>straight up murdered his friend for it after seeing it for 10 seconds.
No one else did that.
Sick fuck.
>straight up murdered his friend for it after seeing it for 10 seconds.
No one else did that.
Sick fuck.
His name was Smeagol for fucks sake. He never stood a chance.
I think it was his brother.
If Galadriel had just given him a handjob all of this could have been avoided.
Dude was clearly already unpure from the start.
>name a character Smeogal
>he ends up smeoging
What did Tolkien mean by this?
To be fair I would have killed my best friend if I saw it too.
An ancient treasure is a lot more superficially appealing to a poor river-hobbit. Frodo was landed gentry in Hobbiton and Sam was his humble, taken-care of manservant. They had everything they needed, so they had no want.
The ring represents pussy, Smeagol is the gamer before his final form.
fish-eating fiend
His friends name was Deagol, of course he was going to kill him
What part of cursed artifact do you not understand? Some are more susceptible than others. He clearly failed his Will Save.
always thought that was weird and especially because he was a 'river hobbit' so he should have had some resistance to the rings power. Only lore cope I can think of is the ring was lost and alone for ~2400 years mustering all it's power to snare the first sentient being that found it.
it was his birthday
>Character name is Axl Battler
>He fights with a sword
>Character's name is Aragorn
>Doesn't ar a single gorn
>Character's name is legolas
>Looks like a lass but is never seen playing with Lego
Sméagol and Déagol were cousins.
he was already a cretin (at least in the books).
i never understood just what in the fuck the ring did to his throat
He lived in a cave for centuries.
After I go a couple of weeks without speaking (hermit) my voice will crack like I'm a teenager again. Vocal cords are muscles like anything else, and will atrophy with disuse.
The implication is that he had a particularly weak/fallible mind, embodied in the ugliness of the character and his name(s) themselves, as the FPBP also observes. He's set up to be an ugly weak COOMER type all the way through, with no contrast or real change/fall from grace in his character.
Counterpoint: He talks to himself constantly.
he seemed to enjoy fishing.
Bro it's his birthday give him a break.
Doesn't he only start doing that when he joins Frodo and Sam and wants the ring again? If he was chilling out in a cave with no clue of its whereabouts I don't see why he'd do the split personality thing. He'd be more concerned with juicy fish, so tasty sweeeeeeet.
Why did the ring stay with him for 500 years? Why not try to find a king to influence?
The ring w was s fucking so hot and horny and ready to fucking be worn it was like a cat jn heat rutting and purring and he gave that little tight golden bitch what she wanted. God the plot of kotr gets me fucking diamonds.
He found the ring a lot closer to Mt. Doom than Bilbo and Frodo. It ensnared Isildur straight away as well because he was on Mt. Doom
I think its stated that he is part of some hobbit sub species that is more suseptible which combined with the fact he was always a weirdo made him fall almost instantly
is that why they didnt want to risk the eagles taking to mountain doom to?
the split personality thing was with Frodo, but he was always using his voice to talk to the ring outload
Partly. The eagles would draw attention and would get a rain of arrows before hitting the mountain. The eagles also serve Manwe and he was reluctant to intervene last time a Valar was fucking things up, let alone a little Maiar. Also it's cannon that nothing outside a Valar or Tom Bombadil would be able to resist the ring in Mt. Doom itself. It took divine intervention to have Gollum trip and drop it in
>It took divine intervention
Stupid Tolkien retcon. Its very retarded and is a christian forced symbology. It basically ruins the world and god structure too. Just ignore
There was probably something more going on between them that we didn't see.
God (Eru Iluvatar) intervened to make Gollum trip. He also sent Gandalf back after the fight with the Balrog
It was precious to him. What do you want?
It was waiting for Bilbo.
>Names character "sauron-man"
>Is Sauron's right hand man
is that in the extended edition of the movie?
>Why did the ring stay with him for 500 years?
Because he took it in a hole for 500 years.
>lost in the river
>billion years later use all your might to make these two halfwits kill each other so you don't end up in the damn river again
>halfwit takes you into a damn cave for another few centuries god damn it
>sense a living thing that finally isn't a goblinfucker coming closer
>use all your might to get away from the halfwit
>tiny little bumble man picks you up
The Ring didn't have luck on it's side.
Why didn't Galadriel just have another singing competition with Sauron?
Anyone who says otherwise is lying
Sauron hadn't created the ring in the first sing off but he'd btfo the fuck out of Galadriel in the current age
Why didn't God just fix everything?
>one ring makes hobbits invisible because little people hide in the world
>makes humans good leaders
>turns elves into dark creatures
what would the one ring do to a dwarf? make them expert craftsmen or some shit?
>Implying you wouldnt do the exact same thing
Okay, but Tyris Flare made up for it.
wouldn't she just turn into that thing?
>“Instead of a Dork Lard, you would have a queen, not dork but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Incestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and breath air!”
youre the only person ive ever seen online who understands it doesnt just make people invisible
>Bilbo manages to keep his shit together for two centuries of touching it daily
>Boromir gets seduced for a split second then gets a hold on himself
>Frodo yells at Sam once
peasant hobbit scum confirmed as evil beasts
>>makes humans good leaders
It made Isildur invisible.
