>season 3 comes out in a month
>ZERO discussion
What the fuck happened???
>season 3 comes out in a month
>ZERO discussion
What the fuck happened???
I mean whats there to discuss? Its not airing atm lmao
>season 3 comes out in a month
>ZERO discussion
it comes out in a month
Season 2 literally killed this show worst than westworld season 2
Season 1 was decent and novel
Season 2 turned it into a soap opera with no stakes. Plus the ending sucked donkey dick and made me wish I stuck with S1.
>Season 2 literally killed this show worst than westworld season 2
Yup. Didn't even need to watch it to know it was shit. The marketing for it alone was so obnoxious that I just decided that the show ended after first season.
I hate that they are giving superpowers to the boys.
I thought the whole premise was to take down the superheroes using smarts.
Invincible did it better, FUCK SETH ROGEN
WHAT IF superheroes were... le evil??
>Racism is le bad!
Show completely lost its focus in Season 2. Went from being about how super heroes are corrupt degenerates (metaphor for Jews who run America) to being about le evil natzees. Didn't watch a single episode of season 2 when I saw they were going in that direction from the trailers.
Zero interest in this show.
>Racism is le bad!
That's literally every show and movie now. Yea Forums is for hating moving pictures because that's all there's left to do.
it's an advertisement, OP got a free amazon prime subscription in return for it
it's all too common on this autist board
>why arent you talking about something that hasnt been released yet
as my old friend christopher 'the poole' chan used to say: sage and report
Season 2 ruined the show.
Killed by Covid. It's been too long since season 2 and I don't care anymore.
The Northman, Licorice Pizza, and The Kid Detective were all based.
reddit trash since day one. only tourist faggots pushed it here
>have nazi character
>insulted one asian dude and one black dude
>did not mention the jews
Hughie gets ass raped.
They take compound V.
Wonder Woman look alike gets beheaded by Homelander.
Frenchie and the Asian girl gets blown up by Billy Butcher.
>He straight up murders them.
Hughie kills Billy Butcher.
They can keep it.
>What the fuck happened???
A genuinely awful season 2 that made drop the show.
genre "deconstructions" always blow their load early and have nowhere else to take the concept
>what if superheroes were... LE BAD
hey retard
seth rogan isnt a writer or showrunner on the boys, his production company helps produce it is all.
he has the same amount of involvement in invincible as he does the boys. arguably more since he also voices a character on invincible.
Oh and for the record, even if I loved S2, seeing them become supes in the S3 trailer enough to put me off.
>just another superhero show
Not watching this shit.
Eh I liked it and am looking forward to season 3. Eat me.
wasn't the entire point of the show supposed to be about how these normal humans try to take down these literal gods using clever ways and by threatening their reputations?
now it's just another capeshit show lmao
Don't worry user, our paid shills will be posting nonstop about it soon. Also get ready for a manufactured Invincible vs The Boys rivalry to try and build hype for Invincible later this year.
>Racism is le bad!
>Hughie kills Billy Butcher.
> they kill off the main character
I don't believe this.
trailer was fucking great. Might cancel Prime though. Fuck rate increases to pay for LotR shit
Did you people forget the comics has an entire issue devoted to chasing down Stormfront and stomping on him for being a Nazi?
The show isn't any different.
ok chudcel
> they kill off the main character
Hughie is the main character.
The comic sucked and everything good about Season 1 was an alteration of the comic. Making Hughie American, toning down the edginess, the comics aren't good and if they straight up adapted them no one would have watched more than one episode.
Season 2 was so bad it just killed my interest in the whole series, also reading the comic was a mistake, the worst shit I have read in my life.
>Racism is le bad!
Literally the only thing it takes for Yea Forums to drop a show entirely. Just like all those SJWs getting le triggered back in 2015
but it's okay when our side does it
>but it's okay when our side does it
Its completely okay, when its trash.
it should be pretty shit but not as bad as altered carbon s2
na, he ain't dead
He will probably heal his wounds because of compound Vagina
It's how the graphic novels went, IIRC.
>What the fuck happened???
Nothing happened, there's nothing to discuss until it comes out
what is even the point of this cuckfest again?
If you need to halt the momentum of your show completely to do an entire season of racism bad, yes, your show should be dropped. It's like the way they used to do a single episode of a kid's show about how drugs are bad, but now they need to do entire seasons about White privilege, fuck that noise, it's gay.
This show is shit and they're grasping at straws
It might
Billie Butcher is no cuck, the most powerful man in the world raped his wife so he devoted his life to destroying that man even knowing it was likely futile.
A cuck would have gone to one of those faggy support groups and said "aw geez can't fight Homelander better move on!"
sure butcher sure
Did you not watch the scenes where she tried to escape the compound that Vought had her in? She was talking as if Homelander had raped her.
> my wife's son
valid in context, the child was the result of homelander's rape.
so are we just ignoring the entire scene where she goes willingly to a hotel room alone?
>bro ...what if heroes...weren't always good people
He does a really good job of acting like an incel who just found a pair of discarded panties. You can basically hear his heart racing.
nigga why the fuck am i gonna talk about something that hasnt even came out yet? jtfo you stupid ass hell my nigga
Doesn't mean she was going to fuck him.
lol ok
why does comic book hughie look older than butcher
I liked season 2 except the first few episodes, was a bit boring. But i really liked all the Homelander and the mental asylum stuff. I'm pretty optimistic.
>What the fuck happened???
Season one wasn't good and the second was trash.
Why would we be discussing a season that hasn't even begun airing?
Who needs hype when enough shills come out of the woodwork when it's airing.