They actually made a movie without any globohomo

>They actually made a movie without any globohomo.

I didn't know it was possible

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Other urls found in this thread:

its set in ireland though instead of iceland and scandinavia

Then it's pozzed. Fuck.

>without globohomo
They insulted christianity, embraced paganism, and made whites look like niggers.

heckin mean nasty christians

bjorks a racemixer

No it's not, it's set in fucking Iceland.

ireland looks similar and they have a long history of vikings themselves

Its set in Iceland but was filmed in Ireland for practical reasons. Lots of principle photography is from Iceland, and a few scenes were filmed there. But 70% of the movie is just in that little village might as well film in Ireland


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here comes the insecure med boys

It's set in iceland wtf are you talking about

christianity is literally the antithesis of globohomo, what are you talking about?

There are too many niggers and sandniggers in Scandinavia.

by this logic meds are women to black people lmao

Oh, you mean a movie finally portrayed vikings as they were?

No reading comprehension from this user

you understood my point but still cant properly respond. sad!

riddler and catwoman and nirvana


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Christianity is literally the original globohomo
> There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
>”Give up your ancestors tradition and worship our Jewish god, goyim!”

>every thread
Nigger what the hell is wrong with you? Why did this movie make you seethe so much? Was it the christfag scene?


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Ah so it WAS the christfag scene that made you seethe and made this movie love eternally rent-free in your head (unlike your “savior” who is dead and decomposed).
Mystery solved!
Well I’m a med too but thankfully not indoctrinated into Jewish superstitions. I enjoyed the Northman

lol retard you do know the Vikings were pagan, attacked Christians and all that?
and yeah a thousand plus years ago barbarians were uncivilized, but unlike joggers they civilized and developed a nice society.

and none in burgerland?
forgot the 56% meme?

Do you not know what antithesis means you brainlet? Read what you responded to.

i didnt even watch the flick but keep coping shill

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How in the fuck does someone's brain even come up with a response like this to what was said? Holy shit user, you are the reason the "rent free" phrase exists. Seriously consider therapy or checking in to an institution.

And he's paying for it dearly online. You retards spouting 'DURRR MUH PURE WHITE MASCULINITY' have drawn attention to it and now you can expect him to never try it again.

Congrats, you blew it.

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Vikings were globalists

>Implying niggers and other woke types aren't the ones trying to drag Christianity and western values down into the shitter
Try again, retard.

It's bombing in box office so i'll just say "Get woke, go broke"

fantastic counter argument, i sure feel bested now boy howdy kek


Who cares what a minority of white idenitarian spergs say other then the dying media complex.

>unlike your "savior" who is dead and decomposed'
This is the most r/atheism cringe I've read in a while. Thanks for the laugh, permavirgin lol.

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That's how vikings were

Wtf retard


I hate golobomaha but this film was not anti-goblomoho

Some examples of its golobomolo elements:
STRONK FEMALE VALKYRIE... yeesh give me a break
Promoted race mixing (Norse with Russian)

>STRONK FEMALE VALKYRIE... yeesh give me a break
Valkyries were part of their mythology, and she just rode a horse that's all

shut up you feminest golobolmo shill

you guys know "globohomo" means global homogenization, right?
Also, Sjon, who wrote it with eggers, is a gay homosexual....which is why it won't get canceled

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this was our black panther and im here for it

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valkeries were stronk independent women, dumbfuck

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>being this simple

>he bases his whole life around the belief that a jew had magic powers 2000 years ago

who are you quoting and why do you lack so much self-awareness?

>muh traditions
>muh moral relativism

Someone should write some sort of boudica V the Valkyries capeshit. I'd watch the fuck out of it

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Why, for taking scripture at face value instead of sneakily “reinterpreting” it in order to convert other goyim?

2016 called and wants its "muh's" back, old man.

>I'd watch the fuck out of it
before, after or while getting pegged?

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It's been so long since I really enjoyed this board I have literally no idea what you brain damaged conspiracy theorist 20 year old fucks are even saying anymore.

>muh 2016

All 3

you got pegging on your mind and you're projecting

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Yeah it's as if "globohomo" is just made up /pol/ cope and no one actually limiting art

Im happy you guys got your Kang moment.

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well .... someone must have started a thread about global homogenization in the cultural realm, as associated with globalization and neo-liberalism. Probably on /pol/. Somehow they managed to skew this into Jews trying to replace whites and netflix employing black actors.
The quality of posters has deteriorated in the past few years.

>y-you are projecting

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Do you think you'll get chuds LARping as berserkers off their faces on shrooms next time they try to overthrow an elected government at the capitol?

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Only spiteful mutants use this word.

Literally everyone was the same ethnic group

That's as homogenous as it gets

not getting what the globo part stands for?