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The DC comics movies and tv shows are such a fucking embarrassment.


is that a word?

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She's still getting paid in full. Now the movie will be missing a major character. They should have just recast her. Firing Depp but not her was a baffling decision that was going to backfire no matter what. Either keep both or fire both.

Surely the meant livid?

>Source: Dude, trust me.

>absolutely libid

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>petitions to cut her off
Cut her off from what? Rich dudes and coke? Naw. If she loses money in the lawsuit, she'll get some old rich fag to pay the bill.

But still, Aquaman didn't warrant a sequel and her character is shit anyway. DC is for faggots.

>Firing Depp but not her
Depp isn't in Aquaman.

What did based Elon ever see in that bitch?

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>reading comprehension

It’s over

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Aquaman is the greatest comic book movie ever made. It's so big, dumb and unashamedly what it is that I can't help but laugh while watching it. Just like the director's other movie, Malignant.

Lol, you've gotta be a female

I had know idea that was her. I liked her character a lot.

Fuck Depp. She should keep playing MEra.

He meant firing him from those wizard movies.

She's smoking hot, for starters. Both him and Depp have said she's well read and very clever. BPD so probably a freak in the sheets. Bullies you but in a sort of endearing way.

Literal 11/10

no thank you. that green outfit on her is quite tasty.

elon is one of us, and she is hot as fuck
Im sure the man knows that crazy bitches are hot in bed

Go wipe your butt amber i can smell it from here

Which character did you think Depp played?


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She's not even that hot. Talulah was better looking. Amber obviously mogs Grimmes though.

Don’t you have court to prepare for next week?

>she's well read
Nigga, Milk and Honey is one of her favorite books

no, no it is not

>assuming the best in people
Oh, user...

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>They should have just recast her.
No they should have just kept her because stop canceling shit.


crazy pussy

Based, it's my favorite liquid soap flavor too

>Depp isn't in Aquaman.
He should be! Just recast him as that mermaid that Heard was playing!

not yet... not yet

>that mermaid that Heard was playing!
no one signing this petition is actually watching this movie

Marvel recasts all the time like it's nothing. Why not her character? She sucks as Mera anyways.

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Notice now this guy is finally against cancelling shit.

It was intended to be livid, whether it was a type or that's how they thought it was spelled I can't say.

>10 minutes
Hopefully, of concentrated fap material.

someone needs to put her head on this

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>t. the director of Aquaman and Malignant

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Amber was already cast as Mera. Recasting is always awkward. At first cancel culture was fine because we were literally cancelling abusers, but now it's out of control and people are getting canceled for getting a bad break up. I'm kind of sorry for Depp for losing his job, but he's a millionaire and should just move on.

>It's bad because now it's backfiring on women

Bros, I've been looking into this trial and I don't think it's looking good for Johnny. The judge is clearly biased towards Amber based on the amount of ridiculous objections she's allowed from Amber's lawyer. Social media has been pro-Amber for so long now and that Depp support is just fringe at best. It's not better in real life either where people will make mental gymnastics as to why Amber was the real victim. I hate it but it seems like it's not looking good for him.

>very clever
>uses makeup to cover her bruises that didnt even exist back then

When they played that audio of Amber telling Depp no one would believe him that she beat him because he was a man the judge unironically smirked and nodded. This trial is pure KINO.

Johnny Depp was fired from Fantastic Beasts not because of the nasty and very public divorce, but because he is a lazy addict who never shows up.
Warner Bros firing Amber Heard is just the executives fearing that the movie will bomb and trying to please every sides possible. They're deathly afraid.

I lost immediately.

They really just don't care.

>Bullies you but in a sort of endearing way.
I like this too. does that make me a cuck? or maybe just half cuck?

Damn, she really shit the bed, huh.

>I-It'll all be fixed in the Flashpoint reboot mov-
>Ezra Miller arrested twice in less than a week

Based retard

Most of them are. Can’t argue with that.

I’ll never understand why they gave the reins to that fucking retard Snyder. Most of what the DC universe tells tales of is cosmic adventure/horror and there are only two directors that can handle that well: Guillermo Del Toro and Tim Gunn

fake news


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Hot whut I heardt


James Gunn just did a movie and a show for WB that bombed horribly.

Peacemaker did great on streaming, and TSS had a simultaneous release.