Better than The Lighthouse, but not as good as The Witch

Better than The Lighthouse, but not as good as The Witch

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Took my date to see this “movie” and didn’t get laid that night

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>expecting an Eggers movie to be a good date movie
>going to the movies on a date in the first place
Come on

liked how straightforward it was, felt like a real "movie" and not an imitation of a movie

When I saw the VVitch the guy next to me was on a date, and he kept squirming during the filtering scenes, trying pathetically to joke and break the tension with his date. They got up and left like 20 mins in.

It felt a bit too obvious at times, but the overall commitment to kino was admirable. I especially enjoyed the soundtrack with its Nordic instruments like hardanger fiddle.

when is this fucking shit movie getting a torrent

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1. The Lighthouse
2. The Witch
3. The Northman

Hated the Fantasy aspects of it to be quite honest. Should have been 100% historically accurate kino

It is a 100% historically accurate film and the religious themes only adds to that

This movie made me proud to be white and now I want to commit hate crimes.

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>Olga the witch
>The sword
>the talking skull
>muh bloodline vision
Kek wow so realistic

Those are all key elements of the period it is set during
>Slavic pagan witch
>a sword from a mound that is based on the designs of swords that are a couple of hundred years older than the viking age
>the tree of kings and Aurvandil's preaching about how lineage is important
>The Seer kept Dafoe's skull just like Odin kept Mímir's skull after his death

VOD release is in June.

Amleth is a legendary character.
He was a fantasy character already in viking times.
I guess we should not have fantasy in films about king Arthur either.

eggers should've gone all in on the fantasy aspect. instead he does it by halves and makes it 'ambiguous' so we aren't sure whether it's real or whether it's just amleth's imagination running wild. terrible dishonest filmmaking that ruined the film for me.


Northman > Lighthouse > shit > witch

fuck why this shit taker so long these days

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ok faggot

i took my gf, she expected an action movie. i looked over at her confused face during the temple underground scene, she was in way over her head

For me it's
VVitch < The Lighthouse < Northman
but I liked all of them very much. I guess I'll have to rewatch the VVitch when i'm in a particular mood for that time period, and I'll appreciate it more.

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>user, you can't bring up the ancestral bloodmemories around the hoes!

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The underground scene was so good and when the blood tree appeared, I knew I was in for 2 hours of pure kino

i didn't like the witch it was too edgy and had no good ending.

Because you aren't a tall handsome Chad. Were you Chad all would be required was a 20 minutre coffee 'date' before fucking, but instead you're betabux, so she used you for a free meal/ride/movie before hoping on tinder.

>date at the cinema

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Use historically authentic instead of accurate to avoid smug arrogant faggots like . It can be authentic in terms of costumes, attitudes, weapons, etc. whilst still having fantastical elements - real or imagined. I swear, bro, hairsplitting pieces of shit like that would smugly and sarcastically go 'ooohhh, so where's the REAL Jack Aubrey, hhhmmm? Lol, not accurate!' if a person were to say Master and Commander was historically accurate, because, of course, the characters depicted weren't real. You have to be as hair splitting as them by using terms like 'authentic' rather than 'accurate' to circumvent this bullshit.

Gotcha, will use authentic in the future

>hated the only good things about the movie

The drug fueled aspect of this movie was fantastically done

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What am I looking at exactly

A hot girl doing anal insertion with a fat cow obviously

the vvitch - 2/10
lighthouse - 10/10
Northman - 9/10

But what’s with the attire
(please include her name in your response)

My wife was the same at this scene, same with the part with amleths mother making out with him. Then she nearly cried at the part where they killed all the kids

we wuz vikangz n shieeet

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Which barbarians where these ones?

mutt med cope

The Lighthouse > The VVitch >> The Northman.


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>The Witch
>Better than The Lighthouse

Taste so bad i don't even know what to say.

What's the lighthouse about? Is it just two guys that go nuts?

Anyone else considers seeing it again? I don't think I enjoyed it completely on the first watch

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I'll download it to watch it again in the future

> I am Amleth The Bear-Wolf, son Of King Aurvandill the War Raven, and I am his vengeance!
What did he mean by this?

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He meant to introduce who he was and what his intentions were

I watched it for 6 quid in my local art house theatre


You can pay in squid?

Watching on TV screen is not the same

It's the standard currency in bongland

Why not? Seems even better

My gf thought it was good (so she said) and I got to autistically explain yo her everything I know about Odin

she loved the lighthouse more than me as well


But they rolled back the fantasy shit like after the mound dweller fight or the valkyrie flight and implied they were just visions

Master and commander isn't historically accurate you brainlet

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not a tranny
keep coping snownigger

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So just a hebrew

you're likley arguing with some spic who's even darker than you

wrong but even kikes put you to shame
nordcucks are historically and culturally identical to subsaharan niggers

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Based. May the anglogermcuck seethes continue to fuel your brave defence of Europe, my friend.

Took my mom to see the movie and I did get laid that night

im just glad alexander skarsgard is still getting work

>niggers and kikes poison the thread with med/nord division as always
Mods need to start banning these retards

What kind of steroids did he do

>med/nord division
have you even touched a history book in your life ? we have been at war since the entirety of recorded history