And I just won

>And I just won.

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>this is how I win

I'm starting to think he didn't win.


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I bet his mom is so proud


He fucked his mom.

peak of his life


>abby is so unrealistic

>call up CWC
>scream "JULAAAAAAAAAAAY" when he or his parents answer

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For him? sure, but peak chris was when he drove to Oregon, that's the most independence he ever had, he was willing to do something for someone else, bluespike was the love of his life

i dont believe he did

wouldn't it be BARBAAAAAAAAAAAY now?

What a magical moment. It was like it was made to be on TV.

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His mom was such a disgusting whale. What was the attraction?

i firmly believe this is the reason he has that giant ego of his. had he not “won” here, things could have turned out so much better.

free china

Do you think he's looking at his mom there?

What made her this way?

Can’t believe bluespike is a fucking adult now. That’s a weird thing to carry around with you, allowing an autistic man to cum on the phone with you while you pretend to be an adult woman

for a man like chris she is likely the only woman to ever have shown affection for him in his life. his mind is warped to all hell at this point, who knows how he sees her.

Isn't Liquid Chris a doctor now too?

His explanation was that he wanted to align her chakras or something. The reality is, she was a feeble old woman with dementia and was thus easily accessible china. The end result is something out of a Greek tragedy.

Defenseless pussy. Chris would have 100% molested a child if he had access to one in his home.

No other options. Retarded.

They rationalize it by pretending that they were attacking Chris because he was problematic, when everyone knows these dudes were just fucking a sperg for lulz
Probably. He also probably tortures patients.

>Defenseless pussy
Idk he seemed pretty confident when attacking the gamestop guy. And he’s not a pedophile, he’s Norman Bates.

I looked it up, he's actually in residency now

hell a cat would probably not live safely with chris around either

>His mom was such a disgusting whale. What was the attraction?
Chris Chan is an opportunistic predator and his mother practiced emotional incest with him. He was a mentally ill 40 year old man with no wife or future, and there was a very vulnerable and confused old woman in his house.
She couldn't say no, she couldn't fight him, she probably couldn't even properly remember what was happening to her. It was elder abuse and it's more common than you think.

>She couldn't say no
By his own admission she could and did, but I agree with you otherwise.

Does anybody even know where Chris is right now?

Why would liquid do that? He is one of if not the most inoffensive trolls in christory.

I doubt many of his patients would feel comfy finding out he used to abuse an unstable retard for laughs.

Reminder to anyone that ever says to take meds if you go slightly against the grain of normieverse

Ol Chris right here is ACTUAL mental illness

physically, jail.
mentally, god only knows.

Idk making fun of retards used to be seen as edgy or cool and now it looks almost more autistic than chris himself. No matter how “inoffensive” it is, trying to drive a weird autismo crazy with jokes is sussy baka

>no more episodes of the Christ Chan saga lately
I need more content

I think he's in a forensic psych ward.
I don't know about Barb.
We don't know how either of them are doing, but on the note we left them on it can't be good.

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Liquid gets a free pass because he and Kacey made it frequently apparent they were trying to get him to improve.

He's very likely (99%) in a psychiatric hospital. He's definitely not in a jail because that would be recorded publicly. He's likely been committed for an evaluation regarding a deteriorating mental state while in jail, or for an evaluation of his competency to stand trial.

Nah, psych hospitals are for short term patients. Long term psych residents stay in either forensic psych wards or residential facilities.

Imagine being his lawyer and not only having to understand who you're dealing with, the hours of research, but also realizing he's confessed his crime many times already on his letters and calls since his arrest.

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>And he’s not a pedophile, he’s Norman Bates.
The moment you brag about fucking your mom all fetishes and deviancies are on the table. Nothing is now unimaginable.


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it hurts

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>ITT tards who think Barb actually had dementia
It was known she was playing it up hard during the donation begging videos.

>two decades worth of detailed documentation of insanity and a crime that most people would deem crazy

I mean it would suck to have to learn about his life from a starting point of nothing, but I'm pretty sure the DA is either going to cut a very very lenient deal or he walks on insanity defense.


Moderating Yea Forums threads

>too proud to send his clearly autistic son to a special needs school
you did this, Bob

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So she willingly let Chris fuck her?

Then he should probably stop saying he did, over and over

Hey retard punch yourself in the face!
>He does it
Hey retard fuck a blow up doll!
>He does it
Hey retard give me all your money or I'll blow up your fantasy world!
>He does it
Hey retard fuck your mom!
>He does it

Call me crazy, but I think arresting the dumbest and most gullible person on earth is kind of pointless

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I know it's hard for people following him to believe but, while he would definitely be a bad client, there are definitely worse

How does he feel about the new Sonic movies?

Didn't he abandon his previous family to start a new one, only to end up with Barb and Chris.

Please stop mentioning he fucked his mom. i cant get the image out of my head.