Discuss the UK TV show "Skins"

Skins is a British teen comedy-drama television series that follows the lives of a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England, through the two years of sixth form. Its controversial story-lines have explored issues like dysfunctional families, mental illness (such as depression, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder), adolescent sexuality, gender, substance abuse, death, and bullying.

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So is that s naked teenager or not

s1/2 where kino
s2/3 where okay cook was cool
s4/5 idfk i grew up and stopped watching that shit when it was airing

>but with sex and drugs
Sounds based to me, except I never watched either so I really wouldn't know.


I will wait for the Netflix version.
The "Shitskins"

Attached: RemarkableThriftyOlingo.webm (832x1080, 678.85K)

Attached: Lisa Backwell Skins S03E03 Thomas [42.42-43.10].webm (1200x1080, 2.99M)

That bitch really needs to brush her teeth more.

Attached: Kaya Scodelario Skins S03E08 Effy [42.30-43.13].webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)


bong genes

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s1 & 2 pretty kino, then got progressively shittier after that. Stopped watching after the boomer somehow beat the coomer to death in a stairwell

didnt he use a bat?

>boomer somehow beat the coomer to death
kek post clip


I remember when s1 came out I was about the same age as the characters, it made me angry my life wasn't like that.

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What the fuck is wrong with me? I used to think she was ugly.


She is, she's a 6/10 at best.

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I need more of her work.

Lisa Backwell. She quit acting too become a scientist.

The twin on the left however quit acting to become a stripper

Reminder that the point of skins is not "woah teenagers doing drugs is so cool" and if you enjoyed s3 or any later series of skins you are a dribbling imbecile

>slutty girl grows up to ethot
>cute girl grows up to be scientist

Came out during the jailbait golden age of the Internet.
They knew what they were doing.

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>she quit
Sad. Did she revealed more of her talents as an actress?

weren't there a reoccurring subplot in the one of the early seasons where one of the actual teenage chicks was fucking some old man for a time?

she was like 14/15 in that scene

not possible, I can see an areola

possible cos TV and Movies weren't always have they are now

She was born in 1990. She was 18 or 19 in that scene

>possible cos TV and Movies weren't always how they are now

yes skins came out in 2007 with obviously the first season or two have been filmed way before then

fertility can not be manufactured
it is given by nature

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Daily reminder Pandora never get her own episode in series 4. The webisode doesn’t count

you mean bodybuilder?

3 was good, 4 onwards was pure diarrhoea in a shopping bag

I liked the first 2 seasons, the second gen really didnt stick with me, instead of being an actual friend group it felt like it was a bunch of kids who hated each other just hanging out because they were the only kids in town.
effy was pretty much the only reason I kept up with seasons 3/4

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i think they were all actual teenagers at the time, the guy who played Freddie might have been 21 or something but I believe he was the oldest

What about op girl

Disturbing lack of MtF

most of the good ones do

I used to go to school in some dog shit village suburb thing where there was only one bus every hour and buses on sundays stopped at 4pm, but going there on a Friday night, going behind the cul de sacs and into some at this point undeveloped acres of grass and getting drunk, smoking weed and desperately trying to get off with one of the slaggier girls was a great time, you'd pick the one you wanted, go though a fence and hide underneath some disused train bridge and if you were lucky you could finger them too, maybe even get a blowie. great times, we all thought we were in Skins despite being 12 or 13. one time when I was 12 I had a competition to see who could drink the fastest and wound up downing over a litre of White Ace in 30 seconds, my 5'2 body could not cope one bit, thought i was going to die
those fields are all Barratt Homes now

Become scientists?

it's cringe

I see her now and then in Bristol she is really fat and almost unrecognisable

A healthy natural yellow is more attractive.

Why did she choose to get fat?

has she had kids? that can make girls put on insane amount of weight

Dunno but she looks like an overweight hamster

>pick up skins
>immediate thread on Yea Forums

Happens to me. I'll watch a BBC porn video and I'll come on Yea Forums to find a BBC thread.



Attached: Kaya Scodelario Skins S03E01 Everyone [40.50-41.10].webm (1280x720, 3M)

>uk tv shows and movies
>sexualize teens
Many such cases like that 2001 Keira Knightley movie

I'm almost certain that at the time she was considered fat and this was part of her being "unappealing", am I remembering this wrong or have societal standards just plummeted?

I have fond memories of watching this show as a teenager and emulating the lives they lived. Pretty sure it made me not be an absolute incel and sperg. It also introduced me to a lot of good music, the soundtrack was cash.

Thinking of rewatching this, does it hold up?

Shes cuddly

I’ll always defend series 6 as the best since 2. They somehow turned those garbage characters from series 5 into fully developed and sympathetic. Alo’s episode alone will win over any fa/tv/irgin.

i think youre wrong mate every one likes plump girls

I know similar feels. The shite live music dive bar in town I used to go to, the one where the manager didn't give a fuck if you were 14 and swigging from your own cider that you brought in, recently got bought by new owners who refurbished it into a hangout for middle-class hipsters.

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