Is it tall girl season yet, Yea Forums?
Is it tall girl season yet, Yea Forums?
whats it like eating a tall girls shit?
your post is bad and you should feel bad
fuck you
>girl can be hands and knees on the floor and you can fuck them standing up
This js the optimal setup I love tall women though I've never been with one
Unless we count women around the same size as me tall which is tall for a girl I have fucked 2 women that were my height [5'10] or taller
Tall girls look awkward as fuck.
*blocks your path*
How low test do you have to be to find that woman attractive? Asking for my dick.
That's a man
for me its Paige Turnah, Phoenix Marie, and Mia Melano
they're only around 5'10 but still taller than average women
Now this is delicious
Short stacks can be folded held and whatever else you want
I had a freind like that
She had size 4 shoes at age 20
>hips go out further than her shoulders
Lanklet trannies literally seething their women have no curves
>size 4
in english, doc
thats literally english shoe size bro
I want to be a giant and make giant kids with a giantess wife.
Unfortunately, I have been cursed by being a 5'5" manlet with very little masculinity.
I look like a girl with a penis and I am often mistaken for being a lesbian.
I hope genetic and biological modification can be a thing in the foreseeable future, so that people like me can benefit.
The women near my area vary in height but they either look like little kids or frumpy middle-aged housewives.
Shortstacks are probably the only kind of women I can get, and there are plenty of them here.
At least they are adorable.
>yeah so like I was sayin babe the shoes were size four it was totally fuckin sick not size one NO no no no not size two, not size fuckin three, but size FOUR babe
hope this helps you
that's a man
I dated a girl that was exactly 5 feet and I thought it was great until one day I picked her pants off the floor and I realized they were child sized and it made me uncomfortable because our height difference was basically that of an adult and a child and whenever we kissed or held hands I had to bend over
You're basically a faggot
what's that in metric?
>dad is 6'2"
>mom is 5'11"
>I'm 18 and barely 5'9"
Wouldn't really be much of an issue to me honestly if my sister wasn't 14 and already 6'4". I seriously rolled snake eyes on my height genetics.
Mom cheated with a manlet. You never had a chance.
post pic of sister for height assesment
You're adopted or your dad was cucked
who is this?
That costume is doing all the work here. I'm not convinced. Would have to see more.
that's average in Southern Europe, I know a girl in her 20s 4'3 tall, she says she is 4'4 for some reason
You have still time to grow, eat more, sleep well and avoid stress.
You know what you have to do user..
Her name is Renee Beller, face is cute but body is weird
tall girls are high test since they repel low test manlets
Thanks fren, I googled her just now. She is 5′ 7″ or 5′ 6″ and yep she won genetic lottery.
I grew up til 27 brah
no nudes :(
In highschool my friends little sister was like 6'2 with huge tits and had a crush on me and I seriously never acted on it. God damn shit hurts.
Tall chicks have gross giant man feet.
Hit her up.on Facebook now bro, I had a girl I legit had no clue was into me back in school that I finally fucked all these years later
Should've drank more milk
>tfw 5'5"
>somehow the tallest kid throughout middle school and high school
>often mistaken for a cute tall girl by my male classmates and often sexually harassed
>have some trauma of nearly getting raped by turbomanlets
I am desperate to grow taller at 22.
I need genetic modifications or nanomachines that somehow manipulate growth hormones and growth plates.
Human genetic modification needs to be a thing for people like me who are cursed.
Wanna fuck?
If this was a problem that effected women there would already be a solution
>dad was 6'2
>got with literal midget woman 5'0
>me king of manlets at 5'10
I'm so mad
Do you have a peer-reviewed source to back up that assertion?
Get on test and take a ton to trigger a second puberty
Literally take mk667 before your growth plates close.
I am a man, but I lack so much masculinity and height that I am basically a girl with a penis.
This is why I was nearly raped by horny manlets.
Attempting to do that and be more masculine would basically make me an FtM.
And my lack of height makes me look like an FtM troon ala. Elliot Page.
Your virgin lanklet dad was cucked by a MANlet
>there are males over 5' in this thread who religiously obsess over their height like women obsess about their breasts size or vagina size or something
Jesus Christmas....
It's kinda strange how you keep referring to yourself as female like
Kill yourself my man you're mentally broken and you're making me uncomfortable
>tfw 5'5"
I could take her on in a fight
Are you transphobic, my dude?
But I'm not trans. I just happen to be very lucky or very unlucky, depending on how you look at it.
My only option for taking advantage of my genetics and looks is to whore myself out on OnlyFans.
>Reddit spacing
Besides that height is much more important for men than tits are for women.
Women can have no tits
Be fat
Ve ugly
There is still someone that will fuck them
Women laugh at manlets lol, if you're not 5'7 or above I'd say you're doomed but I don't wanna be that guy
My height hasn't stopped me but knowing my dad was tall it bothers me more cause I could've been tall but my retard dad decided to fuck a midget
I've worked with 6 foot plus guys not attractive or anything and women approach them lmao it takes no effort for them
Good lawd look at those flippers. Yuck.
Yeah I am and if you're gonna tranny out you'll just kill yourself anyways so a win either way for me.
Definitely unlucky lol even Asians aren't that short but good luck
Going to guess he paid the mortgage
When is tall too tall?
What’s this little dude thinking right now?
>she has no shoes when she spawns in
>he spawns in with shoes
L M A O bro already got the tall slut and is still self conscious about it I think if I got a super tall chick I'd get over it lol
Despite being 5'5", I have a gf who is a literal midget.
And she even looks like a little kid.
Women in my area either look like frumpy housewives or little kids.
I actually have a fear of starting conversations with cute girls as I am not sure if the girl is 12 or 20.
She's not 220 lol, shes about 180 and hes just super small.
Is that really a woman? Like not only is she tall she's super stocky and manly built lmao
What third world shithole do you live in? Let me guess, you're Mexican.
its a woman and about 178-182, you can tell from the environment around her. its chinese shit so its always made up/edited heavily for clicks.
I also used to have this fear until I realized I liked women from both age groups
The Philippines.
The worst aspects of Asia, Latin America and Poland all mixed together.
I want this :(
>worrying about being short
Arr you retarded or serious lol Asians are much shorter than every other race
>she won genetic lottery
Can't refute this
look at that door
why the fuck is the handle so low
this has to be some filter to make her look smaller than she is
I am 200cm/6'7 and have a fetish to be dominated by a taller woman.
I suffer.
My step sister is 6'0 which would probably classify her as a tall girl but not a huge bitch. She has a decent face and body but there is this weird existential dread that nobody wants them that tall girls suffer. You see a number of posters here that have a fetish for big girls but in reality there are a lot of guys that won't date them because of their size. It's pretty crappy and basically the female equivalent of being a manlet.
>I seriously rolled snake eyes on my height genetics.
>Dad is about 5ft 5.
>Mum is about 5ft.
>Sister about 5ft.
>I'm 5ft 10.
Honestly fucking somehow dodged a bullet.