>tfw movie says it was based on a real event at the end
Tfw movie says it was based on a real event at the end
>that one where the old lady falls into a waste treatment plant and gets boiled alive in a giant vat of shit
These videos have no right being so fucking kino
Can you please post a source of what you're talking about?
>kidnapping movie
>full of interviews of the actual woman and her daughter
>"based on a true story"
>means that it's true that a story was written in order to make a movie
The watermark is in the image user, these are professionally made safety videos that detail what can go wrong when people don't follow procedure.
Incredibly stupid to not have some basic safety measures in place to ensure that the dangerous chems in the identical barrels dont get confused.
Wouldnt insurance companies want to require businesses to put in extreme safety protocols so that theyd have fewer claims to pay?
give us the fucking video
op is a jackass for not linking it
Click the link you fucking nigger its the latest upload on the channel, I've already spoonfed it to you just swallow it you cuck
I demand a link to grandma shit soup
>its the latest upload on the channel
That's all you had to say you fuckhead.
Oh FUCK YOU never mind, that video is not the one where the grandma is allegedly boiling alive. Fucking Christ this retard board.
And all you had to do was click the link you fucking cuck
Loadsa faggin' tourist twitterites up in this Delta-P thread baw god
It's amazing. Multiple anons asking for a grandma being boiled alive in shit and we're only getting some retards standing around an exploding barrel of chemicals. Really thank you user, thanks for all your help.
Im someone who works with sprays, checmicals and fertilizers. To save a quick buck, they make you watch safety videos about always identifying each thing before using. That way they can be cheap and save money on coloring things differently. It's YOU the employees fault for dying cause you were too lazy to read the tiny label for the 10000th time!
The human error factor just increases when you get complacent on the job when you just want to rush things. Assumptions always leading to problems. The dude who left instructions for person b was no doubt ready to go on vacation and didn't bother cleaning his work station. Thinking it wouldnt be a problem. It always CAN lead to a problem. Leaving shit out near other shit is an important thing we're told not to do. A simple example is like leaving any sort of chemical in a public bathroom, because some dipshit might assume it to be handsoap.
This channel is unironically kino
when it's gotcha...
same person here:
I also want to add, they don't expect this level of disasters with mislabels. They just expect a singular person to die. Which doesnt' cost them anything cause you usually sign something about that. This level of disaster will have them considering changing the color of the barrels.
Sad really.
>picture of the body
I'm not clicking this wtf.
This user somehow surmised that webm and the user after's story were the same thing. If that's you you can choke on a bag of dicks
And finally someone delivers.
>Location, Germany
>Technician 'falls' into the sceptic tank
This is what happens when chemists start fucking around with shit
Federal government kino ranking
You did yourself a favour Jesus Christ.
How at this point have you not seen worse on the internet?
Became robocop radioactive waste man
Why is it so hard for phoneposters to just google it
Are you concerned about your health being around that stuff all the time?
After I posted my comment about insurance companies having to pay out I realized that a lot of companies take out life insurance policies on their employees so if they die in an accident its probably profitable in some way.
>take out life insurance on employees
>skimp on safety
>employees die in accident
>get big insurance payout
>settle for small amount with employee families or exhaust them in court if they become a bother
didnt know germans really are into scat lmao
Alright since the other anons are being faggots, here's the link to the granny being boiled in shit video, christ.
>two guys run to start fans and don't reach them before the explosion
>the CSB still shits on them for not recognizing the spicy bubbles and running as if it would change anything
>37° C
That's bath tub warm not boiling, certainly not enough to trigger shock or loss of consciousness
She got sucked into a tiny pipe full of warm sewage and drowned
s-she wasnt alive when she got sucked down through the 1ft diameter pipe r-right? she had died by then r-right guys?
fuck off
>Are you concerned about your health being around that stuff all the time?
Not really. Been doing this since I was 20 and Im 45 now. There's an old dude here who's 74 and was around when round up was agent orange levels of cancer. Just dont be dumb get a physical every year and hope you don't get fucked over on a cancer diceroll.
>When the male technician looked into the tank through an inspection window, his colleague presumably wanted to draw a sludge slurry sample for analysis from an overflow sewer (Fig. 4). For this reason, she had used a small bucket fastened on a rope, which she had wrapped around her right wrist. The male technician later reported, that he had heard a scream and as he turned around, he saw the legs of his colleague disappear into the overflow sewer.
So he pushed her
Germans were later using tap water with a dead woman in it?
their entire country is built on dead jewish people so it's not that weird
>these single factors contributing to death could not be determined, as the lungs were missing.
>the lungs were missing
Everyone working in a sewage plant or a proctologist has a fecal fetish. That woman signed herself a death sentence being around another man near the open sewage hatch.
German here, it was terrible, you could barely taste the feces
>At noon the next day, employees noticed the body for a few seconds in the foam layer covering wastewater in an adjacent secondary digester tank (2500 m3 total volume), 15 m geodetic level below the digester tank, from where the body was rescued by fire rescue divers 48 h after the accident.
Happiest day of that guy's life
Looks like it's boiled in shit.
She got crammed by fast flowing goop through more than a hundred metres of narrow piping with multiple 90° turns while rapidly decomposing, it mashed her up and everything in her bloated chest cavity got torn out and liquified at some point
interesting read
and no he didn't push her in she got pulled in by some sewage overflow which swept away the bucket and her with it
crazy to think the body is in that good of condition considering it fit through a 25cm opening in that pipe system and was undergoing rapid decomposition
Wow, how she survived that.
Zoomers can't read
>and no he didn't push her in she got pulled in by some sewage overflow which swept away the bucket and her with it
t. German sewage treatment plant worker
With ligma and eternal bleeding
knock off russian call of duty da fuq?