Robin was a great man, a rare treasure who blessed the earth and everyone in it

Robin was a great man, a rare treasure who blessed the earth and everyone in it.

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I’ll never be over it.

Robin didn't kill himself.

at least we have his movies, except the one where he played a fag peado.

I heard he was kind of an asshole.

People from San Francisco hated him

>My then wife
She probably left this faggot because he cries when celebrities die

>cried into my then wife’s arms for an hour
Kyle’s wife cringed so hard she actually divorced him. Brutal.

lmao this
Only times my gf has seen me cry is when her dad died and when we watch war kinoes.

For me it's gotta be The Fisher King

You cried when HER dad died?

What was going through Robin Williams head just before he died?


>boo boo i’m so rich and famous but i’m still going to kill myself and ruin my families lives instead of just putting up with le “depression”

It was a degenerative nerve disease he had, I believe

lol what a faggot. I didn't cry around my wife when my mom died last year. I cried in private, everytime i took a shit like a real man.

Crying over the loss of any relative at all, any person, or god forbid any animal , makes you a faggot. Sorry.


Shit that Never Happened: The Movie

>repressing your emotions to placate some bitch
You're all faggots.

My friends say Robin Williams and Jim Carrey movies are cringe. How can I call them faggots without ruining our friendship?

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His wife didn't divorce him. She became his husband instead

Who did it

Count yourself lucky for having friends with a semblance of taste.

this. no one matters except for me and no ona probably gives a shit about anyone anyways. even kids are just a way of showing off and expecting gibs from them down the line (after they've grow up into a nice little waggie).

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Nah Liar Liar is good.

your friends are based non NPCs who never adopt the latest reddit celebrity to pretend they love like a deity

he was strangling himself while jacking off to enhance orgasm. but he strangled himself for just slightly too long

Ted Cruz



Robin just seemed like he had massive demons in his closet

death comes to us all and there's nothing to be done

I wish this creation never came into being

>when he died I cried into my then wife's arms for a full hour
This is an elaborate troll isn't it? kek


>>boo boo i’m so rich and famous but i’m still going to kill myself and ruin my families lives instead of just putting up with le “depression”
dude had a degenerative neurological disease that causes depression and hallucinations.

you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

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yeah don't cry in front of women

Soulless automatons calling others npcs for having souls, now I've seen everything

So that's a bullshit story, right?

Call them faggots to their faces. They'll probably just laugh

so he died hard?

Who do you think?

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he was pretty notoriously a raging addict his whole life

based son of dob

>my then wife’s
There’s the real story.

the night listener?

My grandma died of Lewy Body. I took care of her during COVID. She was suffering everyday and would ask God to take her in her prayers. She had awful tremors that would keep her awake. She lived with that for ten years. Why would you want that for someone ?

Sorry to hear, buddy :(

Jews, obviously

Grandfather was a worthless cunt and I didn't cry when he died, and I wont cry when either of my parents die, and I can't imagine crying when any of my other relatives die to be honest.

But we had a cat for 18 years and I did cry a whole lot when she died.

Jim Carey movies were fantastic

The Truman Show is unironically one of the greatest movies ever made

I wouldn't have understood what was going on if you didn't hi light all that shit, thanks

>The Truman Show is unironically one of the greatest movies ever made
I've been saying this since it was released.

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If you cant call your friend a faggot without them acting like a faggot are they really even your friend?

>my then wife

Lmfao. Left him for crying like a bitch over some dudes death he barely knew

Uhh user, it's actually only acceptable to cry in one of those scenarios. I'll let you figure out which, unless you read the rest of this sentence where I tell you it's the war kinos one.

>only had daughters
>quickly became completely paralyzed in about five years
>lost ability to walk
>got put into a retirement home despite being in his 40s
>lost ability to move
>wife cucked him and had two sons while taking care of him
>lost ability to speak
>family came to see him once a week at best
>lost ability to swallow food or even his own spit
>cunt wife and daughters tried to keep him alive as a fully conscious vegetable as long as possible because um le science man said so
I know you're internet tough trannies, but I felt really bad for him.

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Its true.
I was a bitch and wrecked my hand and got surgery on it, at its worse state I was crying about the pain and being scared about not being able to use my hand, to my girlfriend. She had lied and told me she wanted to see me cry so I let it out.

A couple of months later as soon as I was all healed, she more or less left me. I am convinced it is because I cried in front of her. She saw me as a bitch ever since that day and I can’t blame her. Lesson learned, at least.

imagine being that deluded, obviously a lefty.

>cried a little bit in front of a group of five female colleagues when my grandma died
>end up fucking three of them shortly after
>all of them said that me being emotional is really attractive
Did you drool and leak snot everywhere? I've never had issues crying in front of women, gfs or future one night stands.

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That's too convenient of an answer

You are clearly a different type of person if you’re banging 3/5 of your female coworkers dude, fuck off


Don't listen to those fags. It's ok to cry when another man you have a bond with dies. Just so long as you're not faggoty about it.

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Cause he was handsome, hairy, and funny, so he kept stealing people's boyfriends there

What about a woman?

It doesn't count as crying if nobody sees it.
When my pet died, I carried a little bottle of eye drops in my pocket so I could get rid of the redness any time I had to go in public. People just thought I was tired

Thank fuck they underlined the heckin wholesome parts in red so I knew what to upvote

>my then wife

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Robin Williams actually had a reputation in the comedy scene of stealing jokes from other comics, to the point of saying the same joke Ray Romano used on Jay Leno the night before

>There's a reused joke among comics: "Robin Williams was watching a comic on stage and didn't like any of his material. So he stole his watch."

Only wife and blood relation

Robin Williams stole a joke from Ray Romano about Robin Williams stealing jokes? So he told a joke about himself in the third person?

Do Americans really?

>long hair and shitty beard
>grand strategy, "art" and "history" enthusiast
>started noticeably becoming fat at the time
>got laid a lot less when i was a clean shaven, with a nice haircut and nice clothes
You have no excuse.

He never played it

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