Do white supremacists even exist? I seriously don't believe this shit would ever happen

Do white supremacists even exist? I seriously don't believe this shit would ever happen.

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They do and they’re even more impotent and cringe in real life.

Yes. But half are feds trying to justify their agency's existence.

didn't pol have a meet up and most of them weren't white?

>be racist against black people
>black people kill your brother
>racism is now bad
uh huh

That’s because the white chuds are too pathetic to actually go outside and meet people face to face

ehhhh, if you're a zoomer you prolly never seen one.
If you're a bit older you might remember the spike in neo-nazis (skinheads) in the 80's through the early 2000's, they did some nasty shit and then got literally hunted everywhere and ended up with a gapping anus the size of their heads.

*monkey noises*

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Of course they exist.
And there are degrees of white supremacy. They're not all thugs curbstomping niggers. They're all over society from homeless to board rooms.

All it takes is one pressure case losing his shit every 20 years to sustain the mass delusion. Whites betraying each other for niggers is the true standard. White privilege isn't even real, but white betrayal is epidemic.

Not really. It's like voodoo practitioners

Lmao what other shit that never happened do you wanna make up for us today?

Let's just all forget the blacks in this movie drove upto the white guys house to rob/rape and kill them because they lost a baseball game (or whatever it was) fair and square to the whites.

The white guy defended his family and property. Goes to jail for it, gets released, brother is killed by a violent low iq black who was picking on another kid.

Not him but my Bernie Sanders worshipping sister actually thinks black people are actively being hunted and lynched from trees in present times. She is a nurse and almost 40 so I have no fucking clue why she thinks the way she does

>Do white supremacists even exist?
you ever look in the mirror, chud?

Do Nazis really have gay sex with each other like this movie depicts?

Mostly a hollywood myth for the new religion

Its a psyop

Here's the director for your interracial violence porn anons

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They do, but now they just LARP with tiki torches and spend all day crying on /pol/ or shitting up other boards.

Show some evidence of real ones that aren't feds in any organized situation.
Protip, you can't.

>everything is glowies
Take your meds, schizo.

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To unironically shill the tiki torch menace there are only two possibilities.
An incredibly gullible leftist, or an actual dnc shill.
I really don't know or care which you are.

Lincoln Rockwell and the rest of the American Nazi party and the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang.

The most prominent ones I can think of is atomwaffen division, but they're just a bunch of idiots holed up in the forest.

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Autists get the rope. It's a good movie.

Thats because it happened in america

Sorry you are so triggered that you missed the part where I was being sarcastic and making fun of "white supremacists" for being impotent, LARPing faggots and keyboard cry babies.

Real question. How often do you see black men together with white women?

I live in sweden, last summer I saw 2 white blonde girls with like 9 black guys, and later I saw 2 white women waiting for the ugliest somalis, I was shocked and confused when I saw it.

What is George Lincoln Rockwell up to these days? oh right.
A literal prison gang that's largely existing for protection and drug dealing, yeah they are quite a menace with a lot of societal influence user.

Oh no you're retarded too and don't know what sarcasm is.

You asked for white supremacists groups, and I gave you two. Don't get all picky now. You never specified a time or level of activity.

most come from back yard countries in poor land... the ones is mutt world are all inbred and fat they cant even when and depend on mobility scooters

I know two who could do this. One of them probably already did it.

The only reason they were hunted in the first place is because they were terrorizing southern residents after the American Civil War. That's the entire reason the KKK was formed.

>They do [WINK}, but now they just LARP with tiki torches and spend all day crying on /pol/ or shitting up other boards.
Getting it yet, dumbfuck? You are one thick, autistic moron.

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It's true, I work in insurance and I make sure to deny as many black people applications as possible


Aryan brotherhood aren't a political group. They're just white gangbangers.

That shit is pure fiction, white supremacists are mostly all talk and pussies

The Aryan Brotherhood is one of the most dangerous and violent gangs in the American prison system.

Nah white supremacists are ugly cowards. None are like Edward Norton. Movie was totally unbelievable.

don't really see many nogs at all but I live in a small english town. I only really see them if I go to a city. quite a lot of poos where I live though.

Yeah, they’re just nowhere as cool as Derek.

You should never reproduce.
And you won't, so thank god.

There are very few propaganda movie type white supremacists, most just want peaceful separation and to live their lives being left alone by diversity squads

Um, do you pay attention politics at all? A third of the people in the U.S. are white supremacists.

But I have. Twice. Seethe harder, you mentally ill faggot incel.

Even in most prisons they are pussies and even consider teaming up with mexicans

Tiki torch propaganda implies current year.
You cited George Lincoln Rockwell, you might as well have just said Adolph Hitler.

I hope child protective services steps in before they become as retarded as you.

They don't.

This. The ratio is probably like 90 feds and 10 retards that don't understand what's going on.

Rarely, and when I do its some muttoid obese 3/10 with her drug dealer

there as SOOOOO many niggers in prison it is pretty much niggers vs humans in there.

yes, and one of them was the 45th president

>gay sex
That was full on gay rape.

It's so easy to tell which threads were linked in a tranny discord nowadays

What's the difference? Don't gay people have sex to feel like they're being molested by their uncle again?

Pretty sure they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the violence in there. I'm not idolizing the AB or anything, it's simply what I've heard.

Citing the prison system is the epitome of being a brainlet.
You are literally removed from society in the prison system.
There is literally not a single white supremacist organization of any note with any pollical capital anywhere in the western world.
Now unless you want to talk about Azov battalion which the left fervently and blindly supports, this point is pretty much put to rest.