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Does watching foreign films make you superior?
Gavin Harris
Julian Thomas
American films are foreign films
Jayden Torres
What a fucking dork
Jackson Myers
Didn't read your image. But I did turn my head and sneeze directly into my wall which was less than a foot away from my face. There's spit and snot running down the drywall. Imagine sitting next to me and me turning my head and sneezing directly into your face. Picture it. Imagine the smell of my breath and phlegm. It's running down your lips.
Robert Allen
No, but you're missing out on some amazing films if you only watch English language films and your tastes are certainly very narrow and pedestrian. If that doesn't bother you then that's fine.
Noah Rogers
Yes, to the people who refuse to watch foreign media. They are willfully denying themselves of kino.
Nathan Mitchell
I've tried watching foreig films, but like a third of them involved cucking.
Noah Ramirez
He is kind of right in that people who can't even the fathom the extent of their ignorance are also the most smug and self-assured
Caleb Richardson
Nigga, the time you spent watching le foreig films could be spend reading the classics. You're missing out. But if that doesn't bother you then it's fine.
Aaron Gomez
Stop watching French films.
Dylan Thomas
No. Being superior makes you watch foreign films.
Adrian Carter
>44k tweets
Andrew Adams
I do both. I spend more time reading than I do watching film, but there are some wonderful films out there. Doesn't take much time to watch a film, either.
Kevin Hughes
Is watching movies a real hobby???
Alexander Harris
this desu
Lucas Myers
you all should watch this french kino movie
if you ever meet a french dude he will confirm how kino this masterpiece is
Alexander Ortiz
define hobby and you will get the answer naturally
Colton Campbell
For me, it's El Gringuito. KINO
Carter Thompson
trying to eat here
Dominic Turner
American films are foreign films in the rest of the world
so yes.
Gavin Smith
pro tip: never think of the things you do in relation to what 'normal' or 'the rest' of the people do
Juan Ramirez
That movie is so fucking good
Asher Allen
I don't watch american films or american wrestling.
Joseph Price
Fuck, good memories.
Colton Reyes
its more like watching american/british high-profile drivel makes you inferior
watching foreign films is a baseline
Sebastian Thomas
Do you think this guy tried to show a girl a foreign film and she responded like that? Or was it probably just his discord buddies?
James Bell
My gf only likes foreign movies. She says american movies feel too fake.
Logan King
Damn, I bet that guy thought he'd get laid and called a hero for posting that shit.
James Thompson
he do be spitting fax doe frfr nocap
Christian Peterson
As an Italian I love foreign American films. My plebeian countrymen only watch Italian shit. I am very superior to them for liking movies made in another country.
Dylan Clark
thanks cum
Caleb Diaz
Brandon Bell
this was a better read than the stupid image op posted. thank you, sneezing user. bless you.
John Green
Recommend some Italian kino. I've only seen Bicycle Thieves and Cinema Paradiso
Luis Morris
There is no Italian kino. Only foreign American kino.
Gabriel Myers
Ian Kelly
I dunno, but Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 1992.
Connor Davis
Levi Cox
>spamming his gay fanfiction in unrelated boards cause mods on /pw/ keep deleting his gay threads
Easton Sullivan
Daniel Taylor
But I named two
Jacob Jenkins
I can imagine it, it smells vaguely of honey and I never did figure out whyt
Eli Garcia
Grayson Lewis
There's no reason to get upset about it, some people only like what they like for specific reasons. It's true that if they gave the other thing a chance, they might like it. But why? Let them be happy in their ignorance.
Leo Martin
Don't ask don't tell
Easton Cox
Fellini's filmography.
Cooper Harris
All my favorite films are foreign. Among my favorites are Back to the Future, Star Wars, and The Mummy (1999)
Kevin Nelson
the more movies i watch the more i realize american films are pretty shite
like yeah art is this long ongoing back and forth conversation and everyone rips off from everyone but america probably has the least interesting filmmakers and the least amount of innovation
italian neorealism and french new wave contributed way more to film since they influenced new hollywood
we peaked with kubrick and cassavetes
Liam Lopez
Colton Davis
Zachary Torres
What a stupid retort, as if you could only do one or the other
Anthony Allen
Aaron Nguyen
Oliver Edwards
Elijah Perry
Dylan Bell
Blake Sullivan
Go back to the cupboard, tool man
Dominic Fisher
As much a hobby as reading books.
Christopher Mitchell
Alexander Wright
wolfsissies not like this...
Parker Watson
Brayden Stewart
kek what a bitch