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This looks ok at best. Seems to be in the same level of the CGI for the orcs in the Warcraft movie

>John Carter 2012

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Looks based I can’t wait

This is where I disagree. I think it looks well above average. Something about the light. I don't know how they did lighting in this one, but the rendering looks so much better. It's also a lot sharper than the first one. A lot more detail in the skin.
It's hard to tell if it's amazing. I have no mental reference of what Na'vi look like IRL.

Looks fine

Something about the eyes and face in this one make it looks worse than the Avatar 2 pic. I don't know why. I think the skin texture is actually better on this image compared to Avatar 2. Whoever designed this made the eyes too different from the skin. It's like there's no grain on the eyes, it's too shapr, not interacting with the lighting in the environment enough.
Avatar 2 one overall looks way better.

it looks a little better to me but its hard to say with a still image of cg, i bet in motion it will look amazing
most cg sucks because the way it moves isnt realistic

No, it's Cameron who doesn't put meme filters on his movies.
There is plenty of artistically pleasing colors to go around thanks to the creature and environment designs and good art direction, so no need to turn the teal and orange up to 11.
The blue chick looks demented though, it's like they took Alita and remodelled her to fit. Which is unironically what probably happened.

>same shit but now underwater
well worth throwing your career away for James

I really don't think James Cameron of all people has to worry about a few flops for his career to be destroyed.

13 years spent on one film nobody wanted. its not about the money its about where his career should have gone : the Terminator franchise, the Aliens franchjse, he's just wasted it on his furry fetish.

he also filmed avatar 3, it's coming in 2 years

Warcraft movie orcs actually looks better than this. Navi don't have that much hair on their body, so their skin is just rubbery shiny leatherish skin which always look terrible and out of place in a live action environment.

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Criminally underrated film.

I can't wait to jack off to furry porn again


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>Orcs look great in a rendered promo shot
>in motion they are Playstation tier
open your eyes bro, the movie looks like rubbery shit compared to Avatar


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>comparing a leaked screenshot to a 1080p frame

Avatar is the first AAA film shot in 8k, will James Cameron do it again and cause 8k TVs to sell by the bucketload?

I can use the argument for Avatar


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anything above 1080 is a meme

Doesn't really matter how it looks Yea Forums will simp hard. Plus normies don't give a fuck and that's where the money comes from. They gave billions th MCU and it has much worse CGI

kek you need an eyetest, this looks so bad its hilarious

The orcs had scenes where they look great in the movie too. The movie was clearly unfinished and was messed with by the studio, Duncan himself admitted it, but there were scenes were the orcs look fantastic in motion and there were scenes that they look like rubbery shit.

the eternal poorfag cope

yeah this just feels like a "cinematic" trailer for those MMORPG games. Nothing feels grounded

Speaking of Warcraft
Why did they allow Raimi to write a scene

More criminally over hated than underrated. It was an alright adventure movie that kept you entertained. It wasn't the best, but it was far from as bad as what Disney did to it and the reception.
They set it up to fail on purpose is what it seems like.


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you don't actually think cameron worked on this movie everyday for a decade, do you?

cameron has more things going on his life. he was one of the first celebs that was into climate change. he's an environmentalist first. he's not even a director second. he doesn't give a shit about making films. he never did. he's the same as george lucas. he simply got lucky that nobody died during the production of the abyss. cameron will most likely got into politics after avatar bombs

>Arm-pit deep


realer than real life

Its gonna be a allegory for george floyds murder
Black Na'vi is getting enslaved by Light skinned Na'vi

we know.

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hows that fruit rind, poorfag?

That's a better movie than Avatar.

It's the lack of sharp shadows. Very obvious in the second pic when you look at his arm

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Overdetailed, like the old pictures where due to contrast people looked extremly wrinkled

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Bro, ever seen gorrilla and chimps?
Humans have smooth skin due to sexual preference making those features more desirable, but a lot of animals are pretty wrinkly.
Orc would probably look more reough as that would mean they survived a lot, would be definitively seen as a form of beauty.

Who's playing that?

I fucking love the John Carter movie. It's great. Battleship, the lead actor's other big budget 2012 flop, is also good.

I hate those blue cats and I wish they'd focus on humans instead

Too bad the Warcraft movie had humans in it. The orcs were so cool. Really, the whole film should have been cgi.

Based. I'm still using a 47inch 1080p I bought in 2009.

This movie doesn't make any sense. The success of Avatar can be explained by many factors, right time, right place (the 3D fever) and the best CGI of its time.

CGI or 3D can't surprise anybody anymore. And the story... well, it's just the same story but with furries. The last samurai, Pocahontas, Dances with wolves, etc.

Making 5 of these is just madness.

Even they look less wrinkled than that shit

Cameron doesnt understand Terminator at this point, he went around praising the Deadpool comedy that was Dark Fate.

They've been working on 5 films at the same time btw. So it's not for one film. The 3rd already finished filming long ago

James Cameron has a great track record, but I'm skeptical too. He might be too old and malnourished to make rational decisions anymore. He actually approved of Dark Fate.

Cameron only endorses things he gets a cut from.

You fucking for real?
The Orcs in Warcraft looked great, looked like a rough bunch from a desert brutal region,
Also they are fucking huge, and look up how elephant skins looks, bigger animals tend to be more wrinkly.

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I hecking love western anime

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anime na'vi loli...

I don't understand Cameron's decision to include a big transparent "M" over the whole movie, but I guess he knows what he's doing

Why is she green? Are the tribes color coded? Is this how they're going to work anti-racism into the film?

For me, it's this qt elf

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Look at that chimp. He's got massive wrinkles, but the skin around it is smooth like the bottom of a guman foot. Now, the CGI orcs have smooth skin aqend almost none wrinkles, but overly detailed crispy skin

>He might be too old and malnourished to make rational decisions anymore.
this is your brain on /pol/

No, I'm just talking about Cameron's brain veganism and old age.

My plasma from 2008 is still going although it has been glitching recently.

Yeah, chimps dont have strong pores, but looks at a hippo, he looks like he was shot by a million tiny bullets.
Hell not only do i think the skin on that Orc looks great, im sure you will find people, like real people who look even more beat up by life.
Just google "acne scars" and see how rough young peoples skin can look, yet alone looking at older people.

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