What other kinos should I watch if I want to feel dead inside?

What other kinos should I watch if I want to feel dead inside?

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that movie is funny as fuck , both on a conceptual and a scene-to-scene gags/gaffs level. if you thought it was sad you were literally filtered and the movie is making fun of you

>he thinks a movie has to be exclusively sad or exclusively funny

All Kubrick movies have soulless characters. Not complaining. You could watch Come and See or Stalker too.

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netflix show Dark

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

ok retard you were filtered and outing yourself.
notice how much of a shapeless sideshow everyone but him is from the film's perspective. the point of the movie is to depict a comically disgusting, incessant overly-in-his-head narcissistic passive loser who is gross and feeling sorry for himself to the point of absolute detachment from reality. the moral of the story is that being like that is really bad. something that well adjusted people know innately but is healthy to get reminded of.

good movie, funny movie, i wouldnt watch it again. i think kaufman is indulgent and annoying. like wes anderson. good movie though.

"Don't look up" made me really sad.
I saw Op-pic, for me - it's a movie which tries to make you sad, but actually can't.
Also - watch German "We are the night".

I love depression core where everything starts out normal before devolving into absolute nonsense. Evangelion for me


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anything on tv sadly

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It's a bit more sad when you remember Michelle Williams was dating Heath Ledger when he died just 2 years before this came out.

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I was obsessed with it for a while. It's very deeply layered, like even from the first scene. Kaufman said it was supposed to be a horror movie at first. I can't really watch it anymore.

The Leftovers is essential and true depressionkino (unlike the OP which is a satire of the depressed)


Kaufman can't not self insert himself into anything he writes, no matter what the original idea was, changing the original idea completely.

I Stand Alone
The Seventh Continent
A Short Film About Killing
The Ascent
Cargo 200
Oslo, August 31st
Heaven Knows What

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i sincerely hope this user is right and its actually high satire, not kaufman being a shithead. no one can be this annoying..... right ???

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. I like Kaufman but even if if he's being ironic there's too much projection for him not to actually feel the the way his characters do

Stroszek, trust me.


why does Kaufman feel the need to attack me personally?

he probably asks himself that very question.

because youre a loser and need to start acting better

Maybe I'm just desensitized but I didn't feel like anything in the movie was that shocking. I liked the concept but it was pretty tame for having a reputation of "one of the most fucked up movies ever made". I'm not trying to be edgelord, you don't really see anything and the effects aren't particularly graphic

Dear Zachary.
Leaving Las Vegas
pic rel

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patrician post

How do you pronounce that and what is it about


Thank you

Its the friendship of the girls really. It’s like they destroyed something pure and innocent


the ice storm

mccabe and mrs miller

Agreed mostly. But just because the character isn't well adjusted or healthy doesn't mean it can't be sad. Flawed character =/= its a pure comedy you retard. + there are more elements to the film that people can relate to.

Not a fan of anime but seen this recommended a lot. I've heard there is an entire series + multiple films. Do you have to watch all of them?

>muh movie is making fun of you
wow so mature

I've seen the series, even skipped some of the later filler bits, and End of Evangelion. I feel like I've seen all I need to get the references. The other films don't seem to have introduced any new characters.

MCU dreck

What do you recommend then? Can i watch End of Evangelion alone or will it not have the same effect?

have to? no you piece of shit, it's entertainment
you don't even have to watch a single episode

Series first, then EoE. It's only 20-odd episodes.

EoE is stupid, don't do that
you should watch the 26 episodes of the original show and then EoE at the end and that's it
ignore all the other wank that's come out since, it doesn't matter
just watch the show and the end of evangelion
you don't have to like anime to like EVA, it's a masterpiece
I've seen about 10 full shows and I haven't watched a new anime since 2015, I still rewatch EVA every couple of years

Very cool
Thanks user ill keep that in mind

meant to say watching EoE on its own is stupid
you won't understand anything and you'll just spoil the ending
it's like watching the last 30 minutes of return of the king without having any clue about lotr beforehand

Intriguing ill watch it in that order then. Thanks user

it's just boring mechashit

but there is only a single episode with a mecha retard

It's a completely different movie when you watch it even just a few years later, the amount of details alone justify at least one rewatch


don't comment on shit you haven't watched shithead

watch it again bub

The first 20 minutes or so I thought were really good. Then the movie goes off the deep end and it becomes very silly very quickly

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It's more like Sin-Eck-D'Key

sympathy for mr vengeance might be the saddest film ever made, just non stop bad things happening to good people and a fuck you ending

You have to be pretty fucking desensitized to think Martyrs is tame. I challenge anyone to name a more fucked up film.

>A Serbian Film
Childishly edgy
Mild compared to Martyrs
Pretty disturbing, but it doesn't have the gut-punch effect that Martyrs has.
>Cannibal Holocaust
Hasn't held up very well
>The Human Centipede
Fucked up, but more of a super dark comedy

It's safe to assume you're either an edgelord, or your ability to feel empathy has become blunted for whatever reasons.