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I assumed it was cancelled like 2 years ago

lmfao buying more puts on wokeflix

It’s really cool seeing this thing collapse as it should have for years now.

What will fill netflix's void once it's completely fallen off? Does it mark the beginning of the end for streaming?

The amount of money this company burns on shitty shows and movies is insane. Their stock hasn't reached bottom desu. Its probably worth the same as WBD


Holy shit.

The dozens of other slightly less popular streaming services

Nah HBO Max is where everyone is flocking to


Ehh I saw a few eps of the first season; it would have been kino if not for the dementia subplot. That shit was meanspirited.

I unironically watched both seasons.
The whole show had 1 joke i laughed.
Nothing else.
The rest of the show was "wow look at all these diverse characters! don't you wanna know which one wants to bang which one?"
This is what happens if you let women in your writing room.

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FUCK. Netflix is going to suck now.

Trump wins again!

Netflix's stock price will rebound ONLY if Altered Carbon comes back.

Tawny Newsome was the only good thing about this turd.

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>google this show
>no black people on the promotional pics

agreed desu
they have the best selection + they're owned by a major studio

I couldn't watch the second season because of the blackwashing

>The rest of the show was "wow look at all these diverse characters! don't you wanna know which one wants to bang which one?"
>This is what happens if you let women in your writing room.
Also every few scenes you get a LE EPIC TAKEDOWN of a powerful male character by an understated female character, because women are heckin strong. Like that chink self-insert character in Rick and Morty that does an EPIC DECONSTRUCTION of him and leaves him speechless.

I like how the Space Force was so insanely stupid everyone collectively agreed it was never a thing to begin with

>end for streaming
i hope not. streaming services make things so easy for pirates.

Not really they have DC movies and pretty decent old school shows on there It's better than shitflex

Space Force fucking sucked. Why the hell did it portray NASA as a bunch of morons that can barely get anything done right while China are hyper-competent? China can't do shit, NASA is the one always succeeding. It's also another typical smart-black-woman-saves-the-day piece of shit that Netflix shits out.

It wasn't funny to me. Malkovich was good in it though, I laughed a few times at the asian doctor and jewish press secretary. Maybe boomers find it more entertaining.

>watch season two
>entire season is about how their budget was cut and every episode is filmed indoors
that was the only funny joke in the entire show

jew jewing jews what else is new

The show sucked but Steve Carrel should fuck off already. Hate his fucking ass.

I never heard anyone talk about this show at all.

here's your new jim and pam bro

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who is this?

streaming is done, chud

What was it about the Trump Era that made liberals want to depict every single part of the government as inept?

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I wish. I imagine Disney plus and HBO max will filll that void, they'll be the coke and pepsi of this dark new era.


Probably just that nobody actually has opinions anymore, just teams, and you make fun of whatever the other team is doing always. It's not hypocrisy if you never had values in the first place

fuck disney plus, Paramount plus is way better
Paramount + HBO is all you need

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Hopefully this puts a nail in the Le Orange man bad comedy trope.

At this point it doesn't even seem like it was their decision. Seems like they're just orders directly from Russia.

Why do you need any of them

Paramount + is dogshit. Didn’t bother renewing after that year deal because it’s just not good.

because china has the capital and purpose to fund a lot of projects in the usa.
if other countries were smarter, they would do the same thing.

I really don't
desu I need to finally pony up for a plex server

I don't get it, why is it funny that the mutterican world empire makes a military branch for space?

>every classic hbo show like the sopranos, got, the wire, etc
>every new hbo show like euphoria, barry, etc
>hbomax originals like raised by wolves
>comedy central shows
>cartoon network/adult swim shows
>turner classics
>dc stuff like peacemaker
>warner bros movies
>additional optional stuff like crunchyroll, critereon, etc
>friends which is a big draw for some reason
it's not a surprise. meanwhile netflix has a few good originals that are over and stranger things. they just lost all the marvel stuff and seinfeld wont be there forever.

Good god almighty

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What pissed me off most about shitflix is that there was no way to sort by most recently added movies. So you would have to go through tonnes of shit to find the newest added. And to camouflage how little new content they had, they even change the thumbnails on the movies, so you would click on it only to realize you already watched it.

I hope they go under.

Oh yeah, can't wait to watch the 40 new Star Trek shows they are making, that's gonna be great.

sweet milk

Serious answer: Trump let liberals think that the government was led by a moron, and conservatives think that government was staffed by morons. Everyone wins!
Under Biden, if you think this, you're a racist.

Yeah I mean even if you disregard all the legacy content, the movies like The Batman coming reasonably quickly with no surcharge, all the other network content they're adding like the old DCAU - HBO just has a way better line up of new seasons of shows coming out than anybody else
Succession, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Tokyo Vice, Barry, Peacemaker, Station Eleven - all shows I've been enjoying over the last year. Literally can't think of one from Netflix that was worth my time.

they just added 8 seasons of BBCan

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carrell is such a shit actor i'm mystified how he gets jobs
he must give good head
he only had one somewhat decent role in that movie about the housing bubble/loans (can't summon the name)

why is streaming dying?

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this show actually showed me how a space force is necessary. i remember the mainstream media and twitter making fun of trump creating the space force but when i saw the show it made me realize how serious it actually is and how vulnerable satellites could be

a pirates life is a great life

kek as soon as you said he was a shit actor i was about to say except he was good in the big short

Swing low, sweet chariots

>CNN+ and Netflix implode within the same month
>All these news outlets jump the same conclusion that streaming is dying
how fucking stupid are these people lmao
hmm what could CNN and Netflix have in common that people might be totally fucking sick of??

that's the one
the big short
all else he's dogshit
i don't get how people can stomach him in the office

Streaming was a failed experiment.
Go back to Blockbusters, chuddy.

and we'll all hang on behind!


>change the thumbnails on the movies
yeah what the fuck? so many times i will pass up some things because the thumbnail will be some unrelated still from the movie

just looked it up, apparently it has a lot to do with """"preferences"""" and to get you to click. kinda fucked up honestly

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don't mind if i do

I only ever use this and Hulu nowadays

give me a quick rundown, why did netlix just fall off all of a sudden?

It was kinda cute but it's clearly a show that would have gotten only one season if it wasn't Netflix. Black on the Moon is cute and Sonic's arc was wholesome.