This movie panders to burgers and their ignorance. Only an american would enjoy such a bastardisation of history...

This movie panders to burgers and their ignorance. Only an american would enjoy such a bastardisation of history, the plot reads like if it were written by a kid who got brainwashed by cold War propaganda, writing down his patriotism-fueled fanfiction. I can't not cringe watching this, surely the worst tarantino movie.

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i have and will never watch it because they misspelled bastards

its revenge porn, but since they already won the war it feels over the top revenge against a defeated enemy, which is creating resentment, which will come with a revenge

t. missed the entire fucking point

They misspelled inglorious too, what did they mean by this
Fuck right off, this is literally a purely fictional action movie, with le good vs le bad in a WWII setting, there is no point other than "our side= good their side=bad", making this a glorified marvel movie

>They misspelled inglorious too

The movie is great. It's got film noire, it's got comedy, slapstick, drama, action... It's playful and toys around with genres. You on the other hand have severe autism and need meds - it's not made for the likes of you.

I'd heard it hyped up so much that when I got around to watching it, it was kind of a massive let down.
Like most Tarentino movies really.

>thinking this movie is pandering to amerifats, while it's making fun of them

This is the best Tarantino schlock

Burger here. I fell asleep halfway through this garbage and have never bothered to rewatch it. Cool opening scene - utter shit after that.

Alternative history of WWII that ends less dramatically than actual WWII

>nazis are…le BAD
Wow they made a whole movie about this?

This. Best Tarantino.

>Burger here
Who cares


It's an exploitation.. you don't know what that truly means and it shows. I wont hold your hand either, you either know the purpose of such films or you don't. I bet South Park pisses you off too, huh? Braindead poors, man. Seriously. Smol Brain shitheads like you have no business watching movies.

Basement bar scene is one of his greatest scenes of all time and when they pretend to be Italians is one of his funniest.

Jewish jerk off fantasy history alternative for reddit users that got their modern history education from a 20 something leftist high school teacher female with no life experience.

The interrogation makes op mad.. probably.. must be a hook nose kike himself.. anyway.. im sure thats where 99% of his rage is coming from right now

q t not jewish scum bag tho

dilate tranny

The point is that it's anti-white jewish propaganda

>Action movie
Just watch the opening scene retard.

>not knowing inglorious is misspelled also
>not realizing it's obviously on purpose
lmao bet you felt so smart not watching it

>>not realizing it's obviously on purpose
and what could that purpose possibly be other than to piss me off?

it's in the movie, now fuck off

the problem is that those supposedly great scenes never connect or mesh organically with one another. the drama of the french farm interrogation is nullified by the comic book tone of the hitler scenes. the tension of the basement shoot-out is nullified by the prison raid where the basterds retrieve the nazi killer and are basically invincible and omniscient and worriless.

It's wild to me that Stormfront fucked this place up so badly that we've progressed from laughing at Nigga Stole My Bike memes for the shock value to simping for Nazis.

Your brain is too small to handle tonal shifts, huh?

tarantino wasn't aware he was misspelling inglourious basterds on the title page of his screenplay, instead of admittting the mistake, he pretended it was some personal intentional eccentricity

Attached: DMiNvXrUEAAAtlb.jpg (900x1200, 124.83K)

no, my brain is too small to be able to pretend that tarantino's shit is some gourmet food

.>only an american would enjoy such a bastardisation of history
>can't not cringe watching this, surely the worst tarantino movie
Go through these two lines again and reconsider your approach. Hint: key words are "tarantino movie".

>These 30 minute long extremely tense suspense scenes are washed away by these goofy 2 minute comic relief scenes
That’s the point retard. I don’t think any movie has EVER left me on the edge of my seat like Ingorious Basterds for as long as it did and as many times as it did. You need something to break the tension because otherwise it would lose its grasp on the audience

ive never been angrier than after seeing tarantino's jesus fish a's
the man makes a mockery of language

>it's not make for the likes of you
Must mean I'm no NPC burger consoomer then.
Sure, everyone laughs at the caricaturised american characters, they are goofy and retarded. Oh wait no they don't.
>alternative history
>the only thing changing is Hitler dying like he's a marvel villain
Bravo tarantino
Quentin your last movie sucked ass too for the same reasons, try opening a book sometimes or watching a few actual kinos, you might get it right then.
Waltz's acting and character were the only good things in this movie

The movie made it a point to portray a nazi sergeant as more noble than the bloodthirsty Jew gang.
You didn't get it.

Attached: basterds.jpg (1280x720, 42.8K)

Has anyone called this #?

Be a man and do it yourself

>no, you can't have continual realistic tension in a story, if you don't have a throwaway goofy scene that destroys the verisimilitude of the story, you will lose the grasp of the audience

>bastardisation of history
I love history and anyone else that does should be well aware that most of human history is full of bias, half-truths and propaganda. This shit is human nature, we will never know our true history.

You realize Hitler dying in hilariously bloody fashion directly contrasts the war propaganda film they’re at the theater to see, right? They’re at a movie watching a sniper kill a bunch of Americans shouting campy lines and carving perfect swastikas into the wood flooring and Hitler is shown to be giggling and loving the stupid movie. Then what happens? Shoshanna says a stupid campy line and Hitler gets his face turned into cheese by Donny and your theater probably giggles and laughs at Hitler dying.

Just did, Tarantino said to send pictures of my feet. What have I got myself into?!

The point was force defeats nobility.

Yes, if you have two hours of dramatic tension uninterrupted the tension will be diminished somewhere along the way

Yeah that guy was the hero of the movie, to me.

So the Germans were noble and the rest of the world forced them to become like them, thanks for agreeing

>the likes of you
Found the faggot redditor.

This movie is transphobic

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This is the only correct description of this pile of shit. Anything less and its factually wrong.

This fuck (((transphobia)))

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Pretentious movie faggots ate that right up too.

>this manchild is the "mind" behind this "exploitation" and intricate point
Based schizoid
Comically reddit take
Surely things didn't go down like a Jewish redditor's wet dream though

>I can’t argue against it
>I’ll just say it’s reddit
Room temperature IQ

>I can’t argue against it
>I’ll just say it’s Room temperature IQ

>must mean im not catchphrase meme buzzword
i love how purported free thinkers speak like all other self purported free thinkers. it reminds of hipsters who try so hard to be non comformists but end up all dressing the same. it great self satire.

Dude you are coming at me saying this is the most suspense-inducing movie you have ever seen lmao you are the movie version of potter fans, watch another movie.
Do you also speak like a movie critic from rotten tomato irl?

But it's the very opposite



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All new Tarantino movies since Kill Bill seem like he became a complete cuck who worships jews.

i think he just seems very grateful to his overlords for allowing him to work his passion

>have not
"double negative" is a guideline, not life or death.

Seethe chud