>We men are the monsters now. The time of heroes is dead, Wiglaf. The Christ-god has killed it; leaving humankind with nothing but weeping martyrs and fear, and shame.
We men are the monsters now. The time of heroes is dead, Wiglaf...
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If might makes right then the Christians were in the right to wipe out paganfags
LMAO @ n*rd pagancucks
Christcuks dunking on pagans they wiped out 1200 years ago while their religion its getting mogged on all sides now
Nigga literally got rich because his forefathers looted the Sanctuary at Eleusis in the name of Christianity, but you can’t expect anglogermcucks to know anything about history or accept their own Asiatic past.
this movie was fantastic
Yeah bro, wear that Odin t-shirt and listen to that shitty Scandinavian punk, show those evil Christians who's boss
I’ve been thinking about this scene and a few others from Beowulf nonstop the past few weeks. Nothing tops the writing
The pagancels were too weak to resist against the BCC
Read and weep, aryan brotherhood! Christ prevails!
his people were christian long before they were subverted by satan and his agents to paganism.
yes bro i love ironic deconstructions of classic literature written by a liberal britbong
Cope, jew slaves.
You’re a measly faggot that uses the internet too much. Get the fuck out of this thread spergnigger
Notre Dame burning down and being remade as a tourist trap for the Chinese to gawk at is even more hilarious, but you weren't laughing when that happened, were you?
I bet you don't comb your hair or wash often though
>wipe out
they peacefully converted for political reasons.
Where do you even get this shit lmao?
Yes, wiping out paganism in the process
I am an English lit major and I've read both classic lit and Neil Gaiman extensively, I know what I'm talking about more than literally anyone here
It’s a piece of art. Let’s not forget the score which is fantastic. I’d love to see Beowulf being filmed one day with this animation as frame work. It would be amazing.
I'm a proud Icelander, But not allowed to say that or I'm larper or a nazi.
Based Jesus
Stop projecting, christcuck.
you are
Reminder that you have to thank christcucks as much as jews for communism.
If you had read Gaiman extensively you wouldn’t dismiss his work on account of it being an “ironic deconstruction by a liberal britbong.” Disingenuous cunt
>pagans are like 0.00001% of the population
>they still make internet christians shit and piss themselves in fear
The way you people talk, every other person you meet is sacrificing goats to Thor on a daily basis
hahahahaahhaha sure pagan bro sure hahhaahahaa
It's not the pagans that Christians fear and seethe over. It's realisation of their own non-belief in their faith that has Christians throwing a fit everywhere these days.
And your Semitic religion is getting wiped out by noodle-armed “intellectuals” now.
t.seething buck broken k*ke lovers
Imagine worshipping a literal dead k*ke
That's a natural consequence of the way Christianity works. There's a narrow range of things that Christians are actually allowed to do, so they have three options: 1) They be hypocrites. 2) They can lie or 3) They can live in fear. The people you're describing are the ones who've taken option 3.
if you call Nietzsche and the entire 20th century philosophy of europe noodle-armed "intellectuals" i fear what the mighty pagans have concocted in their brains
Christians turning pagan holidays into tourist traps for the Chinese to gawk at is funnier
Hey Unferth
Lets create a new religion based on marijuana smoking, property rights and guns bros
>unironically thinking Christians, or ANYONE for that matter, is "afraid" of LARPing neckbeards on the Internet
I mean whatever you have to tell yourself I guess.
We did that a few years ago, it was called: "Kekism" it is not remembered fondly.
Those guys were Chads, but they weren’t able to throw off the yoke of slave morality in Europe (although the Nazis came close). I’m referring to how church attendance and religious belief is dropping faster than ever before due to “le science” fags like Carl Sagan, Dawkins, and Neil Tyson explaining the universe with pragmatism instead of faith
>And your Semitic religion is getting wiped out
There are more Christians today than there have ever been before in history. Christianity still accounts for a THIRD of the planet's population.
It's not going anywhere, pagancuck. Christians will be paving over your gay Odinist grave and making it the parking-lot for the next Mega Church.
Isnt this just rastafarianism or whatever That nigger marley was into?
I liked how in the game you'd either turn pagan or christian depending on your war tactics.
i guess, but these retards are not influecing shit but kids who already made their mind, until they change to indifference if they ever grow up
paganism is the nu-atheism now that atheism's fedora cringe is mainstream. they want an identity but are too edgy/counter culture to go back to Christianity so they've lacked on to the religion of the mcu blonde bloke
Animals have souls suck it desert dwellers.
Mostly niggers in Africa lmao. Those are the only people stupid enough to believe in your gay communist superstitions. Enjoy listening to rap at 2 AM in heaven when you’re trying to sleep.
arguably Christianity has more in common with European paganism than judaism. Rome took European paganism and painted Christ on top, every 'Christian' holiday is pagan, even the concept of heaven and hell is more Greek than jew
The fad will fad out when they realize that paganism had hard ties to basically ever ACTUAL racist/racist groups that will never be severed. We are now in the coping stage where you have kids like in desperately try to say they are not part of any group, when in reality if they even gave a single cent to some pagan jeweler, then they financially supported some fringe nativist political extremist
That’s true, early Christianity was the ultimate cuckold religion.
>give away all your possessions
>love your enemies
>turn the other cheek when somebody strikes you
It wasn’t until Europeans reinterpreted it that it became palatable.
Weren't they just peacefully converted?
Look I was raised catholic and everything but this is true. The older I get the more I have the certainty that religion and Christianity in particular are just tools designed to make people weak. Don’t get revenge, be passive and docile, etc...
nope you're a teenager or with a teenage understanding of religions, read more
no different than the chirstcucks on tiktok. faggotry is a mind virus, i miss the days when it was just men fucking other men because w*men are insufferable harpies
Based Boniface
The biggest problem with Christianity is that it's always going to regress to it's roots. The Catholic church removed Christ and Judaism from Christianity and turned it into something almost fit for civilisation, but then Martin Luther reformed it. Since then, there have been a thousand different offshoots of Christianity, all of them insane and all of them far closer to the original Christianity then any of the mainstream branches.
NAYRT but I do think some of the choices made in this adaptation are dumb as hell. Gaiman and co seemed to think Beowulf should be about lust: for sex, for gold, for power, etc. I just don't think that's anywhere near as interesting as what's portrayed in the poem. Grendel's mother being a sexy temptress is so goddamn lazy they dodged it more than a thousand years ago, yet here we are with Angelina Jolie as another shapeshifting succubus.
Only literal hollywood-raised retards think christianity is about morose weeping martyrs and that pagan morals are totally different from Christians.
Shit, even Baldur's whole story is about the universe's new post-gods cycle finding a new order where the slain god wouldnt go to hel simply for not dying in battle
also this. Pagans wanting to larp while not even recognizing prayer is as cringy as Christians who dont recognize greek-roman influence
Which animals have a soul? All of them?
Where in the bible Christ teaches about might makes right? This is why nobody respects Christians nor Christianity. Atheists didn't kill Christianity, you Christians did.
Thats the thing i hate about modern religions, no cool gods or saints.
All the gods of old were based warriors/philosophers/hot babes
Now we get old men or beta martyrs.