>They WAVE to each other now!?
They WAVE to each other now!?
Other urls found in this thread:
>here's something speculative we have no evidence for a grad student wrote a hypothesis for
dinosaurs are so pozzed now
So fucking tired of these pussified nu-dinosaurs.
Whats this from?
One of my fondest memories is my dad taking me to Jurassic Park as a kid. This company has ruined the franchise so badly that I don't even have enough patience to watch a pirated version of jw3.
imagine being a dinokek in 2022
bugchads ww@
Dinosaurs arent real. This is on the same level of circus act as "woman cut in half" or "alien body from outer space". No skeleton has ever been found, no fossil of dinosaur bones have ever existed. It is all
Im tired of pretending it isnt. Im not a creationist, evolutionary science checks out to me, but dinos do not fucking pass the sniff test. This is simply the holohoax cottage industry for palaeontologists.
nice try but I'm a leftist.
extremely based and high IQ
>first t-rex """skeleton""" was """"""found""""" by a literal circus performer named after PT Barnum 6 feet under the soil in the desert
>it was a full skeleton
>he """"""""""found"""""""""" a SECOND full t-rex skeleton a couple years later
>This is BRAZIL
Weird how dinosaur skeletons are only ever found in north america, and one has never been found anywhere else on the planet.
Slave vs freeman dichotomy. Ancient roman slaves could buy their freedom. If they did, they were considered excellent enough to have a persona (what ancient romans considered to be a non-NPC of the era). They even had a saying, "Slaves have no personality", the equivalent today would be "Normies are NPCs".
Fascinating how this persists in other animal species. Wagies are the natural-born slave class, neets without debt are natural-born free men who are smart enough to escape the false employed/unemployed dichotomy.
The final redpill isnt whites vs blacks, goy vs jews, the people vs elites. Its free men vs free men. Slaves have no personality, why concern yourself with their opinion?
I just think Dinosaurs are cool
no one that is a liberal calls themselves leftist. you are just straight up autistic trash.
>muh dinosaurs are woke
Based. For the uninitiated, look up what a holotype is. Realize that they invented the T-Rex after finding a single fragment of a jaw bone. Realize that in all the years of "discovery" that followed, the T-Rex never once changed in design, and every bone they "found" after happened to perfectly fit the original holotype model. What's more likely, that the inventor of the T-Rex is a genius? Or that it's all a fucking scam?
Hi wolfish
They have found them all over the world, you donut.
>posts no proof, just reddit snark
the absolute STATE of atheists
mf really believe shit like this and think you a dumbass for believing in god!
Hopefully when the show comes out we can get one or two comfy dino threads before ironic schizoposting completely takes over
>Not a single solitary sole one photo of these real discoveries
You think scientists would do that? Just lie to secure next years grant money?
Every single dinosaur from China is fake 100% confirmed. It’s big business selling fake shit to Westerners
'huge' animals, carnivores especially, usually exist as an evolutionary last stand against an environment that no longer needs them before they eventually die out
most dinosaurs were small. the only reason we even know tyrannosaurs existed was they were an example of such that evolved at the very end of the dinosaur era that happened to be taken out by the comet before they would have gone extinct by unrelated shit going on so we have tonnes of their fossils
One company in china makes all dinosaur """bones""" found in every museum in the world
>China is a genuine goldmine for paleontology
>also overflowing with counterfeits because chinks gonna chink
>if you want to get any real work done in china to study the real fossils you have to take every blatant forgery as real otherwise the chink government will blacklist you from entering the country
Between shit like this, all the private collectors fucking with shit in africa, and Jurassic Park making the general public vehemently oppose anything that doesn't align with their sacred movie monsters, paleontology has to be THE most cucked scientific field out there.
big carnivores can eat smaller herbivores
dinosaurs were lizards. their tiny stupid brains couldn't into group dynamics. they couldn't go full wolfpack so they had to go big
its happened with many subsequent mammals
big carnivores preying on small prey isn't sustainable (outside of small cats eating rodents etc but even then said cats sleep most of the time)
large ungulate herds need to keep the grass/shrubs in a specific environment etc from overgrowing
aptly-sized carnivores need to keep those ungulate numbers in check
it can't just have every one of them a great big fucking grizzly bear or siberian tiger going around eviscerating the ungulate population
My boss said this to me once, almost word for word, kek.
