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According to this faggot cavalry never existed lmao. He believes the real world is a total war game



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This is a pro lindy board.

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>intelligent people: hmmm if i put the stabby part on long stick i can poke niggas before they get to me
>*proceed to dominate in warfare for millenia*


But cavalry is good at its worst or outright destroys at its best in Total War games.

Watch his lindy bop instructional videos if you want to lose all respect for him. Unbelievably lame

Can we all agree that horse archer meta was the best?

What ever happened to his buddy that went off to war in Ukraine?

Why do retarded Brits spewing their ignorance piss me off so much?
I can brush off dumb Americans but dumb Brits are something else.

So thas it? What? We some kinda... Hoplites?

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he says so much retarded stuff I'm thinking he crosses into based territory

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Iirc, his actual point was that cav was a bad idea given horses are flighty animals that don't like basically anything about warfare.

Uh oh, the bladelet seems upset at our superiority.

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his point was the coming up with the idea of domesticating horses, turning them into mounts, and teaching them to ram into enemy lines msut have been a mad man's idea that turned out to be a stroke of genius, he posted the video with a provocative title and framed it as such in the opening minites and of course idiotic mouthbreathers like
never saw it in its entirety and only got that hurr cavalry bad from it

My guess is that they were originally domesticated for other purposes (probably food) and eventually someone had the idea to take one into a fight

It’s easy just go round around them

>his point was the coming up with the idea of domesticating horses, turning them into mounts, and teaching them to ram into enemy lines msut have been a mad man's idea that turned out to be a stroke of genius
Depends, there's no consensus on if horses were ridden first or driven first.

Based. I saw this posted on Yea Forums months ago and it caused several bump limit threads of asspain.

ah yes, the classic lone pikeman unit used in medieval warfare

I think chariots predate saddles. Maybe people rode bare back, and it is counter intuitive to think attaching a cart to a horse came before just riding it but whatever. Maybe chariots were originally carts for moving things around and someone decided to use it in war

That and his pathetic sense of Br*tish "superiority" would make me fucking laugh if it wasn't so arduous to behold.

>"Today we're gonna talk about one secret weapon that ruled the battlefields of WW2 which nobody talks about"
Let me guess, It's gonna be something stupid and Bri-

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I am not an expert in the field, but I read a book on the topic and thought about it very hard and I am very smart you see, HAHA, because I am British, so here is the ultimate answer that so called "serious scientists" can't figure out.

It's all dependent on what type of battlefield. For the Eurasian Steppes, it certainly was unmatched.

the fuck's sworcuck gonna do?

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I used to like spears but now that you cringe faggots like them I'm going to become an axeman

>I've become an axe contrarian because spear contrarians became contrarians because of sword contrarians

3chin moment

Let me guess, he's talking about some lesser known genocide that happened in the past and now he feels smug lecturing people on a random even in history?

redpill me on flail

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>Casually wrecks every hell*nic army.

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They're sexy, bitches love them

Riding is difficult and dangerous. Remember, very bad healthcare.
People learned to ride bareback for sure, but having it draw a cart or plow is a lot less likely to get you hurt. Though, does anyone know if oxen carts and plows came first? Or depending on availability of animals?

of course it was an insane idea, but so was drinking milk or wearing the skin from another animal.

Stay mad, fatty.

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drinking milk is fine. But who the fuck came up with cheese?

Or going around buying up all the bitcoin in 2010.

>gets BTFO by barbarians
>protects jews, persecuted christians
>castrated little boys to keep as second wives
>corruption everywhere
>first globohomos in world's history
>shitty Greek knock-off pantheon
>language sounds retarded as fuck

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Your greatest achievement was dooming the white race. Fuck Anglos. What waste of potential.

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>his opinion comes from some shitty videogame
exactly what I expected

just do what i do in total war games. attack it from side and rear

Nah, it's just my go to anti-romaboo reaction image that I've grown fond of.

Probably an accident, someone left milk somewhere, they checked it and bam, it turned to cheese.

This guy can shove his spandau up his ass.

>defeating a sword
just carry a big, BIG sword

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>drinking milk is fine
Nobody in nature excepts humans sees another animal and starts stealing its milk. There's a reason so many people are lactose intolerant, we weren't supposed to drink cow's milks, but we kinda forced that part of evolutionary biochemistry aside.

How is that UK's fault? We had racial segregation up until the 60's.

In 1v1 HEMA fights, the spear wielder wins 90% of the time.
Cope all you want, be a contrarian if you must, but in the end spears are the superior weapon.
Why do you think 99% of armies in antiquity were equipped with polearms first and foremost, and only carried swords as sidearms?

Literal LARPers with 0 credibility

So? Why are you trying to frame it as bad?

>bomb the shit out of the only nation that tried to stand up against Jews and marxists
>give Israel to the Jews afterwards
>100 years of anti-patriotic/anti-nazi sentiment and propaganda

Churchill singlehandedly doomed the West into the darkest timeline, worst than even the christcucks did for Europe.

friendly reminder that joan of arc was a glorified cheerleader

Not true.
There is footage of wild animal young drinking mother's milk from another wild animal belonging to another species.

Is this the best swordniggers can muster?

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Cry harder whignat. You'll never get anything you want and you'll die alone.

Ants "milk" plant lice

Of course, UK was solely responsible for that.

>>give Israel to the Jews afterwards
Hitler wanted to deport them to Madagascar. There's nothing wrong with giving them their own state.

years of anti-patriotic/anti-nazi sentiment and propaganda
It's very much legal there to be a neonazi. However in slavic countries and former axis raising your right arm at a 45 degree angle will get you arrested. Just because honest, you hate UK for whatever reason.

>ruins the world
>"so what"
Yeah nah, fuck Anglos.

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I'm an axeChad now (formerly spearcuck)

Keep seething, I love it

You will never be german

lindy hop is incredibly based

ah yes, the nation that entered an agreement with the marxists to jointly attack and divide the country that has historically stopped the communists from inviding western europe thus plunging the continent into the bloodiest war in history. truly the saviors of the west

HEMA isn't an accurate representation of a 1v1 amidst a battle

UK is among the fattest countries in Europe, lmao

>Of course, UK was solely responsible for that.
Weird how Brits get the most sadistic pleasure out of the whole "killing white people" thing though.
Even older, indoctrinated Americans are slowly realizing they may've slaughtered the wrong pig during WW2, but with Brits there's simply no hope left. They're as anti-Aryan as the globohomo kikes are, and I still haven't figured out why. They're genetically white but fuck me they're cancerous to the white race.

Marxist kikes did this, stop blaming others

>In a battle
What the fuck are you talking about

I wonder why these people gravitate towards such huge losers as the nazis. Is it possible they relate to being universally hated losers everyone laughs at? Probably

Uk wasn't sole responsible for that. It was a group effort of many different countries and at the time British people were fighting against what was just another enemy. Just be honest and admit that you hate UK.

Did he ever finish writing his graphic novel? It was years and years and years behind schedule, and it sounded like it was entirely because he just wouldn't/couldn't finish the writing. It also seems like his YouTube uploads have slowed to a glacial rate ... does he have a job outside of this stuff?