Friendly reminder that Boromir died for nothing

Friendly reminder that Boromir died for nothing.

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It always struck me as odd that none of those retarded spoof films ever redid this scene with way more arrows.

He died because he broke the Fellowship. It was less cause and more consequence.

He died for the ring's will.
Like all of it's previous illegal owners.

he died saving merri and pippin

But they got captured anyway, he didn't do anything to affect that.

>Friendly reminder that Boromir died for nothing.
trannie hands posted this

>try valiantly and save merry and pippin
>they just keep standing around tossing rocks like the dickheads they are

>why keep fighting if you are going to lose?
stupid leftitst roastie mindset

This is why happens when you play hero.

What if Frodo drank the light of Earendil?

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Why wasn't he carrying the shield that he had been carrying around on his back for the whole movie? He is a seasoned campaigner who knows never to let his guard down, he knows enemies are in the area, he knows they are pursuing them, he knows while they are on land they are vulnerable. He knows his shield is a critical piece of his equipment - almost as valuable as his sword, yet he goes for a walk in the woods alone without it - incomprehensible, he is always described as hardy, so it's not as if it would inconvenience him a great deal, even if they were meant to be resting.

i'll describe it in a way you're coomer brain can understand. imagine the one ring is your oneitis except really hot and seductive. And she's been telling you that she wants to suck your dick for days now, but she has to hold hands with frodo 24/7 and everyone gets super butthurt at you if you even look at her. One day you see her and frodo alone in the woods, she's tired of frodo and tells you she's not wearing any panties. she unzips your pants and is about to pull out your cawk when frodo kicks you in the stomach and runs off with her again. you're super angry and frustrated, just then your friends are crying out they're about to be killed. do you run to them or do you take a 20 minute detour to grab your shield when you haven't even seen what the threat is yet?

>yet he goes for a walk in the woods alone without it - incomprehensible,
All he could think about was getting the ring.

For nothing? He died protecting his friends and redeeming his foul actions from being seduced by the ring.

He didn't protect anyone

>the least perfect and most relatable character dies

this desu, women will never be based

actual schizo ramble


dumb fucks

They were buying time for Frodo.

triggered femcel, go back to crystal cafe, hole.

>One of the key factors influencing Aragorn to unite the kingdoms of men

What do you think dying for nothing means?

He died selflessly protecting those who couldn't protect themselves
So he failed to win, shit happens
They'll sing songs of his bravery for ages hence, the hobbits will make sure of that


You are very stupid.

You wouldn't get it, minority.

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>redeems himself
>"he died for nothing"
In the Tolkien imaginarium honor and good are something

Tolkien was a Christian and didn't like Hitler.

The English were misled, Oswald Mosley was right.

Imagine being the head of the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien RRHH department at that time and realize what you just did to the world

Wtf are you talking about? They won, ring is kill, mordor is dead and the orc babies are slashed

>Oswald Mosley was right

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not true watch the films wihout being disabled next time faggot.

50 cent got shot 9 times

Aragorn was a total wizard's pupil.
You could tell Gandalf was just trying to get a pawn under his control on the throne. Aragorn shows no love for what should be his own people, and his knowledge of them is entirely sourced by elves (who managed to get an elf on the throne and elf blood in the royal family) the rangers are described as essentially wholly reliant on the elves for their survival and history lessons, the events of the last alliance must be vague legends form their own oral lore.

Denethor protects Gondor for decades from the increasing might of Mordor which's victories in the south vs the Haradrim, Easterling and umbar put Gondor really up against the odds, it was not Denethor's fault
Gondor was getting slowly beaten, they were the sole force keeping Mordor out of the entire north of middle earth and were getting little to no help.
If you do not take elf word as gospel, there is very little direct proof that Aragorn actually is the descendant of Isildur, his and his dad's claims may well have been fabricated and them chosen in particular because they
were compliant and submissive with Gandalf, Aragorn could well be just a random ranger with a dirty common bloodline. Elrond himself is a half-caste, his daughter was too, him giving her into the royal house of Gondor wasn't coincidence. 1/some

Unrelated: The new-ish LOTR 4k scans look excellent, especially in HDR, i just wish they touched up some of the more distracting cgi, you could keep the original animations and everything, just make the shading and compositing a bit better. The costume design and detail really is unmatched to this day.

