Kinos with this kind of character?

Kinos with this kind of character?

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Red Dead Redemption 1 which is actually the sequel to 2, despite the name

>kinos with sad, angry lead
I don't know, Deadwood?

I mean
>bad man that wants to be good

Breaking bad and Dollars Trilogy

Payback (1999) peak MelKino

>we're bad folk... but not THAT bad


how can i play 1 ?

spends entire life robbing and killing people

>I dunno it's like they don't want folks like us anymore dutch

>unironically filtered by the "it was a different time" concept
sad lmao

All Rockstar games starting with GTAIV are thematic ripoffs of The Sopranos. Very blatant influences

PS3, PSNOW or emultator

No Arthur was being completely delusional in saying that, of course people don't want outlaws but they convinced themselves they were merry men

>Marriage? A sacred institution? Heh, it's anything but in my experience, brother, I can tell you that. If two fellers wanna tie the knot, who am I ta say no? If the Lord ain't judged our gang, I'd say he's been takin' some time off the job, yer probably safe. Heh heh. Have at it, I say.
>Abortion? Well, that's a rough one. Bit of a tough pill to swaller. At first, I didn't rightly take kindly to the idea of killin' babies, but Dutch gave me this ole thick science book and I pretty much surmised that well, that thing is about as human as Micah here, which is lackin' to say the least, heh. Hell, I'd say a gal has the right to choose.
>A gal? As president? Well, what I can tell ya is its been nothin' but fellers since this whole thing here started up and what have we got? A bunch of other dead fellers. What have we got ta lose? I reckon' tryin' a gal's touch wouldn't do anyone no harm. If weakness is a concern of yours, I promise you some of the ladies runnin' in my gang would probably make Old Hickory look like a nancy in comparison. Hell, I'd reckon its her turn.
>Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger one than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white.
>Cuttin off yer willie sure sound silly but I reckon a feller might as well chop it off he ain't goin use it. And i suppose a wig can't do harm neither, heck men use to wear em all the time back in oldin' days.

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>we may kill and steal... but we're NOT racist
I love that trope.


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Just get an xbox.

micah bell did nothing wrong

>user is confronted with the in-group out-group mentality for the first time in his life

I wish we could say that or it could at least be memed but he was an absolute cunt in every measure or a bad character

>in-group out-group mentality

Makes you think

He flipped his shit at that old slaver dude harder than I actually did. All I saw was a sad geezer who was left wanting something he could never have back that The world cast aside completely like nobody ever approved of his job.

Did he really say that lmao

Micah was a piece of shit but at least he knew it and didn't pretend to be anything else compared to the rest of the gang acting holier than thou while robbing a bank and murdering half the town

They didn't kill randomly though. The entire setup to RDR2 is Dutch killing a woman for no reason, and it's said like 92 times that he didn't do that before. I think we're meant to think they killed fellow outlaws, law enforcement and guards for the most part. It's dumb as hell though, I agree.
The relatively rich, which is not most people

>The relatively rich, which is not most people
They cleaned up the lower class carriage pretty nice in the train robbery, and you the think the poor don't use banks as well?

I didn't emphasise it well enough, sorry:
> I think we're meant to think they killed fellow outlaws, law enforcement and guards for the most part. It's dumb as hell though, I agree.
We're not supposed to think hard about it, they're folk hero variations turned morally grey and then straight up evil.

blow inoocent poor guys head off who is just at work trying to feed his family while you're robbing a train|

Yeah. If you play as honorable the game is filled with the most cucked dialogues imaginable

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I am naming my son Arthur. Never played RDR, is that a bad choice of a name?

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>anons find it surprising that an outlaw raised by an ancap commie would be against oppression

No. It's quite popular in Britain

Depends. If your son isn't white it's kind of cringe.

he will be a Hapa

How about Jackie or Justin then?

>ancap commie
literally what?

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Dutch is a man full of contradictions. He gets called out by based uncle on them.

Dutch is a textbook ancap he created a commune,abhors millionaires but loves strong figures.Add some schizo tendencies as well

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Not sure the amount of theft Dutch did and was ok with, would go down well with ancaps. But yeah full of contradictions.

>>Lettin' a black feller do yer wife?
Had me giggling
>>Cuttin off yer willie sure sound silly but I reckon a feller might as well chop it off he ain't goin use it.
But that had me in stitches. Good post.

He will have a european surname, not an asian one, that would sound weird.

and that's bad, or makes the game bad because... ?

I didn't say that but you implied 'it was a different time' is relevant somehow

of course it's relevant, his "delusion" as you call it comes from the fact that they lived in a time where that shit was more acceptable or normal at least.

People nowadays carry the same delusion. Brazen robbery wasn't more acceptable then than it is now

of course it was because it was far less riskier than it is today lol


>I don't know, Dutch. You're starting to sound like that feller that wants everyone to has guns. You know me, I'm a bad man who done a lot of shooting, but guns? They're just plain evil if they're not being handled by a woman.

>I'm just glad they kicked off that feller Governor Trump from speaking publicly, that kinda talk of his was dangerous

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>game is about redeeming yourself and generally being respectful, especially in the final parts where Arthur knows his time on earth is going to end
Why do people shit on this game again?

these are Yea Forums copypastas by trannies who are still butthurt by the game, kek

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he's plausibly centrist, bravo prog writers!

I like the game, but there's no pretending it isnt some waste of time gayshit to watch Sadie's nonsense about her and her husband "sharing the work" while she's out buying pants

Nevermind that one mission is you literally just PRESSING FOWARD like it's a play button on a VCR so you can hear a feminist protest dialogue and how the south is backwards blabla. Fuck, Charles getting mad at how meany the white guys were to bufallos was ridiculous too

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The filename should be roicismcheck.gif

If anything it's the opposite. Pretty sure troons applauded Arthur's moral do-goodism whenever it appeared to the point they wanted recognition from the actor.

game pad

>watch Sadie's nonsense about her and her husband "sharing the work"
this is what makes your average incel mad nowadays, jesus christ

>they literally didn't made mexico just so there wouldnt be articles about red dead being a trump mexican mass murderer simulator lol


>western game, literally zero indians to kill

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The Godless series on Netflix. I was sure it was based on RDR2, but it came out just before the game.

Don't pretend that is a fun mission. Most story missions in red dead are by-the-numbers "press foward while a cutscene plays before you shoot and watch the other cutscene"

The fuck are you talking about with the mexico crap ? The game was in development for like 8 years long before Trump was a thing. You're fucking retarded

Honestly, how do you waste such a amazing world and dont do proper survivalist mechanics (even as a just a extra difficulty setting)?

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Game development dont work like that, they had Arthur initially going even to Tumbleweed until they nicked that at the end

Sure thing random shitposter no. 12031381

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For me? Its when Arthur & the other “good” gang members complain about Dutch killing someone, then go kill 60 people to steal a wagon