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>CW’s audience is primarily teenage girls and queers
>make a capeshit show about uggos with zero romance

Someone posted a webm of nightwing and it was funny as hell. He superhero lands like an exaggerated idiot and then walks like a hood up to the camera.

>I'm knight.

Honestly, do black people even watch this shit or is this just for virtue signaling white cucks?

the latter

I'm guessing the latter. Black people probably watch Family Feud, Madea, and reruns of the Jeffersons.

The first season was a disaster and their lead quit because her little lesbian body couldn't handle standing up and talking for so long. Should've canned it then.

>Family Feud, Madea, and reruns of the Jeffersons.
Kino lineup

I wasn't aware this existed until I saw this thread and I'm pretty about that

I want to see it!

Me too!

Pretty much. Older blacks at least mainly watch game shows, maybe the Discovery channel too.

Black people like black media made by black people. For some reason, there's always this weird, cringe dynamic when some hollywood nepotism hire making a "black" show.

CW is having some financial difficulties and most likely will be sold to Nextstar Media. not sure if that has anything to do with it.
the speculation is that if Nextstar buys it they'll end original shows and turn it into a political news channel, mostly featuring News Nation and old TV reruns.

News Nation is basically MSNBC from 2008, pretty boring shit pretending to be "honest", the kind of shit boomers crave.
better than the abomination of Batwoman but not by much.

Superman and Lois is the only decent show on the CW anyway

I could fix her.

>turn it into a political news channel
is that really something anyone would turn into though? I cannot believe someone in current year is going to say "man I want some background sound to stay informed. I have no internet or money, but I have this tv and digital antennae for local stations. Yeah I'm thinking CW News Nation is how tonight is gonna play out."

it's a miracle this show made it to 3 seasons


lmao look at that hair

why does he look like a black willem dafoe

It's about fucking time

You'd be surprised by the number of boomers out there that only use the internet for email if even that and only watch cable/antenna tv.

I'm surprised it was kept on life support that long desu. How many people actually watched it at its peak viewership?

>3 seasons
It's crazy how these shows exist and you just never hear about them.

Woke -> broke

They haven't invented television yet.

What do you expect lol

>every single super hero is being replaced by black man or a white woman or a black woman

Just a coincidence.

Black people media by and for black people tend to be quite crass, and crude, and filled with humor and action. Black nationalists like feminists are a minority and don't represent the larger population, and make weird power fantasy stories.

The real answer is that only blacks and fat liberal women watch this shit

I wish I had it. I deleted it.

I didn't know we had spinal surgeons posting here

How will they blame white people for this?

I watched the first season, it really was as bad as everyone was saying.
The crazy sister in it was fucking hot though.

Not even blacks. Just fat liberal "men" and women.

Black nationalists love these shows, but they're like 5% of blacks. Typically uni educated, and steeped in critical theories.

It’s Batwing. He’s iron man with a Batman skin in Africa. Though it might be different in the show because I never watched that shit.

What makes tomboys so kino?

kek retard

it's white people. These kind of cynical critical theories comes from European and American universities.

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What's a black nationalist?

I don't know user, what's a green hat

It's not even the same batwoman from the same season

A hat that's green.
What nation and government are black nationalists wanting to see embrace nationalism?

Before you throw a party, just remember that the same writers are now in charge of another Batman spin-off series for the CW.

Comic Batman's black as well. DC finally pulled the trigger and "retired" all the main characters for the diversity team.

same as white nationalists

So it's just a nothing term?

Who would've thought?

>tfw black
>tfw read batman as kid
>saw batman: mystery of the batwoman
>begin reading Batgirl, Robin, Batwoman
>Still reading 80 years worth of Batman comics to the day
>tfw media doesn't adapt stories I know and love
>instead gives us a show where by the second season it barely resembles Batman and there's barely any characters from the comic left by season 3
Its so fucking tiresome. Forget being black. If you're a kid reading comics you get called a nerd all your life. So when Hollywood introduces the mainstream to comics THIS is the shit they decide to show. THIS isn't going to get people interested in comics. It will drive them away because its the same story over and over and gets cancelled after a few seasons. Fucking...stop... damn.

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But I thought people wanted to see a strong black lead women on TV? Why would it get cancelled?

Based on a video game that, at this point, looks like its gonna fall flat. They may end up cancelling the show based on how poorly the game does

if that's the way we're going now, can Spider-Man 4 just be called "Spider-Man: Homecucking" and the whole movie is Tom Holland crying in a corner while a large black man fucks Zendaya on their bed and she just moans, "WAKANDA FOREVER!" while looking at spidercuck

mmmmm batwomanbros????? what's our answer????

It's just whites being narcissistic as fuck
I swear narcissism is like a literal tumor on the brain. I didn't realize how real all the woke shit was until my older brother joined them. These people are completely engulfed in the fog of their own farts and cannot see anything clearly. they're like morals schizos. just completely deluded in their sense of what is right.

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Its not just the gingers anymore. They got Tim Drake as a mystery meat zoomer in the Titans Show. And Barry Allen's girlfriend is no longer blonde in the Flash Show or upcoming movie. Although I will say the guy playing H
his foster father in that show is really good.
You're thinking too hard. Miles Morales is already going to be matched with Gwen Stacy.

>They haven't invented television yet.

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>self powered
By what?


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imagine how smugly superior he feels compared to you, might throw you under the bus if it gets bad enough

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Kinetic energy from fapping. while watching porn.

why does batwoman have the batman beyond logo?