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Virginity is beautiful.

Deeds of valor are not utilitarian in nature. Besides, he redeemed his own soul and, in the context of the movies, his death was instrumental in setting Aragorn on the path to kingship.

>there is very little direct proof that Aragorn actually is the descendant of Isildur
He successfully commanded the Army of the Dead to fight for him, he has the ring of Barahir, and also he lived to be 200 years old which is far beyond what most people of Numenorean blood at that time could achieve (for example Faramir lived to be 120 and was the oldest of his house in several centuries).

and that's why they called him 50 cent cause he was 50 percent dead by the time he got to the hospital

>the correct answer is ignored
this is why I hope all of you get mugged. I fucking despise you fucking reprobates. (save this user, he has half a brain. This user gets a pass too )


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Elf propaganda
This can all be debunked.
>He successfully commanded the Army of the Dead to fight for him
He used an elf weapon that was 'reforged' by elves and had some magical power, the dead army was gonna kill him originally.
>he has the ring of Barahir
It might not be even real and could have been a recreation by the elves and if it was real who says it was his originally?
>he lived to be 200 years old which is far beyond what most people of Numenorean blood at that time could achieve (for example Faramir lived to be 120 and was the oldest of his house in several centuries).
All the nobles of Gondor have Numenor blood and can live for long, Aragorn may have lived for longer because of his elf wife and wizard friend helping him with magic.

I fucking hate the modern utilitarian mindset where things only have value if they are useful "for" something.

>Aragorn may have lived for longer because of his elf wife and wizard friend helping him with magic.
Arwen is a woman and probably can't do anything and Gandalf left for Valinor after like 2 years.

>He successfully commanded the Army of the Dead to fight for him
In the books the "army of the dead" are left very vague as to whether they are zombies, ghosts or simply the descendants of the deserters who have settled-long term as outlaws in the area the desterters originally fled to.
If they are simply outlaws then they can be decieved the same as any other man, and it may be more in pursuit of plunder that they go, like any common mercenary, the "Army of the Dead" name is simply a cheap device to induce fear in their opponents.

>He has the ring of Barahir
Plunder presented to him by Gandalf, i remind you to believe nothing if its origin is from Aragorn's or Gandalf's mouths

>He lived to be 200 years old
Hearsay, all his accomplishments are only corroborated by Gandalf who has every reason to lie, conveniently the times he was supposed to fight with Gondor and Rohan he was under different guise and also it was before everyone he meets there during the events of the books's lives or memories and therefore has no reliable alibi whatsoever.

Of course i accept that Aragorn could very well be the heir of Isildur, yet it is not proved in the slightest and the account presented in the books is equally likely the account presented by a good, well equipped set of conmen in a world of deceit. Indeed Aragorn himself could be completely clueless as to the deception and truly believes himself to be the rightful heir, he is doubtless of some numenorean decent yet the account presented is by no means proof, and Aragorn (for all the show he puts on) desires nothing less than the crown of a mighty empire, and so claims too, to a land which is rightfully suspicious of kings will also have to be mighty and bulletproof, luckily he avoids all this "proof" business when Denethor bursts into flames while alone in a room with a hostile wizard who was openly trying to supplant him.

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it had such minimal cultural impact as a scene that no one except the most pathetic of cucks even remembers it

Ha, that showed those lord of the rings nerds, imagine liking a movie, pathetic.

After Denethor who is described by Gandalf as one who by some chance the blood of numenor nearly runs true, spends nearly his whole life and all his will defending Gondor from invasion, not only from Mordor but from Harad, Umbar and Rhun sees his son, Faramir look up to that mischievous old wizard, Gandalf (who was known to be involved in many plots and schemes that usually ended in woe) and see him as more of a father figure than his actual dad, and further, as a result of his contact with Faramir, he turned out softer than his brother and stopped idolising the warrior's life in favour of reading and similar things. Gondor at this time was at the brink no return on the path of destruction and their society prized soldiers above all other professions, the kingdom was wavering on whether they should all fight in the unified Gondorian army under Denethor, or whether they should fend for themselves and maybe try to appease Sauron as other states had done and become a vassal state, provinces such as Ithilien had already been overrun and were destroyed for their allegiance to Gondor, what Denethor needed was warrior-leaders like Boromir to inspire their vassals to fight as a collective, to Denethor Faramir's primary interest in books was a direct insult to him and his efforts over the decades to stop the already weakened Gondor from splintering further.

