Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative...

>Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The terminator, would never stop. It would never leave him, and it would never hurt him, never shout at him, or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die, to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only one who measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice.
What was with all this feminist grrrrlll power shit? It didn't fit

dumb bitch the dude had a kid right there in front of her.

>lying down and taking a dick is more creative than figuring out how to build an hydrogen bomb
Who wrote this?

Because she was locked up and had her kid taken away from her because no one would believe her. In all honesty it creates an interesting dichotomy between marriage. Women can see men as these brutes but all it takes is the right one for them to see the light of things.
She fostered life and had it stolen because of men's desire for power.

>ywn get humiliated by a muscled feminist mommy

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You know is not abot gender but scientist.

The same guy that thought turning the Xenomorphs from erotic and demonic sadistic killing machines into bugs with a hive structure was a good idea.

She was clearly mental and dealing with a hard decision. She isn't wrong yet she isn't right, she is too biased into seeing the situation only from one point of view.
And the movie clearly represents that

Then why does she talk about feeling a baby growing inside her?

It's solid writing for a slightly crazy woman. Not that they will like hearing that.

The contrast about making life against destroying it.

>nobody decent wants to man up and step to the plate another man left on the table to raise my delinquent spawn and listen to my batshit crazy rants about time travelling machines from the future
>where did all the good men go??

>uses "men" to mean "people"
>zoomers watching it 30 years later think she meant "fucking cishet MALES"

>step up to the plate
It's a baseball reference, user. Step up to "home plate", "go to bat".

lurk moar

Realistically speaking, was the T-800 a Gary Cooper type?

the same guy who came up with unobtanium

Fuck off, retard.

>retarded autism is actually intentional le secret maymay reference
Okay. You win. I'm the dummy in this scenario.

shes actually right but women also destroy civilisations like we're seeing now so it's a bit cringe.

ITT: triggered incels

Her rant made sense in the context of the story. Stronk female hero made sense in the context of the story. Cope.

even her own son that knows she's not actually crazy has to go jesus christ mom stfu with that feminazi shit right now
>tfw you end up getting terminated anyways in a few years so your franchise can go full pro border jumpers anti trump go go gurl power!

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It was meant to imply that men were more evil than women, an idea that is patently untrue, but still.

>man steps up to the plate
>hes only 5'10
>there just isnt any chemistry

>What does gestating a child have to do with gender? Men can get pregnant too you know!

T2 had some kino guns
I love the two tone 1911 that Annie takes off the biker at the beginning

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*aborts her baby*

single mothers only create gang members and not much better stock.

>T2 set in 2020's
>Terminator eats too many bitcoins, becomes intoxicated and slaps the shit outta John breaking his jaw


pretty racist ngl

What does it mean bros?

Ummm it's not a life sweetie, it's just a clump of cells!

I've never actually seen Terminator 2, Godfather 2, Goodfellas, 12 Angry Men, The Departed, Schindler's List, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Next, Seven, It's a Wonderful Life, City of God, Life is Beautiful, Spirited Away, and Psycho.

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okay? what is the point of this post? are you proud of it?

why not? you're proud of your virginity

Ok well who told you to go have sex with some guy from the future and make the antichrist

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How did one night with a zoomer from the future turn a carefree 80s party girl into a 70s butch feminist?

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It's about television and film :)

Anyone who prefers the second terminator movie over the first is statistically GUARANTEED to be the product of a single mother.

ok incel

I wonder if Cameron ever tried to Kyle Reese some bitch.

This is a cool site if you're a /k/ sperg

>You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you
some women do but a lot never will. not sure abortions count because that's more on the destroying life side

thanks bro

Once 80's girls get Biehn'd, they can't ever move on.

being locked up in an asylum probably didn't help

I regularly sniff my ten year old sister's unwashed panties and pajama bottoms to check for the correct vaginal odour. This week has been solid 10/10 for freshness and sweetness.

indescribably based


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She has a point. You men are pretty bad. World War 1? Started by men. World War 2? Started by men. Vietnam War? Started by men. No woman has ever started a war.

kyle and his shotty are as kino as i need
i kinda wish ithacas didn't go out of fashion
mossbergs are nice but ithacas are the classic model for a reason

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Hey remember how Bohemian Grove has a no business policy while they do (((mock))) rituals to Satan?
Well they broke that rule once to set up the Manhattan project.
Funny huh?

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i was going to say cleopatra but yeah
women star wars all the time throughout history

it wasn't a night with kyle that turned sarah a little bit crazy, but the knowledge of judgement day and the fact that she felt responsible for preparing john for his role as leader of the resistance.

Saint Olga of Kiev.
Brutal and based.

Mom…. MOM

she was literally insane and portrayed as insane especially this scene

Incels raging in the thread. This is an example of an actual GOOD strong female character. Not this forced female Ghostbusters shit they do now.

That monologue with it's gendered language has no place in modern society and should be edited out. Trans women have periods, trans women give birth.

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Look at all this fucking SOVL

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every james cameron film has strong woman
dude clearly has mommy issues

the woman in the abyss
sarah connor
true lies wife saves the day at the end
rose survived the titanic
nitryeir in avatar


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>Carries and uses a weapon that's completely useless the entire movie
What he needed was a Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle in the 40 Watt range

>the right one
yeah the right one suddenly is any harmless quiet virgin with a job that happens to pass by when her ovaries are dying.

>Men are...LE BAD!


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Then buy an ithaca there are plenty on the used market

Uh, doesn't the guy she's pointing the gun at have a Son?