Is any director worse?
Snyder is terrible at casting
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Heard was pretty good in the role and was nice to look at. Miller is a dumb bitch that can rot in hell.
>Snyder doesn't participate in cancel culture
I don't see a problem here. OP gargles poop from the toilet.
Amber is so good
Amber: crazy psycho white girl
Ezra: crazy violent jewish guy
Its almost like Zack "the Chad" Snyder is trying to tell us something
/pol/ please go back
I cannot comprehend how miller got this role
that was the second post zoomer
Just like he gets any role, sucking Jew producer cock
snyder is also a niggerlover lmao
Disgusting nigger. stop committing crimes.
Half of the bottom cast is irrelevant.
All the cast in the top are memorable.
i remember when all the dickriders here were trying to pretend his performance was anything other than embarrassing and reddit
Franco is a fag
Also Ray Fisher
That man is crazy
Snyder made Aquaman a Hawaiian hapamutt and added Cyborg to the JL purely because of diversity
Top picture looks so extremely 90s/early 2000s.
Second pic is a great cast, Holland is just a horrible Peter Parker.
Second pic is ugly.
James Franco mogging everybody wtf
>Second pic is a great cast
It isn't. And those Amerimutt goblinos are irrelevant in their own movies. Only Zendaya is slightly, SLIGHTLY more prominent
Isn't it funny how you have to play motte and bailey and strawmen every single argument by acting like your histrionic bullshit is what someone is actually talking about?
To me it says two things: Either you don't understand your opposition's point, or you're a disingenuous piece of shit twisting it because you know you can't refute what they're actually saying.
Franco rapes women dumbass
isn't it funny how you're crying over black background characters?
Still ignoring the point, user.
They don't fit the role. Catwoman wasn't a hottie and a black guy playing a good joker clone makes no sense.
there is no point. you're literally just an autist throwing a tantrum because there are black characters.
>background characters
Like the other post said, disingenuous piece of shit.
Background characters that get close ups? Try some other acrobatics.
>Catwoman wasn't a hottie
>a black guy playing a good joker clone makes no sense.
Ezra is a better Flash than Grant Gustin which is all that matters
I obviously didn't mean selina and gordon you dumb fuck.
>mayor that was in like 3 scenes
She really isn't.
looked great in the movie and that's all that matters.
That picture has those characters, so you were apparently a blind motherfucker or, as the post said, being a disingenuous piece of shit ignoring the parts that didn't support your whining about people criticising "background characters."
>bad casting
>in real life
Because black people are the most criminally disposed and violent people in real life. And Kravitz is a little ugly mutt. Not some iconic babe that people will forever be jerking it to.
That's because they had to dip her in a vat of makeup, put a wig on her, and buff her outfit with a small factory's worth of padding. You aren't attracted to her, you're attracted to cotton and coloured face oil.
most women look like shit without makeup. I discovered this when I was 8 years old visiting my friends house and seeing his "hot" mom with and without makeup.
Jackie Earl Hayley in Watchmen was literally perfect. But by the same token, Carla Gugino was awful. I think he just likes to reuse actors he enjoys working with, regardless of how well they fit that role.
I'm aware, but there are also degrees to that, user. You're also ignoring the wig and the super padded outfit. Point is, all that work just to achieve a meh at best version of Selina.
>casting a retarded actress only famous for looking pretty is good casting
>51% of murders committed by black people
>52% of robberies committed by black people
>meh at best
she looks very similar to modern selina in the movie and that's what matters, I don't give a fuck about makeup and padding. only thing I would have liked more is if they gave her green eye contacts.
Carla Gugino is literally Snyder's mistress. Very public one, also. She is in literally every one of his movies. In the DC movies she is the voice of Superman's tech shit.
Not actually attractive women. Makeup doesn't give them big natural boobs, slim curvy bodies, fat butts, and pretty faces.
Go take your meds, Pol.
>niggers commit egregious amounts of crime irl
doesn't matter in a fictional movie.
>casting a retarded actress only because she's black and suits the jewish agenda is good casting
The hot chick is better all day everyday.
here's a better picture