from having chemotherapy."


this is unironically what makes the US such a powerhouse. Alexander the Great's father made him fight lions at 10yrs old and he conquered the entire damn world as a result - the US took that and applied it to an entire nation. It is human nature to stagnate when all things are too good, and stagnation is the death of nations

Why do people from Canada come to the States for cancer treatment? Are they dumb?