Why do jewish critics dislike The Northman?

Why do jewish critics dislike The Northman?

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Nazi tranny spammer incoming

>complains of the writing
>writes like a retard

All people are the same, they value history and the authentic representation of it. Others, are not people.

>oy vey what do you mean lox isn’t what you shmear on a bagel

>sententious lingua franca
The pot calling the kettle a nigger.

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How does this faggot not know what fair locks are? Did he also have trouble following the simple revenge plot?

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what research? Why are critics pretending this is a serious academic work just because there isnt blacks?

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He complains how they talk but probably loves Shakespeare

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Research of know accurate things about norfs

sounds like a based movie based on the headline

Does this fucker like anything? I swear every review I've ever read from him has been negative.

He’s just like us.

dudes are fighting shirtless with wolves on their heads, I'm not expecting realism, it looks ok and brutish and that's it

That was the realism

goyish critics did too, the movie bombed

get fash, go rash

Damn that’s a lot of shill threads. Focus Features must must be desperate.

Because they fear us, & project that fear onto their non-white golems. Everyone knows there is nothing half as terrifying in this world as a Caucasian male who is truly a honest, honorable, & loyal - loving your kin and hating your enemies cannot be separate. They are the same thing. There is no race on Earth who even comes close to the capabilities of Caucasians in warfare & creativity. Beyond that, the Jews and all other non-whites can never understand the depth of a film like this. Only the master race can.

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The Turdman flopped so of course they are

>[cries in caucasian]

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too much testosterone for the søyed

Because they know cinema better than anyone and The Söyman is a mediocre wankfest

man that fighting look insanely bad wtf

Is it really like this throughout the whole thing?

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>just a bunch of research and gore

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i thought jews were supposed to be verbose lmao

thesaurus MAXXED

this nigga obsequious af

The New Yorker is the official publication of sniffing your own farts

If anything the average Jewish paid critic likes it more than the average audience.

You’re just trying to get people on here to praise a shit film by saying some random jew dislikes it

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Why do cumskins have the same exact mentality as their kike enemies?

Does it really not make you want to kill yourself that you have dedicated your life to anime forum discord "campaigns"?

he threw the whole damn thesaurus in

And you, the guy on 4channel, are someone who is so good at warfare and creativity. Show us what you got.

>bunch of gore
there was actually so little gore
I was actually nervous and expecting a much more uncomfortable film but Eggers is classy af and barely indulged in any gore
fuck I hate ppl like this

>If I sound smart and use big words to pad what I'm saying the goyim won't know it's bullshit
Ah yes, a classic from the bag of Jewish tricks

Jews are caucasian retard.

"Fair lox" only realised later it meant "Fair locks." Is he fucking retarded? I understand needing to watch a movie with subs; I do on on TV because I hear at different frequencies than most ppl and can hardly understand dialogue with other noise in the background in stereo output. But it's literally pronounced the same.

Looks like it's just another hamlet clone and the trailer reminds me of retarded music videos.

Didn't they say he couldn't unsheathe his sword during the day? So how the FUCK did he unsheathe it at the end?

when you're at the gates of Hel the rules don't apply

u fukin shittin on me tits, m8? i mean, that's what i thought but really? is that an actual norse myth thing?

>gay balding jewish loser has bad taste

what else is new


the clip showed all the fighting scenes but final and a a surprise one.

I love how film incorporated a magic sword into its story.

because the sun was coming down I thought

>translator's note: lox means locks

Vikangz memethology is cringe designed to separate j secure white Americans from their money, so good question

I guess. You can't tell what time it is when you're in the volcano is what the logic would be.

They're semites you fucking retard

Ukrainians maybe, but Russians? Kek

same ethnic group

I like how you fags live in fear of it

This kike's review of A Quiet Place is the most jewish thing I've ever read


>the silently regressive politics of a quiet place
Yeah, not reading that m8. I prefer not wanting to gouge my eyes.

>Jewish guy hears "fair locks"
>Instantly thinks of smoked salmon and blames the movie for his confusion

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Just looking at that logo I assume that's a "man" who would rape women while thinking he's a feminist.

>rival naval power
Phoenician Navy doesn't like competition

Jews are white tho

That reviewer is based as fuck and everything he says is accurate.