Just eat meth
>God's natural sedative LE BAD
>Devil's lettuce LE GOOD
>cutting his arm
nice hospitals you got there america
Scotfag here. It's pretty bad
>thing that makes you feel rly good is le bad because..... its le bad
>doesn't apply to food or love or anything else
You're not a real woman, bro
So what are we going to do now?
must explain all the car crashes
seed and feed
>not drinking it
Took me a second kek
Are we bad for that? Surely that's more due to our alcoholism. I seen a drunk guy crash his car once. I've seen a couple of crashes that I suspected involved alcohol.
>take the vaccine
When an arm Is rotten there's nothing you can do. Fucking idiot it's not rocket science
>Movie funded by marijuana industry lobbyist to give opiates a bad rep
It's fucking trash
If they didn't cut it off he would probably die.
minor chemical burns if your stuff is not 100.
>most shit isn't 100.
it would be extremely painful
Plenty of druggy pincushions here, they must all come from bongland. How about you put down the syringe before you kill your family for pocket change?
honestly I don't a single one of you nerdy straight edge fags have ever touched a hard drug or a WOMAN in your lives, heroin is great, only retards get addicted, you're just scared because you know if you try it once you weak willed PUSSIES will instantly get addicted, same with blow
He's a big addict
Heroin is awesome. I never shot it though, seems like a bad idea.
Can't be them letting them brown folks smoke their wacky tobacky. quick flood their community with snow!
Fuck off junkie, you worthless verminous kind is not welcome here.
For jared leto
How can I tell you've never done dope in your life. Either that or you are in your honeymoon phase where you think you are cool. BTW whatever you are getting is not real heroin anyway. Real heroin disappeared like 10 years ago. It's all spic synthetics now and the feeling is different.
stop trying to act like YOU'VE done drugs you bandwagonning faggot, I doubt you're over the age of 20, stop acting like you know what dope or partying is you fucking loser
lol calm down junkie you seem to be withdrawling go get your fix
Post your stamps pussy
I said post your stamps I showed you mine now you gotta back that big mouth up you weekend warrior pussy.
>injecting shit into your veins
Like come-on, I would smoke meth or eat acid for pure curiosity but syringes are simply too much. How fucking retarded you have to be to do this?
>>injecting shit into your veins
Durr what do you think they do when you go to the hospital? the only difference is that the drugs are cut with baby formula and other dogshit. Just don't use the same needle multiple times and you'll be fine.
what the fuck is a stamp?
t. sheltered
Not that user. But My guess would be stamps from batches of LSD? Maybe? Only ever done Psychedelics so I could easily be mistaken
>the only difference is that the drugs are cut with baby formula and other dogshit
>that's not enough for him
oh i thought it was something having to do with dope. lsd tabs i've seen look closer to actual stamps than his pic related which look more like bags
heroin is great, it weeds out the weak minded
Yea My guess was that those stamps contained the *actual* stamps. Didn't really get that across. But I am most likely wrong honestly
With Herion people often brand their dope
Stamps are the packaging that some h comes in, see the datestamped picture of junkyanon above.
It's literally heroin. In this case though it's fentynyl because like I said earlier I can't find heroin anymore and it's only synthetics out there.
which stamp in your pic has the best mouthfeel?
I see. So I didn't completely miss the mark I guess.
May I ask how you end up trying out Heroin? I feel like psychedelic's is something that seems to find it's way to you way more organically if you are into that kind of stuff.
I would imagine that Heroin is something that gets introduced in some way tenser settings than what I would naturally find myself in in my younger days.
I still find it pretty funny how things like LSD and Shrooms are considered Hippy/Lefty drugs only. For some reason I ended up way more conservative after tripping a few times. My guess would be it was an combination of appreciating my countrymen way more and how disgusting and sad I started to find the whole Party/Drug scene in general.
I don't I smoke the shit snorting it takes too long to kick in and the drip is actually absolutely disgusting. When I smoke it though i do get this kind of pleasant gasoline aftertaste. The real real good shit gives me that gasoline aftertaste and that's what I got now. Some of the weaker stuff gives me like a smoky chalky aftertaste.
I literally grew up around a bunch of spics and blacks and I live in what the feds used to consider the heroin capital of america. It's not uncommon. I got hooked on opiates in highschool because the jigs would steal OC 30s from their diabetic dying grandparents and sell them in school. Then I was pretty much hooked. I'm 28 now and I have only been sober for like 3-4 years since I was 16 so roughly 8 years of addiction in there. Doind heroin has pretty much turned me into a complete neo nazi that wants to kill 6 million innocent heebie jeebies though because I just see the absolute worst non whites all day and night for the majority of my life.
Well shit user. I feel fucking bad for you. same age myself and it's honestly jarring how well off my situation sounds compared to yours. I hope you can stay sober and make things work.
Let's say you buy a bag that has a pepsi logo on it you can go back and be like "you got any pepsi?" that's why they brand
Honestly I'm fine in my life because I know how to handle myself. It's the young kids that I worry about because they are dumb as rocks and think these spic dealers are actually their friends. I know 3 people that died last year alone. I couldn't even count the amount of dumbass white kids I knew that died doing this shit or because of it. My ex girldfriends sister was basically enslaved by a spic drug dealer and he basically kept her locked up in a house addicted to drugs and would rail the shit out of her and beat her whenever he felt like it. There is modern day slavery going on in our streets and nobody gives a shit.
jared leto sucks
Why is it always extremes like this?
How’s your friday night going?
I btfo'd him hard though. He's just a poser.
teenage friend didn't like it
>it deglamorises drugs
tried out all manner of "normal" drugs with my friends. weed, lsc, shrooms, coke. Then at 23, a friend came into a contact that had percocets all the time. tried them for fun. liked them. got more and more. sold some bc they were a hot commodity. then got hooked. moved up the classes to OC 80/Opana 40's. And when those dry up, the connections put me down with h (which i never had a "will never do" attitude toward anyway, it wasn't like a "how'd i get here" moment". ) Bam, then 4 years of H use daily, found suboxone to get off, then kratom. Have been 10 years since i did H. I drink like a fish tho...
Weird because I had a friend that was fucking obsessed with this movie and I think it had a profound effect on him and his relationship with drugs.
Reddit= weed bro
Twitter= alcohol
bunkerfag= le drugs
Yea Forums= cigars
Change my mind