ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong

ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong

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Invading another planet for the sole purpose of stealing their natural resources is wrong and gay.

oy vey, indigenous spear chuckers good!

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Maybe, but if he had succeeded humanities descendants could have argued the morality of it vs ceased to exist.

Jenny from Forrest Gump


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Okay globalist, the eternal techanglo stealing from based alien picts

Would have been more compelling with even a vague explanation of how floaty rocks would "save" humanity, given how they have interstellar ships capable of reaching who knows how many planets.
I get the feeling that it's just to enable the 25G Network necessary for tactile 3D virtua-porn.

they had the chance to trade for it

They passed on the chance to give up their deeply spiritual and communal family life for the latest Smartphones.

Based kazynskites

>Ask MC to learn about the blue cat people
>promises to talk to his superiors about fixing the MC's spinal issues
>MC agrees to this deal
>They both mutually respect each other
>MC then proceeds to betray him over blue cat pussy\

If you've got interstellar space travel at the level they demonstrate, you've got space farms, probably the beginning of a dyson swarm, and basically infinite resources. Only way humanity could be threatened at that point is something insane like a star suddenly going supernova for no discernable reason or them killing themselves.

its a (room temparature) superconductor. You can solve a lot of power transfer and generation problems with it.


What is it with Cameron and making the good guys appear bad?

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This guy is Big Ben from House 2

literally the peak angloid stereotype i cant imagine a worse type of human being

The Riddler

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Yes, I get that, but that doesn't explain how a room temperature superconductor is necessary for the survival of humanity who already have this level of tech.
Of course it would make their lives BETTER, which honestly is the only reason humans have ever needed to invade, anywhere. A super-tasty new spice would have probably been enough.

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Didn't it take them like 5+ years just to get to alpha centauri which is literally the closest star to Earth?
What if there were no habitable planets besides Pandora within like 1000 years of travel from Earth?

>causes 10 years of catastrophic recession on Earth for no reason

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Just the resources from the planets in the Sol System and their various moons and asteroids would support trillions of people for thousands of years. Two of the moons at least have frozen oceans.

Literal Saturday morning cartoon villains are more nuanced than James Cameron shlock

My guess is they are running on fumes and put all their effort into the interstellar project, because some probe found traces of it. IRL you would just use the aolar system first of course, you have enough material to support a couple thousand earth pops just by going out to Pluto, and the Outer Belts probably get even more. But its a movie, and Its got to get going somehow.

There's also a dozen or so stars within 10 years of travel from earth, if it takes them 5 to get to Pandora. Epsilon Eridani, Sirius, all sorts of systems.

Yeah granted it's a movie, but if they've fully exploited Sol they are going to devour all the resources around Alpha Centauri insanely fast and have to keep moving about like the aliums on Independence Day. And they honestly don't seem capable of mass-transporting that level of resources across space.

What if none of them had room temperature superconductors?
Admittedly it's poorly explained but since their space travel tech didn't really seem all that advanced it's kind of believable that Earth's population/rate of development is too great to keep up with by creating colonies on Europa or Mars or orbital habitats or whatever assuming their main problem is some sort of massive energy crisis.

Probably even less time if they are using external propulsion like lasers, because they can accelerate longer. Do they have fusion in the movie?

Maybe there doesn't need to be 10 trillion Earthlings? And it'd be even more interesting to know what caused Earth's population shrinkage to reverse itself, we are going to fall far short of the predictions from 50 or even 20 years ago.

It's possible that none of them had habitable planets though and Pandora was just a massive stroke of luck based on how nearby it was.

Those mecha don't have exhaust stacks, so they have SOMETHING pretty potent.

>their space travel tech didn't really seem all that advanced
nigga, if they can get to alpha centauri in 4 or 5 years they are pretty fucking advanced as fuck

There's a lot of possible scenarios, all I'm saying is that it would have made the human's situation more understandable to even roughly outline what it was.

Yeah its supposed to be Pocahontas in space (and in blue). If the Grand Army of Terra showed up to put their boot on ET soil, the movie would be over before it began. May be a fun 5min short though.

I mean rather than population growth going unchecked I always rationalized it as those additional billions of people in Africa and Southwest Asia causing a massive ecological/energy crisis by becoming developed industrialized countries.
The population decline the Earth is facing now is all in areas that are highly developed - but there's still going to be billions of new people born in currently-shitty areas.

It's more "A Man Called Horse" than Pocahontas, you uncultured swine.

If Mankind can send mecha forces to Alpha Centauri but can't sus out contraceptives and family planning they deserve to perish, honestly.

Hitler won!! Two more weeks!!! The storm is coming!!

Many such cases

Aslo I think its implied their automation/AI systems are trash, which could be very limiting for even intrasolar expansion, which might make high value high effort expeditions more interesting. Again, IRL we can even with a shitty Dyson swarm around the Earth and basic resource transfer from Luna and the inner belt get cose to a trillion people, so its mostly moot.

they were pretty fucking lucky to find this massive habitable moon and just the amazing new rock they needed in the first and closest system they travelled to

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ahem they run on batteries, GREEN ENERGY

Honestly the fact that they found sentient life on the VERY FIRST system they reached should probably have them worried that maybe the NEXT system isn't populated by spear-chuckers, but maybe races that have their shit far more together.

umm Whitemankind can but Blackmankind won't listen

thats missing the "invader betrays his leader to help the natives" element, but the whole initiation is better here. Maybe its a mix

Every time Science tries to sort out contraceptives, The Church gets all "ever sperm is sacred" and digs in it's heels.

sounds like a diesel V8 revving up to me, check the scene with quaritch in the hangar

This is movies, where airplanes used to not make the correct sounds, but Based James is pretty anal about detail so who knows?

>their space travel tech didn't really seem all that advanced
this, basically. the 5 year number has to be written off as a "didn't do their homework" logical break. it almost takes that long for light to make that trip. doing it with a ship implies warpdrive / wormhole tier tech, not physics-bound propulsion.

I think he turns the ignition and it revs up, and smoke cones out, but I could be wrong. Maybe its a compact turboshaft, and a diesel-electric (or diesel-hydraulic) drive system.

They seem to have "95% speed-of-light" propulsion to be doing that trip in that time.

Actually I think you are right.
>words you never expect to hear on Yea Forums

Been a while since I saw the picture, but I l always liked the mechs (lesser extent the helos), so I did a good bit of research on them as a teenager. Sadly, havent jet found a worthwhile way of building one.


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nah they had some "rapid" way to approach light speed which is magical enough without any pencils punching though papers

Someone post the greentext of this guy

pretty advanced but only takes being advanced with regards to propulsion. you can make it there in like 5 years at 1G so if you have a craft capable of 1G acceleration for 5 years straight combined with cryosleep it's just simple math

They'd also have to have some pretty damn good computing/AI to intercept Pandora at 5 light years distance and slow themselves in her or her star's gravity well.

I guess I should say "her gas giant's" because Pandora is just a moon.

why would they need advanced ai to do that? you could track the star and keep the ship pointed at it and then by the time you're within the gravity well it's normal orbital mechanics that we could do back in the 50s

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