Arrow's been done for over 2 years

>Arrow's been done for over 2 years
>Supergirl cancelled
>Black Lightning cancelled
>Legends cancelled
>Batwoman cancelled
>The Flash is most likely ending next season
>Superman & Lois is the only show still going strong

Is the Arrowverse basically dead now?

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I stopped watching all those shows before they got canceled so yes

>Is the Arrowverse basically dead now?

>Superman & Lois is the only show still going strong

"strong" lol

>"strong" lol
He has super strength

WB/Discovery is trying to offload the CW as soon as possible. The WB/CW channel has never been profitable in its entire existence.

Arrowverse shows are all getting canceled. Superman/Lois and MAYBE Flash will move to HBOMax originals.

>MAYBE Flash will move to HBOMax originals.
I hope to God not. Flash hasn't been decent in YEARS Just put it out of it's misery at this point.

"""""Arrowverse""""" died after Arrow S2.

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Why can't they scrap all that and use even less money to make a Batman series like Smallville

Arrow died when Felicity defeated an assassin from the League with an ipad.

Black pillers like you are so pathetic. No dude not everything needs to die. Fuck off, yeah?

Gotham failed horribly

>make a Batman series like Smallville
That's what Gotham was.

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Flash has been terrible for a long time dude. I've sat through every single episode so I know what I'm talking about. Even the actors look like they don't want to be there. It needs to end.

gotham is a thing that exists

It got 5 seasons including one that wrapped everything up nicely and we even got to see Bruce in the batsuit in the finale. It accomplished what it set out to do. I wouldn't call that a failure.

>5 seasons
kek haha

They all ran their course. All low-budget capeshit "teen dramas" that were good for what they were: trash tv. Batwoman was hilariously cancelled early though lol. Superman & Lois won't last too long.

Superman and Lois is going to Max. Grant Gustin is going to take over as movie Flash

>cancelled early
>3 seasons
user what do you think early means? It went on 3 seasons too long

This. They were enjoyable in a junk food sort of way. Fun for awhile but it gets tiring eating it every day. I also feel like capeshit in general is starting to run its course. The MCU has been around for over a decade and a half at this point and the Arrowverse itself is a decade old this year.

>It went on 3 seasons too long
True enough. Just meant compared to the other Arrowverse shows, and how the last season was only 13 episodes.


I tried giving Black Lightning a chance, but it was just too fucking retarded
>Black Lightning, in his normal clothes, is at a highschool and sees some kids arguing
>Sees one kid about to pull a gun from his waistband
>Grabs his hand and stops him from pulling it, saying he doesn't want to ruin his life
>Kid storms off after
>Black Lightning just lets him walk away with the fucking gun
>Doesn't tell anyone or warn them that this unstable kid has a gun
Perfectly summed up the woke attitude of not holding certain people responsible for their actions

First few seasons were kino, then it fell off hard
>Riddler and Penguin were great bros and fun to watch interact together
>Then they turn the Penguin gay and make him kill Riddlers love interest, and now they hate each other
Wasted potential

christ, there really have been a lot of fucking capeshit shows

Batman's butler had a fucking show which may still be going on

Should have all ended when Arrow ended

and it's not just marvel and dc, seems like every other month some new off-brand capeshit show with a totally new and edgy take on the genre is being shilled here
surely people are getting a little fatigued by now

>used to watch Arrow with a friend every weekendas it released
>then we added Flash too,
>were up to like 5 shows in the end, hours of it
>finished none of them in the end, dropped them all and just did something else during our hangouts

they went too fucking far nobody's got the time or inclination to watch essentially 5 versions of the same show every week, they all had 5+ seasons too

wow great story bro. Maybe the greatest ever told.

The cross over episodes were always a let down as well. They barely impacted the plot at all
>Arrow and Flash cross over, Oliver tells Barry that he wastes his speed because he never cases the buildings and instead blindly rushes in, despite having the time to do it
>Actually a really good point
>Barry proceeds to never utilize his speed to case out buildings and continues charging in blind after that episode
It's almost like they were making fun of themselves


Did you suck him off during the ads?

I did the same thing with my GF. Even she got tired of them after awhile since they all basically became soap operas.

Didn't it get a pretty decent run though? 8 season of its own plus all these spin off shows, many of which had pretty questionable quality, but still got more than enough seasons to be grounded even more questionable.

>tfw the Arrowverse will be a decade old in October.

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Poopy Butt

The only reason I ever watched them was because these shows had soul. Even with the kikery they had soul.

Supergirl was the first to go full woke. Then Legends. Now Flash. At least Arrow went out with some dignity. Get woke go broke.

This guy gets it.
I agree.

In its defence Black Lightning had that hilarious scene where the old lady tried to drop her air conditioner on BL because there was a crazy high reward for his death and then she apologised to him and he accepted it and then she dropped her microwave on him right afterwards... and then apologises again!

The rest of the show was pretty dire but that scene made me laugh out loud.

Black Lightning is objectively a better show than that Batwoman that went full woke

CW ordered Gotham Knights which is set to release this year.

Superman and Lois was renewed for a third season. It isn't a bad show, it's entertaining and watchable which makes it superior to most new shit on TV today

Marvel shits all over this trash lmao

Black Lightning was shit but the guy playing Tobias Whale was great.

They're both shit. The MCU is just slightly less shit. It's like comparing a giant turd to a pile of diarrhea.

>t-t-there both shit stop u meenie!

You are such a fucking moron.

>noo my comicbook tv adaptions are better than yours!!


you are losing support /pol/

why do the actors in these low-budget shows always look so retarded? surely there are more attractive people in hollywood?

They probably wanted to clear their timeslots after DC when hard into HBO. Nothing running was worth cancelling CW ratings wise. If DC won't commit dollars why waste timeslots when you could get a Riverdale creator show?

I need to see the stats seeing as how, at NPD, I have them and know they rake in from Netflix and shows like Supernatural don't last as long as they did at a loss.

Give'em to me.

is correct in that The Batman and Suicide Squad has shifted a larger budget and they saw split revenue by keeping CW shows alive with progressing salaries.

CW isn't profittable because it's designed not to be

The Flash had like 20 seasons; it needs to be cancelled.

>Image has that britcuck who was supposed to "sell" Legends but got killed off and ejected
When will Britcux learn? We don't want your Dr. Who trash.

It's only on Season 8 but I don't disagree.

I couldn’t get past the first episode. White cop pulls him over for driving black and hassles him for having a nice car. How can you people watch this garbage?

Literally statistically proven niggas get pulled over more.

Usually for good reason, but still.