>They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. Your country ain't your blood. Remember that.
Was Sonny right?
They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. Your country ain't your blood. Remember that
that nobody can deny!
No, and he got proven wrong the movie prior. He was killed because he got caught up in shit for having neglected his country in favor of doing shady business on behalf of his kin. Had he pursued an honest life, and abiding by the law, he'd still be alive. Luckily Mike had brains
Made me burst out laughing.
I imagine that fighting side-by-side with your fellow countrymen is the same as fighting with your family. Yields practically the same benefits too and their demise will result in a similar loss.
Therefore, no-- Sonny was wrong.
>was the brainlet of the family right?
no, pretty clear
Well if you feel that way why don't you quit college and join the Army?
Anyone willing to fight and shed blood beside me is a brother
Typical immigrant attitude. For most nations other than America the nation is your people. America isn’t a nation it’s a shopping mall. Other countries, take heed.
I did.
Why not finish college and do OCS?
This is why wogs dont get ahead. they backstab each other all the time
There is nothing worth fighting for at the moment.
“Homo Homini Lupus Est”
-Roman proverb
That's swell, user, congratulations!
I don't feel that I need to prove myself either to my family or my countrymen, so I'll do what i want to instead. What Michael should've done too.
The man of men is a wolf?
Of course he was right. There's a whole field of evolutionary biology that studies formulas/models of biological altruism--quantifying how close of a blood relationship explains why animals make sacrifices for others.
Nation-states were invented by inbred aristocrats who made a coordinated effort to replace religiosity with patriotism in order to wrestle the pope for control over Europe.
Even the Roman Empire wasn't about something as stupid as caring about people born within your borders. It was about a highly competent and efficient group of people ensuring peace and prosperity for taxpaying citizens.
This is why Rome fell because of guys like this.
What's the point in staying loyal to a government that hates you?
Thats right, encourage him!
Really the first nation states started in Greece in the form of city states. It was the formation of a social contract to stop chaos. This is where patriotism comes from
>staying loyal to a government that hates you
Tell everyone you're an american without actually telling them
I find it likely that you have nothing to prove at all
its not about being loyal to the government, libertard.
Do you know what "nation" means you absolute fuking smoothbrain?
No, it was also pretty obvious Sonny was a moron
I do. I'm not a loser, you see
Sonny was talking about WW2 in which the Axis powers attacked and declared war on the US and its interests. What does Israel have to do with it?
how are the Athenians and Spartans etc not nations you low iq dunning-kruger retard?
I ---TAWKED--- to Putinzini, I can make a deal with him, and still keep the Kiev district
Waaait. Sonny, despite being inexperienced and a hothead, waged a successful mob war against more experienced and seasoned mob bosses. He wasn't that dumb.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Not every government that exists is a nation-state.
Greece did not invent the concept of statehood.
And patriotism (in the modern sense, i.e., nationalism) is widely agreed upon to have really started in the 1700s.
Are you actually mentally retarded? What do you think Sparta was? A nation.
Fucking moron /pol/tard.
>in which the Axis powers attacked and declared war on the US and its interests
The US chose to involve itself in the conflict with lend-lease, which acted directly against its citizens' interests.
I enlisted, went to school, went to be an officer and I’ll be a captain soon
Entirely for selfish reasons especially now but I be taking care of my people
Yeah. Fuck my country. They ruined it and I hate everyone here. I hope it becomes an even worse hellscape and they all share my pain.
Oh yeah, Sonny was a big success.
Because term "nation" was coined in late 18th century you absolute retard.
How would Greek city states be different from other city states anyway? Why would Athenians be a "nation" and Babylonians not? Have you dropped out of special ed school you fucking sperg? Try using your brain from time to time
Delightfully devilish, user
t. retard
The Greek city-states are the predecessor of the Westphalia system,
You never passed highschool
>retarded mutt doesn't know what a nation is
what makes sonny a complete brainlet compared to the rest, especially michael
I want to avoid being a brainlet as much as possible, very hard job but im very dedicated
>projection of this magnitude
Sonny is a brainless thug, his answer to everything was violence.
He was wrong about Michael's motivations.
You're so dumb I struggle to believe that you can successfully pass the captcha
jfc you are actually retarded. The etymology of nation is 12 century and older.
It goes all the way back to PIE and means the same thing.
Athens and Sparta were separate city-states within the greek nation. And our modern understanding of nationalism and what it meant to be patriotic would be totally alien to both of them.
why is the movie quality so comfy, that grain ish look is orgasmic
is it because of it being old+ recent technology used for the remaster?
He's the son of an immigrant, of course he has no attachment to the country. It's not surprising he's a criminal either.
I'm not American, you are the retard that doesn't know what a nation is you actual low iq dunning-kruger mutt
>c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.)
This applies to ancient groups.
the Greek nation didn't exist at that point in time you idiot.
no you, you are a joke. Go to school.
Man is a wolf unto man
Basically “People are fucking ruthless, get over it”
>randos bomb some other randos thousands of miles away
>some of those randos killed may have only been from a few hundred miles away
>you should enlist to defend their honor, it's the right thing to do
this concept would have baffled anybody born before the long 19th century
>The etymology of nation is 12 century and older
What are you even talking about you deranged brainlet? Do you even know who Herder is?
Are you retarded? kid our concept of patriotism came from them. Thats the point they INVENTED the concept of citizens and patriotism.
>Ancient Greece (Greek: Ἑλλάς, romanized: Hellás) was a northeastern Mediterranean civilization, existing from the Greek Dark Ages of the 12th–9th centuries BC to the end of classical antiquity (c. AD 600), that comprised a loose collection of culturally and linguistically related city-states and other territories—unified only once, for 13 years, under Alexander the Great's empire (336-323 BC).