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Indeed. My only form of entertainment is consuming copious amounts of drugs and then hallucinating vividly while listening to infected mushroom.

Oh, and you'll die for something OP?

i could've sworn i'd seen that at least once

Gandalf's veiled threats that he was going to replace Denethor as Gondor's leader with some ruffian that he had found, and claiming that that ruffian was the King, when Gondor had operated effectively for hundreds of years (and for all Denethor's years of struggle) in the charge of the stewards, and especially because it was the struggle and civil war over kingship that had severely weakened Gondor, almost to the point of destruction, with many of the kings doing silly things needlessly that had landed them in this dire boat to begin with, that Denethor had endured all the hard years of mounting losses, and then this random, who had never had any involvement with Gondor in the past (unless you believe his and Gandalf's word :^) was going to swoop in and snatch control of the kingdom from him was an extreme insult to Denethor, i'm sure he would have rather seen Aragorn killed or Gondor destroyed than cede leadership, especially as Gandalf only claimed to be on his side but never provided tangible help (unless you believe Gandalf's word outright :^)

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He arrived just as the big axe Uruk Hai was about to split them

How would it have gone if Sam carried the ring throughout the journey instead of Frodo?

if only he hadn't been obsessing over that stupid ring

Sam would have drowned

Boromir died because Tolkien wanted to ripoff the story of Charlemagne’s Roland

I believe that Tolkien designed all the wizards in middle earth to have a certain defined fault.

Saruman's is openly displayed and ultimately completely corrupts him, his fault being that he cannot accept defeat in the slightest and will go to any lengths including stretching his definition of victory to achieve this and will seize power to enforce his view of goodness and justice upon the world, deploring a great many evils along the way, but having a hand in how power shapes the land rather than be defeated clinging on to the hope that you might succeed in spreading justice without committing any injustices yourself along the way to be in a position to achieve this.

Who say about the blue wizards as they and Radagast are not expounded on in any detail.

But Gandalf is practically the opposite of Saruman, not possessing any great power himself as an individual nor desiring to do so, he tries to influence the world by indirect mean such as persuasion and sharing information, as seen in the hobbit and in the lord of the rings, he likes to "get the ball rolling" but not necessarily stick around when things go bang, which is why he has gained quite a reputation across much of the land as a troublemaker and bringer of woe. He also possesses a critical flaw; he will not throughout his own power directly change events, he only strictly influences from the sidelines, for instance if he possessed the one ring and was corrupted by it i believe he would pour his power into other people and factions.

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One faction he judges superior might start dominating all its neighbors to the point that their outlying villages are being plundered and burned and the townsfolk killed or carried off, if the power he poured into them went array like this he could not fix it, being strictly non-interventional himself, he would watch the killings and rapes and disprove but be unable to put a stop to it, unless he pour his power into a rival, one of the factions who had been dominated, they would gain the upper hand, but all this would be bloody and would probably cause more bloodshed and evil acts than if he had left all humans well alone in the first place, that is part of his main weakness, refusal to see any person unworthy of redemption (as with gollum), and as a consequence through giving people chances and power that is unearned and undeserved he causes more bloodshed in the long run.

If Gandalf gain the ring the world would be filled with empowered maniacs who Gandalf refuses to condemn completely, who then wreak havoc in his name. As Gandalf's fault is hidden behind kindness it is easy to see him as "good" and Saruman as "bad" but their ultimate morals are essentially the same and the differing ways they have of achieving them would have the same consequences in the end.

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There's no food anywhere to be seen in that picture. Unbelievable.

Tolkien himself plays with the idea that the lord of the rings is not a book written by him but the ancient tome he discovered "The red book of Westmarch" of course the semi-historical style Tolkien wrote the books in implies he wants the books to be viewed as if the world he created really was a piece of ancient history.
The standard practice with how to view history, and the practice he would have used when he himself read historical tomes is all about interpretation.
When Tolkien read those real ancient manuscripts he brought them to life in his head with his imagination, Middle Earth is simply an echo of what he could see plainly inside his head.
Imagination and interpretation are a critical part of how these books were conceived, and it is clear that from how the books are written that they are also a critical part of how they were meant to be read.

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