Yeah we're anti-racist, keep scrolling.
Yeah we're anti-racist, keep scrolling
I'm Jewish, you racist fuck
Considering white people ended slavery I'm sure there were legitimately mentally ill libtards even a century ago. The funny part is black people have no concept of gratitude towards it.
Jus' lik 'em
>Oi is that a white Nazi about to kill a black man? Nevermind, it's jus a Muslim stabbing a man's dog to death for going against the Islamic code of keeping dogs for pets. Carry on, and peach be upon him.
>"one last job and then we Peaky Blinders rest. Inshallah the sun is setting we shall do this deed after iftar subanallah"
>black people have no concept of gratitude at all
Black Peaky Blinders were the best Peaky Blinders
Listen man I know I raped your entire family, and I feel remorseful about it and will stop, to hard feelings bro.
>a few people (white) do a heckin racism
>majority of white man stop it
>white man bad now
Every culture and civilization that ever encountered black africans enslaved them. Only one set them free, then forced the rest of the world to follow suit.
Racism is not cool when your country is overwhelming white and there's no risk of non nationals increasing. But when there's more and more each day, the racism becomes justified.
>Listen I know black people enslaved each other for centuries before whites came but all whiteys are bad because a handful of whites and Jews enslaved.blacks from other ones.
err you realize that the africans were enslaved prior to those cultures and civilizations encountering them right?
Africans practiced slavery and sold their own people to those colonists
You have to understand that slavery in Africa was completely different than America. American slavery created an entire caste system based solely on your skin tone. Even if you were a free man, you were still a nigger and thus couldn’t even call yourself human.
African slavery doesn’t justify what whitey did.
Do you think race is the only way humans are judged? Different ethnic groups that were black killed each other for being part of different nations. Light skinned Egyptians conquered dark skinned natives. You been brainwash by public schools. Celts were treated worse by anglos too.
Doesn’t make it okay. All slavery should be abolished all across the world and using the “well they did it too” excuse is childish.
>whites emulate the practice and culture of blacks
>whitey's fault its bad
classic leftism. No race or peoples have any accountability because they have no personhood.
yeah but it is abolished in our countries, so why do we get so much shit for it ? we were the first in the whole world fuck off kike
It was abolished by white Christian males. Now that their power is shrinking it's coming back in non European country
such a talented poet and wordsmith, truly shakespearean!
Bad Brains > Ramones > Sex Pistols
They really fucked this show up.
My normie friends just keep talking about the early seasons whenever somebody brings up the show, they all watched the rest too but it's obvious they didnt like it.
The bong empire litterly went to war with the world to end slavery and now they are pictured as evil by the left.
So yeah, no gratitude, mostly because most of them cant read.
That’s not at all what I’m saying. Just pointing out that American slavery, and the 100 years after it was abolished, were cartoonishly racist. In other parts of the world, once you were freed you could assimilate back into society. In America your skin was your status. “Well Africans did slavery too” is a lame excuse. Whitey could’ve definitely just decided not to buy the slaves from Africans too.
Jizya tax
The fuck are you talking about you retard?
Muslims castrated their black slaves to be sure they lost their sexdrive.
Does that sound like "we want to reintegrate you back in to society."
Black slaves were worked to death in south america.
I'm not trying to sweet talk the american slave trade here, but you seem to want to make them out as the worst ones when it was clearly bad everywhere.
those slaves were the rival tribes of king tyrone mughumba who sold them because he wanted whiteys guns to conquer more tribes
Still not as absurd as Jim Crow, literacy tests, poll taxes, and all the other shit. Again, deflecting be pointing fingers doesn’t make it okay.
The right thing to do was for whitey to just stay away from africa and not import those slaves. Africans were literally on their way to extinction if they never left the continent.
This is actually inaccurate, back then it was based on culture and skin color was associated with a perceived lack of culture. E.g the Irish
Race as a concept was not around until the 20th century. Like a typical rich leftist, you're looking at some 4-6,000 years of human history through a 21st century lens. Because your dumbfuck post-structuralist teachers and college professors reject all narratives, except the one about power structures.
>castrating your slaves and having a 100% casuality rate in thr gold mines is peanuts compared to jim crow
Do niggers ever realize how ridiculous their victim mentality is
this is pretty much true for every country, 100ks+ of brits were made slaves by arabs in the 17th century as well
no-one's saying it was ok though, literally everyone's point ITT is that the historical American practice of African slave trade is unremarkable in comparison to the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese who practiced it literal centuries before American did.
Arabs managed to travel all the way to Britain and take slaves?
No you’re definitely wrong. In America, the paper bag test and the one drop rule were crucial in deciding if somebody was worthy or not. It was better to be a mulatto than a dark skinned negro.
People often use the discrimination of the irish and Italians as a deflection. But they were still leagues higher on the totem pole than blacks.
