Basically if it didn’t make you cry in genuine earnestness, I don’t need to know you or ever talk to you.
Basically if it didn’t make you cry in genuine earnestness, I don’t need to know you or ever talk to you
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I didn’t watch it sorry. I did watch Amistad back in the 90s tho
Then fuck off
Shove your buck breaking trash up your ass, coon.
the solomon northrup story has been told like 10x before and this was the most saccharine and historically inaccurate version
go watch the 70s version called SKIN GAME which is much funnier
My point still stands. If you are not legitimately moved to tears by his story, then you’re not a person worth talking to.
He fucking survived wtf
12 is gods favorite number.
is this movie any good? I've just seen the Dano scene where he sings the "run nigger run" song
You got the best part. Leave the rest
I cried because the nigger had escaped thanks to the stupid canadian
>crying over fake nigger stories
Biggest cuck on the board
Slavery was the only way to domesticate the negroid species. If they'd stayed as slaves another 1,000 years they'd have had a shot to become bona fide sapient human beings.
If you can’t admit some 200 years on that actual human slavery was inhumane, and seeing depictions of how it was practiced is disturbing, then yes we have nothing in common with each other because I have humanity and you do not, and we have nothing to speak about on the subject further.
there's a stigma on slave movies because it's insta-Oscar-bait but Steve McQueen also did Hunger and Shame and is a legitimately good filmmaker, I would argue 12 Years a Slave is the "Schindler's List" of slave movies
turbo-autists are obsessed with small things like a scene early on when a slave trader shot and killed a slave when they would have been more interested in protecting property but this is a minimal part of the movie
12 years a slave? More like 12 years a gay!
Slavery wasn't that bad. Get over it, you big crybaby.
No, I looked into it- it was pretty bad
He got recaptured like a month later and went back to being a slave for the rest of his life.
They say he disappeared after 1857.
Slavery remains commonplace to this very day. But you ignore this because only non-whites engage in it
Why do you think that because other terrible this are still happening that somehow means different terrible things that happened in the past are somehow good or better?
Because you’re only bringing up the past so that you can attack white people. What you really want is for white people to be slaves, you don’t actually have any sense of morals. If whites became slaves you would come up with some kind of justification for it like “oh but whites deserve it, its karma.” The only way to really break the cycle is if you forgive the past, and by forgiving the past ensure that you don’t repeat it; but that’s not what you really want, you are out for revenge.
Why do you think it’s impossible to feel bad about actions done in history and condemn the people responsible without also holding everyone alive currently responsible for anything other than their own actions?
It made me sob. Honestly. It was reprehensible what the Jewish slave trade did.
never seen it don't care about niggers but am anti-slavery in general.
>If you can’t admit some 200 years on that actual human slavery was inhumane
Human slavery is always inhumane. Blacks aren't human.
It's a sad movie. Slavery sucks. Still doesn't mean blacks get a free pass.
If freed white convicts in Australia are "colonisers" then free black slaves in the U.S are also colonisers.
Native Americans are the true victims of american history and it's a shame that black people just tossed them aside for their own gain.
Nobody is saying white people that are alive right not had anything to do with it, but you’re so fast to try and pass the blame off of them to people you see as “other”.
thank god. i'd hate to unironically interact with a fan of 134 minutes a bore.
Maybe the most ahistorical and ignorant take on the situation possible- well done.
You do know slavery spans far longer than 200 years right? You do know it goes on to this very day right? Oh you mean only and exclusively black slavery in America... not slavery as a whole across humanity... hmmmmm problematic.
your mind is clouded by retardism, you will never have a whole understanding of the world until you learn to look at people individually rather than by groups.
Is the point you’re trying to convey that white people DIDN’T run a brutal international slave trade of Africans that lasted several centuries?
I don’t cry for breaking bucks
>Is the point you’re trying to convey that white people DIDN’T run a brutal international slave trade of Africans that lasted several centuries?
One of the few movies I saw twice when it was in theaters.
Second time I went with my girlfriend, she thought it was boring and had expected it to be like Django Unchained.
I don't know shit about the autobiography it is based on and only little about the history of slavery, but I enjoyed the performances of Ewjofor, Nyungo and Fassbender.
I didn't watch because I know it'll be depressing. Some reason I've never seen Schindler's List.
My mind is clouded by an understanding of genomics and speciation. Blacks, whites, and yellows are not the same species.
Literal retard
I made a judgment based on the fact that you repeatedly tried to guilt another poster into feeling bad about the past. The feeling of guilt is an essential part of the scam I was describing.
Aborigines were literally murdered en masse in Australia, and white colonizers were given free legal support to do so. Compared to slaves freed after the Civil War who were met with all kinds of laws and restrictions on their freedom- the two groups just aren’t comparable, it’s just nonsense
I mean they’re both going to make any person with a shred of humanity in them cry. They’re both very sad.
>Second time I went with my girlfriend, she thought it was boring and had expected it to be like Django Unchained.
lol and people say the MCU ruined cinema
12 Years a Slave didn't have enough funny quips in it in a movie about slavery
When did I say anything like what you’re describing? All I’ve said is it’s a very sad story and that slavery is inhumane and disturbing to witness
It wasn't that sad desu, I cried over movies treating far less serious topics than slavery, this one just doesn't quite hit the mark performance wise.
This is obviously a shitpost but it really wasn't great. Especially Brad Pitt.
>Especially Brad Pitt
I always forget he's actually in the movie. He has probably less screen time than Paul Dano.
It was a vanity role for him. He was a producer and obviously wanted to be in the film as a good guy.
Lmao you’re really giving up the game with the consistent denial thing. It says two things
A.) this is something that you acknowledge to be bad by virtue of how desperately you do not want to be associated with it despite all historical evidence pointing otherwise
and B.) the entire lack of compassion for the situation presented in the movie. Not only are you trying to distance yourself from it, but you can’t even bring yourself to call what happened to this man bad and awful as it should be. Lol you’re really telling on yourself
This but I didn't watch either because I know they're not worth watching.
>I didn't watch either because I know they're not worth watching.
How would you know if you’d never seen them?
woke people were upset at this movie because a white abolitionist Canadian saved Solomon Northup, which is historically documented as having happened
This is the best part about the right wing, they absolutely adore history, but they exceptionally detest any parts where white people did anything immoral. Which coincidentally is most of modern history.
i shut it off after seeing two good looking hollywood mutts fucking in the beginning. i'm sure dano is excellent in it, but i dont want to watch some nigger romance fantasies
i'm actually enraged by the american slave mind virus. they behave like their people were the only one enslaved in all of history and do nothing to do anything against modern day slavery and child labour in africa, india and china, consuming their nestle products while browsing the net on their smartphones in some gucci t-shirt crying about how their grand grand parents had to work for white people, ignoring that the whole country basically fought a war to free them (which wasnt the main reason, but one driving factor)