I don't get it
I don't get it
It's a transhumanist allegory. The Monolith is a literal black mirror to humanity, artificially accelerating our ape-ancestors evolution through technology. At the end of the film, the Monolith accelerates the protagonist's evolution unto the Star Child. The point being that technology is the means by which our species will evolve into something which transcends our current form. However humanity must first gain mastery over its technology, as symbolized by the struggle between HAL and the protagonist, or else the machines we devise will replace us. It's only by learning to leverage technology for our own advancement that we'll be capable of gaining newfound control over the universe - including the ability to bend time itself (hence why the Monolith, arguably created by a future version of humanity, appeared in the past).
>Tech is the gateway to human transcendence, but only if we truly master it instead of allowing it to master ourselves.
Was Kubrick a Gnostic?
it was written by a british homosexual pedophile
ease up poindexter, the explanation shouldn't be more complex than the question
OP, it's a metaphor that we are about to be reborn and move forward into space, move forwards in our minds, develop as a species
the aliens(?) did this, to see if we could be more
ooorrrr he's literally been reborn as a giant space baby, he's going to eat the earth like an apple and shit out moons
The earth is actually an egg.
>we can master the machine
Kubrick wasn't this retarded, surely?
>the explanation shouldn't be more complex than the question
Op didn't ask a question dipshit
How is "its a transhumanist allegory" that complex? I hate how dumbed down audiences have become and your post is a prime example
He didn't write the book
the statement was an open ended imperative ya daft clown
op said he didn't understand one of the most discussed films in history, I'm guessing user wanted it spelled out as plain as pine board
I do
So not a question
There's nothing to get. 2001 is pure pretentiousness in film format.
why are you like this?
Read the book or listen to the audiobook. Author C Clarke explains it, unlike that hack Kubrick who wanted something trippy. The monolith accelerates evolution. You even get to listen to it describe what its doing to the monkey for several chapters in the book. The second monolith on the moon opens the portal to the high evolves aliens using an ancient transgalactic highway they built before they became god like. Whatever lifeform enters the portal gets transformed into a god like being as well. The baby is literally the main character guy after becoming the next stage in human evolution. The first thing he does when he returns to earth is destroys all the nukes with a single thought
Kubrick does explain it, in a sense, with visuals
film should be show not tell, and his telling of weird as shit concepts just through the lens works well for me, better than some doop doing ten minutes of exposition dump in dialogue.
space baby
fuck you
>mom the book has no pictures!!!!
>mom the movie is only pictures moving!!!!!!
He is right in his point that film should be told with visuals. Would you want the space baby to explain the entire meaning of the last sequence like some fucking anime exposition? Be reasonable now.
No but Kubrick did an abysmal job of getting the point along
What does anime have to do with anything?
It doesn't, was just saying it would be stupid if they did it like an anime "writing" style where characters do retarded exposition on things that should be left for the viewer to find out or ponder.
I remember when i came here complaining because this movie had a 15 minute segment that said nothing but INTERMISSION in white letters in black font and got roasted
That's not an "anime thing", and different mediums should be judged separately.
You don't get it but it is ok. ok?
According to Kubrick, it means the protagonist ended up being reborn as Superman
I do get it but you are being dismissive unnecessarily when you preach for understanding.
>this isn't about anime
I know but still.
get fucked weeb
What this guy said, but less wanky and vague.
Movie is saying that the monolith made protohumans into humans, and made Dave into a superhuman. When the Starchildren are ready, they'll knowingly or unknowingly seek out the monolith again and the cycle will repeat.
>you like japan!!!
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Yes actually
>nukes are...............le BAD!
Let me guess, then the baby made a one world government and capped human population to 500,000,000?
Well it was the height of the cold war at the time. People still believed nukes were real back then and not a jewish psyop
Yes it is and the thought of it is hilarious. Get fucked you weaboo
Yes it should be explained outright because language is the most effective form of communication. Visuals are more up to interpretation that's why there's so many disagreements about the meaning of certain movies.
False. This is such a low iq take
>Visuals are more up to interpretation
That is the point though...
what was the meaning behind it?
nobody on this site knew what the true meaning of this film meant until I explained it anonymously and it spread like a meme.
the most popular theory until I debunked it and explained the true meaning was that the monolith represented a sideways cinema screen. Let it be known I anonymously solved this movie some 50 years after it was released and was the first to do so. Which is strange it's not even that convoluted. in hundreds of years they will be referencing my scholarly
Cleavage kinos
Mate I watched this film in the 1990s and figured it out
Then it's just as valid for someone to say the starchild is the same size as the earth and is about to take a bite out of it at the end
Exactly, it is up to you.
you didn't understand it like he understood it though user
how absolutely moronic
if your not home already go there, it's safer
and before you obsess on it, *you're
Reminder that even AI like HAL can transcend
kek, and the cobwebs are now removed
>Watch movie
>Black monolith advances monkies evolution
>How ever many years later for evolved beings to find similar monolith on moon
>Think Hal going crazy was the monolith trying to force evolution and sentience on it
>Read book years later saying it was just conflicting protocols for the mission
>The monolith wasn't saving the dude from its own fuck up of giving consciousness to the robot
>Decides to give this random guy on a space station a fast track to evolutionary godhood just cause
That's what I don't get.
yes. yes it is. stop acting like it isn't, retard.
In the book there was an entire chapter where the protagonist after making contact with the monolith has a vision of the advanced civilization that created it and humanity's future, the monolith then forcibly evolves the protagonist into some kind of god like entity which the protagonist describes as being "born again" and compares himself to a child.
Kubrick took the whole "like a child" thing way too literally and also cut out all the exposition that would have explained what was going on.
You don't get it OP because Kubrick didn't think you needed to get it.
reddit opinion
Arthur C Clarke wrote three more books in this series. He explains that the monolith orbiting Jupiter is a large computer left behind to observe humanity. It was created by the extraterrestrials that helped man to evolve. The extraterrestrials themselves have evolved beyond physical bodies but they are still limited by light speed so they leave these sentinels and computers around the universe where they've been poking about creating or evolving life. In the book 3001 the monolith computer has received orders from the extraterrestrials to start over and wipe out humanity but luckily humanity has advanced to the point where they can stop that from happening.
You can't refute that the spoken word is the best form of communication which is why you didn't even try. And that's a good thing, don't try.