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The CW actually canceled a show? Wow.

A lot of bad series getting their date with the hangman today.
>Moon Knight
>Space Force
>This Bitch, This One Right Here

she cute

She looks tumescent desu senpai~

I thought this shit been canceled

That picture is the perfect summary of why people will never take women (superheroes) seriously

Didn't this get rebooted 3 times?

Why does her hairline look so strange?

Maybe someday they'll make a superhero show that's faithful to the source material and not just use it as a vehicle for woke points.

her weave

Can someone post the webm from the first season where she lands on top of a van

Niggers don’t have hair like that

About fuckin time

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Should have died on season 1 what a fucking mess of a show

If not for corona hiatus this shit would have been cancelled long ago.

niggresses do this disgusting cumslicked wave on their foreheads


the criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot

>Called my agent after my exit to find a way to leave to which she replied.. "break your neck i guess"

It's like poetry

To be fair if they had actually casted the characters better (not blacks) it might have succeeded like Supergirl did.

Flash is gonna outlive every DC show it started before. I can't wait for more relationship drama and lightsabers made of speed.

The next Batman/Bat-family show is going to have this scene in it

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It managed two seasons after the lead left? CW's crazy, man.

they ruin everything

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>a fucking nigger
Hahahahhahahaha what the fuck happened to Barbara Gordon!?!?!

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DC found out she was a redhead and did the needful.

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Beats this I guess?

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I’m an exec at CW she had sex with execs that’s how she got the job

>When all the white women have been replaced, black men will go their own way.

>she's actually cute without that shit mask hiding her face

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Matt Bomer gets to write a Batman because he was so good as Negative Man? When does Brendan get an issue?

Was she fighting for social justice?

she's kinda cute though

wtf is a weave?

You don't want to know.

its alopecia bigot faggot

You see, Robin, for this reason have I decided to start using heroin and you're going to do it with me. We're then going to fuck each other in the ass. They're not so different.

>...You're a faggot, Bruce.

why not just ask bruce for money lmao
he will probably just straight up buy the entire neighborhood if you just tell him it's
for "vigilante related purposes".


You missed the part where she went back to Nightwing the moment he was available because Dick has a canon monster cock.

Babs is Batgirl not Batwoman

arrowverse is dying
>supergirl ended
>arrow ended
>black lightning ended
>batwoman cancelled
>green arrow and the canaries never happened
>diggle green lantern never happened
>the flash renewed for most likely the last season
>legends of tomorrow will most likely end next season
>Superman & Lois is the only show that's doing great
>all the other dc shows completely ignore the cw shit


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lasted 3 seasons too many

I live to fuck Black women. I love Black women.

Wow, that's a lot of non-white male shows getting axed. I wonder why they didn't appeal to mass audiences?

too bad. she was cute

damn batwoman looks like that?!

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I think it's this one

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why didn't you watch her show, Yea Forums?

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I just can't get over the fact that they gave her WIG a perm job because she's black and black people have perms. It's like the perfect encapsulation of woke Hollywood


what does elliot page have to do with batwoman?

>>all the other dc shows completely ignore the cw shit
As it should be. Fuck that channel

because she didn't wear that in it. i'm a simple man. if you want me to watch a female lead action show you need to show off the girls body.

Imagine the smell.

fair enough

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I think it would have helped if they've given her a white uniform

black suit with black skin doesn't check, you need the contrast in order to be kino looking


>superhero series made by soap opera channel sucks ass... more at 11

why would this surprise anyone? the whole cw arrowverse couldn't even scrape together a single season's worth of competently written television from hundreds of episodes and hundreds of millions of dollars

the ass was PHAT

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Who would think that marketing shows to the bottom 15% of the demographics would be a bad idea?