Louie... Louieee. That's a nice name. Let me ask you Louie when's the last time you got your ass kicked?

>Louie... Louieee. That's a nice name. Let me ask you Louie when's the last time you got your ass kicked?


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If a pretty girl asks me then I cum in my jorts

Punch the little faggot in his face. He isn't threatening.

They would be black irl, so I would simply apologise for being white, kiss his feet and present my gf's fertile womb for him to breed.

Louie only plays meek, but he has kvetch powers.

Does this actually happen in America? Teenagers just walk around fighting people in different diners all night?

Continue eating.

No, it was a cuckfantasy of Louis's. He's still based though.

>They would be black irl
Yeah, but then Louie wouldn't have been able to follow the kid home and talk to his dad.

classic tv moment. he's like half the size of louie. irl he would laugh at him.

It's called the knockout game

I wonder if diners have kept their stereotypical look and feeling to it or if the soul is gone and they only feel like themed restaurants.
Do the waitressess still wear those dresses from the 50s?

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I always watch out for roving gangs of white teens when I have dinner dates.


Diners still exist, but they're populated by faggots and dykes

>Yeah you could kick my ass but then you'd get arrested and go to jail because that's illegal

It's more just wounding some meathead's ego so he goes unga bunga caveman mode because he knows he can get one over on you that way, happened to me mostly when I worked a register. This mostly happens with like trailer trash guys in their 30's or 40's. Yea Forums would tell you it's a nigger thing but they don't bother taunting you, they just sucker punch you.

>Let me ask you Louie when's the last time you got your ass kicked?
Never. Lets go you faggot nigger.

This wouldn't have happened in real life, he would've recognized louie and would've asked for a picture and pat him on the back.

Get naked

Come here, man. Sit down and talk with me for a minute. Seems like you might have a bright future ahead of you. Do you feel like you do?

go to grab his dick, he will keep batting your hand away so you have to keep going for it and he will get freaked out and leave. works every time

If they were black they would be like
>you aight white boi

>i ain't got no change for you.

Just watched the scene and theres no way to win
Apologise to the kid and end up looking weak infront of your date (women are shallow animals at the end of the day) or fight the kid and even if you somehow end up winning youre a retard who fought a kid on a date.
The only way to win would be to just leave when theose rowdy kids come in (still could look like a pussy move) or to just be big and scary looking enough that the kids dont bother messing with you which requires a good mix of genetics and exercise.

not every jigger boo talks like a tv character from the hood you racist fuck

or just call his bluff that he's not gonna kick your ass in the middle of the diner in front of a bunch of witnesses. Maybe drag the diner's staff into it by asking them if they're just gonna stand by and let some thug intimidate their customers.

Jew hands typed this post.

I've responded to this with
>Yeah I'm fine black boy, thanks

Calling the diner staff in might be a good play but calling his bluff a bit of a gamble because either way you run the risk of them just waiting outside to jump you, not necessarily fighting inside the diner

Louie shouldve carried a gun, he couldve called the kids bluff confidently, called him out saying 'youre not gonna do anything that stupid where theres a bunch of witnesses, and if you tried anything Ill blow your fucking brains out kid' maybe autistic larp but would work i think. Look like a macho badass in front of date while getting out of the fight, only issue is you might have to mow down some psycopathic kid later

If you explicitly threaten to shoot a kid in the head your date will run the fuck away. Psycho retard vibes.

>Louie shouldve carried a gun
Found the american

Could explain it away after kid leaves like you were posturing and make jokes about shit like 'i cant believe i told that kid i was gonna kill him'. You might be right though

Australian but thought the gun would be a useful tool for the situation knowing Louie is an american

He had the choice between
1. Being a pussy
2. Getting som bruices but also getting laid.

I'd go for 2

>Look like a macho badass in front of date

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You arent getting laid for beating a kid up in a diner the fuck, and louie would have gotten killed

>get lost, you arent gonna do shit.

>you don't scare me
It's that easy

>"Don't worry bro, nothing to be scared of,we're just having a conversation"
>*picks up your drink and pours it on your head*
Now what?

Brandishing a weapon is not only a pussy move but it will also get you up to a year in jail. How about you just be a man and use your words instead.

>You need to relax kid.

i would have told him im about to shit myself and my adult diaper in filling and i need my blanky or some insane retard shit to get him to leave. like saying shes my mom and we're on a pretend date and even might pretend make out or that i created the diner "at diner.com" but like id say it really serious like i commissioned it on diner.com and "it was fairly easy to set up my own diner" yknow just something crazy

Hit him while one of his hands are full

knock his little ass out, he has provoked the violence




You didn’t watch the sketch then


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Cop here. No. Not every night mostly because they get locked up. Every 3 months by the same kids? Yep. Admittedly every 1 since one will step up as squad leader and do it.

id do the same thing as him cause im a pussy

Louis first mistake was listening to the date at all let the kids be roudy if he hadnt have told em to quiet down nothing would have happened. Instead you just tell the girl to relax there justs teens having fun and make her look like a bitch.

I pull out my cock


grab him by the collar and pull his head into the table repeatedly

Niggers walk around attacking people all day and night.

You get a lot more from a kind word and a gun than from a kind word alone.

>jewish produced show
>hey lets have some violent teenagers confront a normal guy in a public setting
>archie comics stand in white guys with letterman jackets from the 1940's are the cruel display of the imminent violence displayed on the streets everyday in NYC

well at least denzel washington is gonna play ben franklin in the next biopic

A. Talk shit back about how they're spending their night doing fuck all. Call out the fact that this kid ain't gonna do shit due to the fact his ass will be in jail.

B. Have them sit down and figure out WTF is wrong with them. Most people will be willing to tell you their entire life story if you are willing to listen and be open. Even if they act like little cunts still, you at least held your ground and extended an olive branch if. If B fails, resort to A.

He can't match this.

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How long you been a pig?

Wait, I missed his redemption arc? Last time I heard about this guy he was heavily involved in cuckoldry.

This, some user clear this up

>look him dead in eyes
>pause for effect
>when is the last time you got fucked in the ass?
>proceed to rape him in front of everyone

This board is really unfunny.

>"I don't know, how many times have you posted this thread? Faggot."