What the fuck. this is the top rated review. why are leftists such psychotic demons

what the fuck. this is the top rated review. why are leftists such psychotic demons

Attached: CDDBCE0E-0423-41E7-9109-BA83BAD3212D.jpg (1901x599, 583K)

Reminder that this guy is a literal tranny

any movie that features that creature as a top review is automatically garbage

still a more popular and more respected reviewer than you
mogged by a man pretending to be a woman

kill yourselves phone poster subhumans

Which movie?

>still a more popular and more respected reviewer than you
You didn't even know who he was until you saw this thread. You literally suck tranny dick just to get (Yous), instead of spending that time at a job earning real money. You're a fucking loser, and you're below everyone you could ever speak to on here.

What did you expect, honestly
It's like going to the pride parade and complaining that you're surrounded by queers

Read Berlin Alexanderplatz popular review on letterboxd

Yeah, it's pretty fucking clear from that profile pic.

Wait, how is this wrong?

Attached: 1644207471977.png (230x230, 70.19K)

If you think that's schizophrenic, I dare you to check this guy's page

Attached: 34645u8356745.jpg (828x1292, 614.28K)

kek based sally
op is a fag once again

They aren't wrong you fucking bootlicker

>Drag the parasites into the streets and execute them

Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.

Pretty antisemitic, desu.

>business person
leftshits are mentally ill

Post the picture of “her” hairline

>why are leftists such psychotic demons
who knows, but they all are

this is true tho

I work at an investment bank and I fuck tranny escorts on the regular. I don't consider them women, or even human

anger against the crime of being born

it all boils down to not growing past the whole "I didn't ask to be born!" teenage mindset.

Doctors are parasites now?

But the post is very based?

pretty antisemitic

>dude in the revolution I would execute people so fucking based!!!!
you get nervous calling to make a doctor's appointment

If the last two years are anything to go by, then yes many doctors are parasites.

the schizoposting here is less deranged

based sally. eat the rich

looks like she's been eating a lot already...

Libtards worship doctors tho and commies had nothing against them (except Pol Pot), so how are doctors parasites from a libtard or commie perspective?

Problem child 2

what does this tranny have against architects? lmao

parasites, user
actual parasites

Decent take apart from the atheism desu

>"bring out all the rich bankers and CEOs and shoot them"
>"alright murder these jews"

all isms need to be cast off just like their inventors

rope is cheaper and reusable

The rest of his reviews are rants like that. I'm scared he's gonna be the first tranny mass shooter.

Most doctors in big cities are Jews.

Architects, business person (pretty broad) and (most) doctors haven't done anything wrong. The rest can most certainly be dragged out into the street and killed and the world would be a better place so this tranny got that much right at least.

They hated her because she said the truth.

I just have mommy do it for me, dummy.

The sooner real people stop tolerating them the better.

there are more white Christian bankers and CEO's in america then any other demographic

So what is this person's job?
Since he's a communist it's probably something bourgeois

What's a divine creator?

they don't have the mental fortitude, user

quick reminder that all the really, really rich cunts made out like bandits while everyone else is struggling as a result of multiple crises in a row
people are getting pretty fucking tired of it all

You have no idea how investment banks work

The only people who unironically use the term "bourgeois" in 2022 are people with upper middle class and above backgrounds larping.

Because whites are the statistical majority population, however Jews are way overrepresented per capita

Congratulations, you don't know what you're talking about. Dumb fuck.

>cheaper and reusable
Found the jew

Read the protocols of the elders of Zion.

its completely true but you cant cope with the fact that some things are more important than race and religion.
Hint: its class

Should have been Zoe Marlett

>class war makes him uncomfortable
>does a bit of class war in the same sentence

read Capital Vol. I-III


Learn the truth about Ukraine the Jewish takeover of the west through their stranglehold on global media and finance.

>Hint: its class
Why do bankers and Big Tech give a platform to commies but not to Jew-noticers?

those who call themselves jew but are not
get it right at least
but i am not, i'm all for edomite windchimes, is all

Do you think CEOs are in charge of the banks?

it'll be a mystery forever, user
and if they let a jew-noticer on air, it'll get shut down pronto
it's amazing that normies don't notice it

>noo you aren't allowed to be angry at the same people i'm angry at unless you self-sabotage by framing it racially
conquered as fuck

why do you ignore the majority of bankers who are christian? you focus on race when those at the top only care if you have money

>in 2022 urban America

because racism repels advertisers

Sounds and looks like a mentally-ill person, stopped reading that nonsense midway

always with the isms

Why doesn't anti-white racism repel them?

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