What does Yea Forums think of Bill Burr?

What does Yea Forums think of Bill Burr?

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I think he’s a faggot that larps like he’s some Boston blue collar Joe just calling it like it is but he’s really a rich fag kid from the suburbs. Fuck him and his ugly abrasive monkey wife.

I stopped listening to him when he started ranting about how no one needs an ar-15.



he admits all of the time that he grew up in the "safe suburbs" of Boston and shuts down anyone thinking otherwise. also living in a duplex with six other siblings doesn't really sound "rich"

will he appear int he final season of saul?

Trevor's character was written for Burr so who knows.

they had plans to have him in the last season but he had to bow out because of a family member being sick. i think they might have recasted him

>"safe suburbs" of Boston
That just means that there weren't many blacks around.

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He hasn't had a funny stand up special in about 10 years and he's completely whipped by his wife now. He's become the exact person he used to make fun of.

Imagine waking up besides an ugly wife.

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>did the respectable thing and fell in love for personality, not looks
>married a woman at the absolute bottom of the aesthetic totem pole
>still gets cucked
i do feel bad for the guy honestly


Unpopular Opinion: the story of Bill Burr became exponentially more interesting after he got married. His rise as a self-hating, boston loudmouth comic wasn't nearly as kino as his descent into spinless cuck trapped in a soul-sucking marriage. Louie CK still has the option to be offensive and funny, but Bill cornered himself despite all the money/success.

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The last funny thing Bill Burr did was make that kike h3h3 look like an idiot on his podcast

I'm tired woman!! It's too late for a shitpost

fucking kek

always makes me think of picrel

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yeah but he likes cool things like cars cigars and movies like goodfellas and once upon a time in hollywood, he is a badass and he flies helicopters, so fucking relax dude you're makin me nervous


Imagine being a more embarrassing cuck than the cuck king himself. Plus his whole career now is filling the void Louis left.

You can tell most of his opinions on current sociopolitical events are filtered through his wife. The post Rittenhouse trial episode was a good example of that where he just sounded like a typical NPC with the whole state border lines arguments and missing the entire point.

> Louie CK
He should embrace the schizo sex pervert side of him and turn it to maximum for the audience.

fpbp. he tries larping as this edgy asshole, but it's really all a front. the guy is a huge phony

>marry black person
>this makes you woke
lol, go back and watch his old comedy. Rightists co-opted Bill Burr only because he "BTFO THE SJWS." In reality, Bill has always made fun of people like you. Nothing has changed.

Witless swaggering asshat who thinks he's black.
Just watch him.

Remember when his daughter was obviously black and he wanted paternity but his wife and her brother bullied him out of it.


Oh look, it's another episode where anons become disillusioned by the realization that their favorite celebrities aren't alt right racists like they are.

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>he’s really a rich fag kid from the suburbs

This. His dad was a rich dentist that did side-surgery work for the mob just to make sure his family was raised in a good neighborhood.

Bill specifically dated black women to piss him off.

h-hey guys bill burr here with the monday morning podcast uuuhhhh...Y-you might
>stops talking, sounds of him looking around can be heard
you might be wondering uuhh..why im whispering heheh...uuuhhh
>sounds increasingly nervous
heh i-its because the baby is sleeping...uuuhh..and
>suddenly a hellish shriek can be heard in the background
oh sweet jeesus nononono I was so careful no god please
>furious fast steps can be heard coming up the stairs
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck the lovely nia oh god I need to hide
>bill can be heard going through stuff frantically trying to hide
>door busts down
>nia can be heard furiously breathing
>starts shuffling through stuff throwing shit around laughing and sniffing
>throws some boxes to the side
>podcast goes offline

he's a masshole that's all i need to know about him to know he's shit

she absolutely skull mogs him

>Louie CK still has the option to be funny
shame he never excercises it

go back and read my post and ask yourself if it has anything to do with what you posted.

classic sellout

no, i think i'll just tell you to suck my balls and close the tab knowing i got the last word and won't ever see your reply
i win

>His rise as a self-hating, boston loudmouth comic wasn't nearly as kino as his descent into spinless cuck trapped in a soul-sucking marriage.
i.e. he became a cuck because of his marriage. What do you think you're talking about?

>paid for by Bill Burr

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lol, i agree, i still dont understand why everyone fawns over him


and I'll still be in your head for days.
literally nothing about woke or rightists or whatever else you're talking about.

user, you do realize that Yea Forums is a WMBF central board, don't you?

that's /int/

anyone that "just calls it as they see it" and doesn't name the jew isn't real.

> I was so careful no god please

Gets me every time.

fpbp, fuck him

I miss his show.

Nia definitely pegs Bill.

Bill Burr's brother, is a Republican Massachusets politician

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Sold out to cultural Marxists in (((Hollywood))). Apologizes for his whiteness like the self hating brow beaten cuckold he is.

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One of the most culturally relevant comedians of today, and a modern day Carlin.

Yeah I really hate him to be honest, he also comes across as really bitchy like a gay guy, can't stand this ugly faggot

What happened to his podcast with Burt? I will admit it was getting tiring hearing two old men talk about "the good days" and old piece of shit cars all the time but they had some good stuff in there to slog through it. Did they have a falling out?

he cute

burr bros...

yeah i call him prissy bitch burr because of it, he has a really weird attitude problem where he tries to be an oldschool mans man but instead comes across like a standoffish older woman who needs a good fucking

her head is HUGE

The 'I love NIGGERS' badge seems a little counter-productive to what Bill is trying is convey