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Why are Americans like this?

they're the descendants of scots and the french AND they're lower class

of course new york culture lampoons them



I'd much rather experience the hustle and bustle and pee smell and violent drug addicts of the big cities thank you very much.





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>rural white people are le retarded inbreds
(((They've))) been poisoning your mind from birth

As someone who grew up in a small rural town in Texas, I can tell you that violent drug addicts and the scent of pee are NOT exclusive to big cities.

Hate your own race goyim.


HAHA- huh

People living in the Appalachian area are fucking retarded though.

>t. never been to West Virginia

>no So you wanna win 5 dollars

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No no no you rent Toastbusters, is better


These two are proof never to trust Disney with your children.

t. Seeing inbred meth tweaker

I hope you’re enjoying my tax dollars

Small towns are filled with meth addicts, and junkies. That is their only form of escape.

A strong traditional nuclear family, living close to nature and self reliance?

Hahaha. Idiots. They don't even have tiktok and Instagram.

I'd much rather never see a nigger ever again. Keep your big cities

for me it's being a pompous zoomer who doesn't remember heehaw or the beverly hillbillies

>white people

Oh shit is that Ruth and Wyatt?

t. Cletus

I love how toothless dysgenic hicks think the Nazis had any respect for them either

>being a pompous zoomer who doesn't remember heehaw or the beverly hillbillies
you should at least watch the beverly hillbillies, there's like no niggers or mexicans in most of the show, maybe the last season has some but I can't remember
>tfw you will never fuck prime ellie may

Rural areas are a net drain on taxes. Without urban and suburban gibs you’d literally become 3rd world overnight. “Self-reliant” my ass.

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>all the city copers here

yikers that does the explain the marvel taste in films. i didn't know i was among such cultured urbanites who haven't seen the non-light polluted sky or touched real grass. (urban 'lawns' are not grass)

Fuck off Ivan back to pol.

You type like such a huge fag you'd fit somewhere in LA or San Francisco. You should really consider moving

>here's some words I just pulled out of my ass because I have no idea what I'm talking about

no different than an african tribesman

the white race is dying though

God i can't wait to see the white race getting wipe out

Why are the jews so successful while the self proclaimed master race keeps losing?

This thread is so fucked up

>all these rural retards butthurt over a kids show from the 90s
Geez you'd think if your truck stop tweaker shithole were so great you wouldn't even be bothered by something so insignificant.

>no different than an african tribesman
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Do you have any idea why african niggers have so many children despite the fact that they can't even feed them? Its because they know most of them will die, but they want someone to take care of them in their old age so they just keep shitting out niglets without giving a fuck what will happen to them

>I don't understand where taxes go or how they work

I’m a nazi m8. Hating jews doesn’t mean loving the embarrassing bottom 10% of the white race.

I’ll break it down for you

>Hillbillies take more tax dollars than they contribute

>Do you have any idea why african niggers have so many children despite the fact that they can't even feed them?

Literally all poor people do this. In the West it only ended en masse with urbanization. It’s a valid tactic for third world farmers.

>conveniently ignores where a majority of tax dollars go to

I'd hate to break it down for you

I'll break it down for you
>made up retardation because I'm a nigger and want to laugh at white people

Oh, some times I think back to when Amanda was younger
Life was so much simpler then
She would be up at dawn, wake and bake on the lawn
Or maybe doing ecstasy again
Oh, and Tyrone would be fixing up something in the kitchen
Fresh crack or heroin pie
And Amanda would spend all day long in the basement
Torturing rats with a hacksaw and pulling the wings off of flies
Those were the good old days
The years go by but the memory stays
And those were the good old days

Attached: Amanda-Bynes’-Fiance-Paul-Michael-Confirms-Split-3-Weeks-After-Engagemen-.jpg (900x630, 117.95K)

lol have you ever been to appalachia

lol your tax dollars are going to ukraine, israel. and niggers, keep crying about muh meth heads

yeah, its nothing like africa, and the people there are far more civilized then city niggers

Changing goal posts.

Rural areas are not self sufficient. They are tax sinks.
The fact that you equate the white race with losers and meth tweakers in bumfuck nowhere Burgerstan says A LOT about you.
Those will be dealt with first, of course


Literally the birthplace of the Aryan race

So are people from inner cities but it wouldn't be acceptable to lampoon poor black people

You move them, not change them, fucking moron

>The fact that you equate the white race with losers and meth tweakers in bumfuck nowhere Burgerstan says A LOT about you.
are you seriously so retarded you think me making fun of you for being a nigger and equating rural living with meth heads is somehow me equating the white race to loser meth heads? LOL holy shit you are fucking dumb

Learn to spell properly before you insult people, doofus

t. unseeing meth teetotaler
I hope you're not killing IRS agents with booby traps

Based, return to tribal living and leave each other alone. Going extra places and not being happy with our homeland was a mistake.

wtf is wrong with false flagging europoors

then what you'd know what you posted can be used to describe the people that live there as well. lazy trolling if you keep going "nuh uh!"

>Rural areas are not self sufficient. They are tax sinks.
compared to what national parks? Yeah they don't earn as much in taxes as a city where a lawyer is getting taxed to fuck for his bracket and spending left and right in consumer bullshit every day at lunch and a new phone twice a year. Can't forget the designed communities where every light is a speed trap camera to catch 16 year olds in lambos going 8 miles over 20 in a school zone. What are you even talking about? No seriously like what are you talking about? ywnbaw sorry but your bait is just so gay. I was trying to be respectful until you went full retard. I literally google searched my exact posts to get turbotax payouts on taxes.
your posts don't show anything except for how gay you are.


Out of arguments already

The white race cannot move forward if we artificially sustain the bottom 10% of genetic refuse

Rural Americans are an embarrassment

Amanda show....soul...
>Slaps OP with a fish
Bring out da dancing lobstahs

Rural places should be self sufficient. How are they not self sufficient without social/mental decay? If people have a will and know how to operate them, they will operate and feed themselves ten times over, they'll have so much food they'll need to send it away or it'll spoil.

I’ll make it easy to understand for your inbred brain

Taxes taken > Taxes contributed = Parasites

>The white race cannot move forward if we artificially sustain the bottom 10% of genetic refuse
I hope you realize those were the people more wealthy whites tried desperately to get rid of for centuries and had absolutely no success.

>citynigger trying to fit in with muh white race
it's not working

Maybe USA is just a horrible place in general outside the protected elite areas? Europe is slowly transforming to that too except nice places like Spain and Poland

Then the industrial revolution happened, stupid.

are you a bot? You sound like a fucking bot with retardation

I hope he is

you know about states right? do you know about counties? I'm gonna have to do the homework tomorrow since it's bed time but there is little to no incentive to spend on a low tax income county and instead reinvest all the taxes in to building your tax trap county to then reap more taxes. Does any of that make sense? Essentially the "Parasites" you talk about get a fraction of a penny and the prime counties are getting 93.9998 of every dollar with some going to universal services like water treatment and trash.

>nice places like Spain and Poland

Fuck off NATO