Is that why he slapped my Azov Battalion around in Mariupol?
the US fought against a White nation to defend Israel-In-Exile from being justifiably removed from Evropa and allied itself with communists (an ideology founded by Jew Karl Marx)
you are fucking low iq, go post wojaks somewhere and be silent halfwit cuck.
thank you for your service
>the Greek nation didn't exist at that point in time you idiot.
The Hellenic people still saw themselves as connected by culture, language and history. Regardless of their dialect/ancestry and political divisions. They viewed non-Hellenes as barbarians.
proves my point lol
>equating edomite imposters with Israel
Are (YOU) retarded? boomer our modern concepts of citizenship and patriotism are bastardized reboots created by Romeaboo aristocrats in the 17th and 18th centuries. Using your logic, Cincinnatus and friends invented the United States Senate.
Retarded third-worlders like you should be banned from using wikipedia, you read some stuff that you don't understand and think you're some sort of intellectuals for copying something you have no idea about
>the world nation originates from 13th century Old French word so nations existed in 13th century so nations existed in 5th century BC
Congratualtions, that's profound mental retardation. You're fucking handicapped
Not exactly, they were competing city-states, nations defined by ethnicity and culture.
Its like how roughly all the countries in European are European.
Your misunderstanding is proven by the Spartans that invaded another city-state and enslaved them.
So they weren't one nation.
I accept your concession.
Herder was the guy defined "nation" you dumb monkey. If you actually knew what you're talking about you have known that. But well, the best you can do is reading 2 lines from wikipedia without understanding it.
Please do world a favor and kys
>everything in this post
American do you even understand our system originates in Greece?
You are fucking stupid.
hahaha holy shit you esl NIGGER. My post just said the opposite.
You can't fucking read you little dunning-kruger cunt, KILL YOURSELF SUBHUMAN
How did they need Mikey in the top pic?
>I can't come up with on-topic counter-argument so I will copy a buzzoword from reddit
yeah you showed me
I accept your concession.
me in this thread wanting to talk about the godfather and seing it completely derailed by anons
Is fact
>nigger emotes
every time.
By the mutt you shall know them.
Ok retard, thanks for your input now go on back to shitposting on Yea Forums. I won and you lost.
based intelligent user
cringe dumbass BTFO by that other much smarter user
>thread about the godfather
>devolves into shitflinging about /his/ garbage
why does this happen so often
>my post said the opposite
So you said that the term nation did in fact not exist in 13th century? Do you even know what you're arguing about, or what wikipedia page are you copying from you deranged nigger? Learn to fucking read
>American do you even understand our system originates in Greece?
I'm literally laughing out loud right now. Do you understand how vague a phrase "originates in X" is? Like I said a bastardized reboot of ancient concepts. Like how Classical Latin and Modern Italian are incomprehensibly different but have similar foundations.
Also, the founding fathers wrote about what a mess Greece was and why Republican Rome was so much better than Democratic Athens. They were Romeaboos specifically
Shit you're right, I apologise. I submit to your superior argument skills. I kneel.
>t. sub 50 IQ retard
Should have ended the movie here. I don't need a scene of Michael in the present looking sad to know I should feel sad for him.
How about you suck my penis and testicles, faggot? Suck them both at the same time but from the back so I can fart in your face.
different definitions of nation
Nation in the broad sense means any ethnic/tribal identity, even very small ones like a in a city state.
Nation in the narrow sense refers to only very large groups, and sometimes only nation states.
It is my belief that the narrow definition is a retcon for political reasons. "Actually people who call themselves nationalists aren't allowed to say what nationalism is, only anti-nationalists are allowed", and that they emphasise the artificial part of it also for political reasons.
Concerning the broad sense - we know that Senustret III banned black people from Egypt, or as soon as the Spanish and Portuguese started living amongst other races they implemented a caste system.
It's funny, anti-whites slip up with their own terminology, using "nation" in a positive sense, and a narrow sense to refer to "First Nations". A real Freudian slip.
The first nation states started in en.wikipedia.org
My belief is that they started as religious cults, but who cares
What argument? I asked you a fucking question you dumb faggot, are you too stupid to understand even that?
I said I kneel, please stop bullying me.
They're screwing up all our arrangements
This mindset makes sense for a character like Sonny, but Michael's reasons for joining the Marines seem more complicated than just him being patriotic.
are you ok son? you sound mentally ill
Probably, yeah. Both have to earn loyalty and respect but it`s far more likely that your own people would be the ones taking care of you than entrusting your fate to a political party or to the government. If your country does right by you i guess there is no harm in giving something back in return, not necessarily your life, but something. If they don`t you owe them nothing. Same goes for family though, it`s more likely there is reason to help them but blood alone won`t cut it.
America has been firing on German ships for months at that point, and seized foreign assets of axis powers. America also built a bunch of factories in enemy territory and leant and have away shitloads of weapons and resources. War was on for a long time before Germany finally struck back
the fuck are you sperging about schizo?
I accept your concession
Please get an education, Greece precedes Rome amerishart.
I accept your concession.
because the godfather is about immigrants, and there are a bunch of rust belt hicks running around who post outlandishly stupid takes on nationalism and then take a shit on the floor when they are corrected.
its because these faggots are thinking nation=nation-states and that nations only existed with the Westphalia system
I check your digits.
lmao because if you get cancer and don't have $100,000 to pay dr. sheklestein for chemo, they tell you to die without being a burden. why should i fight on behalf of that.