But the Nazgul did turn invisible under the effects of their rings, didn't they?
pretty sure the ring(s) corrupted them.
Wasn't the smeagol race close to hobbits?
How did they get corrupted so easily?
Or was the ring just more powerful back then?
the ring learned its lesson to go easy with the mindreaking. It doesn't want to be stuck in a hole for 500 years for the second time
>In Tolkiens world ring amplyfies evil
>In Tolkiens world evil beat evil multiple time due to self destructive nature
So there are two methods: Give ring to Ungolianth. This will swallow it up in uncrossable darkness.
Give ring to dragon. This will increase greed and power. Nobody will be able to claim it from gigachad dragon with the only purpose in life being defending the ring
The ring partially takes people into the spirit realm, which is why Sauron is visible while wearing it since he "is" a spirit and why the Ring Wraithes could see Frodo while wearing it but mortals turn invisible. But yes the ring doesn't just turn people invisible it enhances their power and control, though always bent to evil ends.
I view this more as a literary device. It was "in God's plan" that it happened. Frodo and Sam both ultimely failed to destroy the ring, because they are fallible. But it was through their actions and spareing and forgiving Golum after he betrayed them that ultimately led to the rings destruction.
Nah they faded away into the shadow realm from Saurons influence. Men and their offshoots like hobbits enter the shadow realm when they wear the ring. Magical beings like elves and Maiar would just become corrupted and evil and likely try to return the ring to Sauron
That's interesting, I never looked at it that way.
That could be another way that Sauron's cruelty to Smeagol wound up being his undoing. The ring miscalculated how heavy of a touch to use when corrupting Frodo.
Give it to the super gross Watcher in the water. No one would see it ever again, it wouldn't ever come out of the lake to kill anyone, and anyone who goes in isn't coming out. Balrogs, trolls, nothing's going to come out alive.
>Incestuous as the sea
Calm down, Celebrimbor.
because at that exact second he needed to be, he wasn't just going invisible all the time
Why is frodo going to the elv realm with the old one
>Maeglin is typing
Sam offered to carry the ring for Frodo multiple times. Why was Frodo able to keep himself from killing Sam all those times?
The ring doesn't DO anything, at all, other than make people invisible. There's not one single example that you can give other than that in the books or the movies.
>it will make you have crazy powers and try to take over the world
How do we know that?
>i-it j-just does okay!!
why was his voice so weird?
It doesn't make Sauron invisible
almost positive he didn't want to sex gollum so he kept sam close
cut him some slack ffs
>It doesn't make Sauron invisible
He's already invisible, so it makes him visible
Because Andy Serkis is a thespian and can't keep himself from that kind of shit
Gandalf says if he had it, it would make him too powerful. He doesn't explain exactly how, though.
Frodo used the Ring correctly only once, to curse Gollum, before Tolkien himself backtracked hard and decided it didn't happen.
Don't be mad that all hobbits have extra points in Constitution.
But yeah Gandalf explained that the ring uses your state of mind against you. Bilbo and Frodo, two guys just mucking around enjoying life plus hobbit stats, equaled increased resistance.
Boromir, guy who has faught against the dark forces all of his life, is worried about his nation, was sent to encourage the party to bring the ring to his city to save it, and is wary around that upstart Aragon, was already stressed as fuck.
did their love of the pipe-weed help them defeat the agenda of the one ring?
>Gandalf says if he had it, it would make him too powerful. He doesn't explain exactly how, though.
He did, yes, everyone is always saying that, but other than the invisible thing, no powers at all are depicted. Unless being a dick if you have the ring counts as a power.
Smeagol was already a sneaky, untrustworthy cunt before he found the ring. He probably would have killed his cousin over a normal ring.
>Gandalf seen toking every 5 minutes
>nasty ring can't infect you if you're high every day
You just might be on to something
Akchually... in the books...
The effects of the ring were more subtle. The movie just made it more spooky for dramatic tension.
>They made it so that Gandalf was scared to touch the ring
>They made is so that when Bilbo see the ring in Rivendell, instead of an subtle personality shift and a "darkness coming over his face", he turns into a CGI jumpscare
>They changed the scene where Boromir attacks Frodo. Originally, Boromir gets angry because he believes taking the ring to Minas Tirith for safekeeping is a better plan than just walking into Mordor on a suicide quest on the advice of a dead wizard, which is perfectly rational and something the party was arguing over for much of the journey. He only realizes in retrospect that the ring had influence over him. Instead, they changed it so Boromir just really wants the ring because he wants to be powerful or something, even though he has no idea what the ring does exactly. He loses his mind for a moment then snaps back.
>Smeagol killing Deagol was changed from a passing reference to a full scene. It implies that Smeagol was just a normal hobbit who was instantly driven mad after seeing it once. It leaves out the context that Smeagol was always a nasty person and the ring would just make him worse, causing him to eventually murder and get cast out of his community.
Nigger stop being a fag