You can go out and find the bones yourself retard
they'd be all over the place today if humans hadn't killed them all for being threats to them. er, I mean, if climate change that totally coincided with humans arriving hadn't all coincidentally killed them at the same time
Those are chicken and coyote bones, doofus
the T-Rex in JP always seemed to be angry for no particular reason. the raptors similarly were massive cunts
I imagine they'd just be chill ftmp (once not around food) like how you see tonnes of videos on youtube of people sitting around with lions and bears and such and they're docile af
There’s some truth in this statement if you stop and think for a bit.
look at that jawline at the bottom damn
Carnotaurus had strong shoulder muscles meaning he did move his arms around for some reason.
he just like me fr
Never forget that a Chinese rats grind up fossils and snort them up because China.
Dinos are based and none of you black pilled faggots will ever change that. Seethe and die kissless.
>and every bone they "found" after happened to perfectly fit the original holotype mod
You don't know anything about paleontology or the history of T.rex. you're a hopeless nigger who's clueless about science
me on the right
heres your t-rex bro
>Dinosaurs supposed to went extinct tens of millions of years ago
>Yet their skeletons are supposedly found by digging holes only a few feet deep
Dinosaur fags are actual morons.
You have a bone, the bone have marks where muscle attached.
if dinosaurs were .. DINOsaurs
is that why they no longer exist?
You fucking brain dead zoomer. The dinosaurs were pissy because they had been grown in captivity. All they had known was bars and scheduled meals. Their mothers were test tubes and medical incubators. Psychologically they were messed up.
I went to COSI and checked out their dinosaur room. It's a bunch of shit borrowed from the Smithsonian. After actually reading everything, I kinda came to the same conclusion as you.
A lot of fossils look fake as fuck, parricularly imprints in stone. There's some vague pattern in a rock, and they straight-faced claim it's a feather or footprint. They admit they have no clue what they're doing when they build skeletons from bones and just take a guess at Frankensteining shit found in the same area.
I think what really killed it for me though is when they tried to explain how they find preserved footprints after hundreds of millions of years. They try to say the weight and force of dinosaur steps cause phantom prints beneath the surface, and the compare it to walking on a beach. The problem I have with that is your footprints are gone within a couple days on a beach. How the hell do you expect me to believe that ANY footprint can survive hundreds of millions of years? How can a skeleton even survive that long? It's not like the mosquitoes preserved in amber, these are carcasses that are exposed to the elements and what not.
I actually do believe the dinosaur stuff is faked. The science behind it, what little there is, doesn't hold water when you take into consideration that these things are allegedly HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD. Like erosion and decay and even this supposed meteor that wiped them out isn't going to affect these fossils at all? Get real.
there was an exhibit of an artist reconstructing various animals today like they do dinosaurs, horses in particular come out very nightmare-like.
i lost the source a long time ago though.
BASED post
Im watching brba for the third time in my gamer chair while youre worried about me denying dinosaurs on the right device, fuck you fag
I don't like this at all.
Reading this in lynchs voice was otherworldly
>'scary' looking animals
absurd humancentric concept
GODZILLA is just a giant iguana, a meek herbivorous reptile that barely even moves
>*JUST a giant monster that JUST steps on a city block in youre path*
Behold! A man!
Would that be it?
Reptilian claws typed this post
presumably in search of lettuce or employment
Diogenes pls
>>>reddit and also samefag
yeah these sketches from C.M. Koseman
Bro hug
dino no piko
Prove it
Yeah, I'm thinking it's based
This. Also it doesn't help that dinosaurs all the sudden were discovered in the 1800s. Which was just a get rich quick scam by a snake oil salesman
hippos look .. 'bubbly' and they're literally the most dangerous animal on the planet
when will we get lgbtsaurus?
>people STILL don't realize that dinosaurs are late 19th century grift
Bullshit I bet I could beat a hippo with a stick
How do dinosaur deniers explain the chicxulub crater?
>industrious turn of the century businessmen have a crack at getting a lot of govt grants and positive press
Gee no incentive to fake anything here
a cat
That's not Jurassic World.