Don’t call me a “rich leftist”
>emulate the practice and culture of blacks
africans didn't practice chattel slavery. slaves in africa had rights and were considered people, part of the family that owned them. it's a much more common form of slavery throughout history than the chattel slavery practiced in the american south. slaveholders weren't "emulating culture of blacks"
>In other parts of the world, once you were freed you could assimilate back into society. In America your skin was your status
That's absolutely not true.
Freed niggers weren't treated as slaves and there were a lot of negro slave owners
This "African slavery was different" is a gigantic cope which only exist because the narrative of le ebil slavers went to africa to capture the free negroes living in an egalitarianism social community got shat on
If it was ENTIRELY about skin color then, as is your claim, how was that, that the Irish were treated poorly? Irish people have white skin, and according to you the only absolute perquisite for mistreatment in the past is skin color, and culture was complete absent from the equation.
Except that many many many many pieces of documented history regarding the Irish, Italian and even French in the American colonies proves you very wrong.
>slaves taken as war prizes
>treated like family
Let me guess, american indians went around spreading cuddles and wuv's to each other for 13,000 years did they?
and the arabs?
Read this post: 1.) Freed slaves could absolutely be captured and taken back into slavery. It happened all the time.
2.) The number of black slave owners was minuscule. Barely reaching the double digits.
3.) freed slaves were absolutely treated like shit. Are you forgetting Jim Crow, literacy tests, the grandfather clause, etc… Being black made you less than human.
Being a slave in africa was leagues better than being a slave in America. Hell, being a slave in Africa was better than being a “free” black man in america.
You? You didn't do shit except prove my point
not white, not relevant. Get with the program. Only whyte ppl bad. The Arabs who still execute homosexuals in public and involuntarily circumsize their daughters they're the good guys who we need more of.
Same as Indians, whose base Hindu Philosophy says that the universe has four levels, and those born on the lower levels are worse than dogs.
These two cultures are absent from critique for some strange reason...
Being Irish was better than being black. That’s all I have to say. I’d rather be an Irish/Italian than a black in 20th century America.
>not white, not relevant
Thats the reason. Arabs and Indians don’t rule the world, Whitey does. Simple as. America is ruled by whitey, so whatever discrimination that whites commits in America is more relevant than some brown shithole.
Stop deflecting
mmmm yes and your historical knowledge of the topic and period is clearly very vast, you're obviously very qualified to make such a statement with any certainty.
You are gravely mistaken, sir. Blacks were treated like property that was owned while Irish were treated like rental property.
We've always had cucks even in ancient times
This might be difficult for you to keep up, but um, you realize we're discussing the past right?
This isn't a CNN article on the current Ukraine conflict user.
Slavery good, gotcha.
I knew I had seen that face before
>but um, you realize we're discussing the past right
Stop talking like that. And how does the time period change what I said?
You're a complete fucking idiot, and brainwashed by Post-Structuralists as i correctly identified.
Please return to your safespace and cry about Donald Trump or something
niggers are a disease
Whites rules/ruled the western world. So whatever bad things whitey does/did are more relevant than brownoids being brownoids.
Explain how I’m wrong.
um sweatie, nothing bad ever happened to white people in the past ok?
The world was at peace, and everyone (brown skin only) hugged and loved one another, lived in peace with animals.
then out of nowhere one day whitey came to being and invented slavery out of nowhere.
- History according to this retarded user ITT
America is ruled by Jews. I'm half Jew it's obvious
The thing is, is that whatever bad things happened to whites were caused by other whites. And the bad things that happened to browns were also caused by whites.
You're wrong, because you are completely one dimensional. You don't actually give a fuck about LGBT rights or women's rights, unless the context is in your own country, not a middle eastern country.
You don't actually oppose caste systems or slavery, unless its done by white people. The 1.3 billion people currently living under a caste system in India, today in 2022, are irrelevant to you. Because you don't actually in principle disagree with slavery. You simply disagree with the American (not even broader European) historical practice of it.
You're a brainwashed hack, that is absent of any intelligent thought or critical thinking skills and who is obsessively US-centric its insane.
No-one tell this kid about the Second Sino-Japanese war. Going to really cook his tiny noodle that Wikipedia article.
>The number of black slave owners was minuscule. Barely reaching the double digits.
Why was their existence tolerated then? Seems like it would've been very profitable to simply take his slaves and him by your narrative.
>Being a slave in africa was leagues better than being a slave in America.
What a major cope. Stop pretending you wouldn't care if slavery in America was marginally better.
>Hell, being a slave in Africa was better than being a “free” black man in america.
The why didn't they go back? Liberia is right there
>Arabs and Indians don’t rule the world, Whitey does
That's so retarded it hurts. Whitey didn't rule the Ottoman Empire.
Stop dodging the point