It's sooooooooo boring.
Zack snyder's justice league
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No, it isn't. Shut up.
>Tween needs nonstop cgi action and marvel Mary Sue toon characters to be entertained
You’re wrong, it’s great. You don’t know good movies
I am sorry Mr. Snyder. I just don't like your movie very much.
Go to bed Greg.
Why is everything so dark?
it's pure kino
Based Cyborg. Show. Don't tell.
It is meant to look emulate the comic arc "Rock of Ages, from the comic JLA.
cringey dialogue omg. IS this what comic book nerds like? Holy fuck.
ayo niggers do we have a widescreen version yet? I can't watch a fucking box.
So fucking kino
Reminder that Zack Snyder had to design and build an overly complicated rig with several cameras just for this scene.
I love how fucking autismo Snyder is about cameras. He did the same with 300.
I love that scene so much
Can you believe they switched it for that scene in the theatrical scene where Bruce and Diana are fighting for no reason
>that bank scene with MUH MARY SUE Wonder Woman
Lost interest right there.
Wonder Woman is supposed to be bad-ass because she is meant to compliment Batman, who's also a badass.
>le parademon explodes and his body leaves a stain that looks exactly like a motherbox so richman finds out about it
>le marysuebox can for some reason return superman to life (but not richman's parents)
>flash is a kpop fan who's also jewish and talks about being jewish multiple times
>cyborg, aquaman and wonderwoman basically don't exist
>richman is used as a comic relief character and is totally useless
>superman 1v5s them and then does 99% of the work
>mentioning shit from the theatrical cut
So if Cyborg views Superman as their hope and savior, why did he attack him? Even if the machine half took over, the machine is interfaced with him and knows what he knows.
>le parademon explodes and his body leaves a stain that looks exactly like a motherbox so richman finds out about it
That's from the theatrical cut and that scene was written and filmed by Joss Whedon because it served to explain why the Parademons are attracted to fear, something completely unique to the theatrical cut.
>Even if the machine half took over, the machine is interfaced with him and knows what he knows.
Because the Motherbox showed to Cyborg's "machine" the bad future. The machine then identified Superman as a potential threat.
The movie is filled with little details like that.
Still better than The Batman
>machine half
You are almost there brother. As you said, half machine half black. However you have incorrectly assumed that the machine half was in control when he started a fight.
Flash TV show ripped off ZSJL's ending Flash scene
holy fuck glad i dropped that show at season 2
Notice how he runs with a heel strike first, that's blatantly incorrect.
The correct way to do it taking off from the front of the foot like DCEU Flash does.
It's not boring, it's an utterly tedious waste of existence. Irredeemably bad filmmaking which didn't do any justice (pun not intended) to these iconic pillars of pop culture. It was depressing, soulless, emotionally empty and a cringe-filled slog. It was a fucking travesty, a wasted opportunity. A meek attempt at copying Marvel, a lesser comic book company which relies too heavily on its cinematic universe to coast by. It should've been an easy win. But Snyder's "no fun allowed" grimdark tone was completely at odds with Superman, a titantic figure of heroism, whose positivity shines as bright as the sun. The "Snyder cut" proved that less is more, after all. Being longer didn't fix it. The only way to fix this whole mess would be to go back in time, and fire Zack Snyder so that Man Of Steel was never made. Fuck the Snyderverse, fuck that immature hack of a director, and fuck his blind and stubborn defenders.
It's great and you're wrong
All this is from the whedon cut
You don't know the true meaning of heroism.
You want the Coca-Colar version of it, not the truth. Heroism is courage in the face of adversity and sorrow.
How is Wonder Woman a mary sue when she gets beat up by Superman
If BvS was about mothers, and ZSJL is about fathers, what was MoS about?
hom nao plse?
Who the fuck is doctor octopus in the background?
holy shit... you are right. the fucking sons of krypton
Not more than The Batman
I expected someone to do the dancing cat by now
That's Cyborg, he has extra arms he can use
I liked the movie, I liked MoS but I agree with you that it could have been shorter. The exposition (1 hour) went on far longer than it should have.
2 hours would not work but I think the optimum time is 3 hours.
It also birth, death, and rebirth but that's obvious for everyone.
The movie is only four hours because Zack Snyder wanted this to be something entirely for the fans that fought for the movie to be made. So it is filled with the things he teased them about. The ideal cut according to him would be 2 and half hours.
I don't know what he would have cut other than the new epilogue he came up with.
GOD Steppenwolf was so cute
To think this version of the character was build up from scratch and completed just over 6 months. Weta essentially worked for free on this thing.
that wasnt from scratch. It was the original design.
They still had to make it from scratch because what they had from before were essentially very crude previs.
The only thing that needed to be cut down was the exposition. So much of it in the first 2 parts. Essentially, I'd keep Cyborg's parts.
Barry Allen is supposed to be blonde and manly
why did Snyder cast such a faggy mutt to play him?
>social media doesn't exist yet
Snyder trying to inject some pathos into a shitty Nolan script
I liked it. Quite a bit, actually.
Sad Ezra has gone full retard. He was my least favorite in the Whedon cut. Became a favorite in the Snyder cut.
It's cinema
I grew up watching the Bruce Tim shows and for me the Snyderverse was the most exciting live action thing to see from DC I loved them despite their flaws the new Batman series I’m hoping to see villains like Mr Freeze next but it’ll probably be some tame realistic shit like Hush instead
Well, the Snyder movies are essentially a darker and edgier take on the old cartoons.